Me, a mixed race person of color who doesn't sunburn or freckle, reading how all the white folk in the comments have the same mark.
"Hmmm...I'll be damned."139 1 ReplyIt is now your duty to inspect all white people for this mark & care for the ones unlucky enough not carry it.
This honor is not to be taken lightly, you are now a leader undertaking grave responsibilities.
38 1 ReplySo how many people knew about this shared freckle badge? I apparently am defective as I didn’t get stamped with it at birth, maybe my mom forgot to check that option at the dealership. Maybe this means I’m a reptilian or am a member of the illuminati. Or who knows maybe I sliced it off in my youthful escapades and shenanigans. Oh well, just another club I’m not a member of.
5 0 Reply
Hate to break it to you. Im 100% Jamaican.
26 0 ReplyNew paper bag test just dropped
11 0 ReplyI am not even white and I have it. Although it is a bit closer towards the wrist than this pic.
5 0 ReplyI am mixed race, half Indian and I have it
1 0 Reply
95 2 ReplyDude this pic could've waited until your poo was finished
123 0 ReplyBut then they wouldn't be living up to their username.
65 0 ReplyJust be glad i wore my clean pair of boxers today
48 1 ReplyCould it though?
6 0 Reply
Nice dick, bro.
20 0 ReplyI hope the shutter sound was turned off
15 0 ReplyYou went to the toilet just to take this photo. Don't take it as a criticism, I would have, too.
4 0 ReplyNo i was actually at work browsing lemmy on the toilet. Didn't think it would hit this hard lol
4 0 Reply
At least in the USA, it's probably due to having been alive long enough for sun damage to cause a freckle on the side of your body nearest the car window while driving.
84 3 ReplyI'm in the UK. We drive on the opposite side, freckle in the exact spot on my left arm, nothing on my right.
32 0 ReplyOh dang. Good point.
3 0 Reply
I mean... I've never driven a vehicle that didn't have tinted windows (the heat reduction benefits are huge), but then the sun wants me dead anyway; I spent a week in a southern state and suddenly had freckles in places that never saw the sun.
18 0 ReplyWe oldsters learned to drive in cars for which open windows were the only air conditioning.
11 0 Reply
I’ve had mine since before I started driving ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I noticed in my late teens I had a lot of freckles on the left side of my body and very few on the right, and I didn’t start driving until I was 22. I did spend 2 years in high school with a much darker tan on my right arm from hanging my arm out the window of a boyfriend’s car with no AC, but still have more left-arm freckles.
9 0 Reply
Not sure if this counts
53 0 ReplyYou’re more freckle than human.
31 0 ReplyHe's more ginger now than man; twisted and evil.
9 0 ReplyI'm one of the day walkers, blonde w/ freckles
7 0 Reply
Cool watch
2 0 Reply
Which one are we talking about here?
44 0 ReplyCheck out this overachiever
40 1 Reply
43 0 ReplyLike solving where is Waldo
46 0 ReplyGot a lil tzeetch on ya
11 0 Reply
I have it. This is sorcery.
40 0 ReplyScared gay panicking
40 0 ReplyOh that one is a gay freckle
18 0 ReplyYou can tell because it’s round, not straight 🧐
8 0 Reply
Ok serious question: how does your arm look gay? I'm intrigued and confused
9 0 ReplyOh I meant I'm gay and panicking 😂
18 0 Reply
ITT: .world’s image hosting costs are doubled
38 0 ReplyDont you guys remember? We were all there. That's where they put the bees in.
37 0 ReplyWhy ?
37 0 ReplyEdit: it’s faint, but it’s there
35 0 ReplySir, this is a leg.
49 0 ReplyHarambe?
10 1 ReplyImposter!edit: nvm I see the proof now!7 0 Reply
Generational secret
26 1 ReplyIt's how the government stops foreign mind control signals from interfering with domestic signals. Kinda like a SIM card for the governments.
7 0 Reply
What the fuck why is this correct
35 0 ReplyBecause almost everyone has a fuckin random ass freckle somewhere.
29 1 Reply
Why do you gather us like this bröther?
33 0 ReplyIt's for The Singularity. Creepio's got us covered, relax.
3 0 ReplySkin constellations
2 0 Reply
30 1 ReplyYeah just checked I have it too. What the fuck!
17 1 Reply
What the fuck
27 0 ReplyYo bill Cypher. That's rad
7 0 ReplyHey, you're rad!
2 0 Reply
I have it too. That's actually insane. I'm born in Sweden.
Maybe it's the sign of everyone who agreed to be here on this planet and watch spectacular stupidy together.
26 0 ReplyMaybe they spun up the Matrix in '99 for real.
14 1 ReplyLooking around and nods.
6 0 Reply
Yeah let's do it
2 0 ReplyStupidity*
2 1 Reply
How to get a bunch of random people to take a picture of their arm and post it online.
Choice A: ask everyone to post take a picture of their arm and post it
Choice B: Make it completely absurd statement as if it were absolute truth thereby challenging everyone to prove you wrong
25 0 ReplyThere was a very fun defcon talk a while back about how easy it is to (among other things) create a convincing set of prosthetic fingerprints from social media posts showing off jewelry or handchecking vapes/guns/knifes/etc.
6 0 Reply
Probability of a freckle on any limb is going to increase with age. I'm 4/4, maybe 8/8 if you count both sides of each limb. So yeah, pretty good chance that others born before 1990 are going to have a freckle there.
25 0 ReplyNah, 1998 is when the aliens began switching to a new implant technology that does not leave a mark.
16 0 ReplyI have one and was born after 98 though. Why would they use old thech on me? Am I really that unimportant on them?
7 0 Reply
I have never seen so many forearm pictures in a single place before.
Also I have it too reee.
24 0 ReplyMy inbox has been almost 100% forearms for 24 hours, and it's still going.
11 0 ReplyIf you are a 90s kid you have this freckle on your
armboobs13 0 Reply
Wrong arm, but do we count it?
22 0 ReplyYou can't fool me, that's a right arm!
14 0 ReplyIt's a left arm, OP just mirrored the image for some reason
2 0 Reply
We can also identify you by the unique wood grain pattern on your floor.
I mean, also by the freckles federal database and optical the sensor noise pattern registry
2 0 ReplyTbh, you could just google my name and find me in abooouuuut 3 seconds haha. I just thought it was funny.
1 0 Reply
I have like 12 freckles on that arm, does that mean I was born in 1880?
23 1 ReplyYeah that math works out
9 0 ReplyBecause the '90s were 10 years ago you mean?
5 0 Reply
Mine is on my right arm do I need to go see a doctor?
20 0 ReplyMirrored freak, go back to your sinister quicksilver realm and leave us be
31 0 ReplyMine too, maybe it’s right arm for women??
5 0 ReplySo you're the reason things have been so off lately.
5 0 Reply
I don't have it! What's wrong with me??
19 0 Reply43 0 ReplyBorn in the 80s also don't have it.
3 0 Reply
Whæt the fuck? How common is that?
19 0 ReplyFreckles are the only way to tell eople and robots apart. Everyone has at least one freckle on their left arm. If they don't, they're a robot.
34 0 ReplyI’m a robot but have thousands of freckles on my left arm. We overcompensated a little bit.
21 0 ReplyIs that what they told you? C'mon, I thought you androids were supposed to be smart. The freckles are obviously marks they put on robots. Humans don't have them.
5 0 Reply
I'm a pretty heavily freckled person, but damn if I don't have a pronounced, solitary freckle precisely at this location on my left arm.
I bet it's related to driving with my left arm hanging out the window. In the US at least, people who do that have their left arm over-exposed to sun damage.
19 0 ReplyTrucker arm seems to be a thing worldwide.
7 0 Reply
Well I've learned one thing from this thread: Either Lemmy is mostly white people or almost everyone else isn't silly enough to to take a photo of their arm.
18 0 ReplyI wasn't going to because of identifying tattoos, but you goaded me successfully. Besides, I'm extremely proud of my tats.
7 0 ReplyThat password is not very secure, you should come up with a longer one
1 0 Reply
Yep, it's there alright
18 0 ReplyGod damn it
18 0 ReplyMine has a double triangle, I am the triforce
18 0 ReplyDouble triangle? That's a bi-force
1 0 Reply
18 0 ReplyChecking in from uk
6 0 Reply
Rut roh... I've got three of them.
18 1 ReplyThe chosen one!
16 1 Reply
Welcome to survivor bias land.
(I don't have it.)18 1 ReplyI think we all know what to do...
7 0 ReplyI don't. Do you need silver or fire for changelings?
4 0 Reply
Hey quick question what the fuck
17 0 ReplyWtf
16 0 Reply'85 and I don't have this freckle.
18 2 ReplyInterloper!
7 0 ReplySus
7 0 ReplyBorn in '84 i also don't it.
2 3 Reply
Bro wtf
15 0 ReplyI dont have it, Im black, I got one on my bicep tho!!!
Can I join the club now??
15 1 ReplyOf course!
3 0 Reply:D
2 0 Reply
Born in 90's freckle confirmed
14 0 ReplyYo nice ink you go there, what is it meant to be if you don’t mind me asking.
2 0 ReplyIt looks like a Maya glyph
1 0 Reply
This is awakening a sort of core memory in me. It was some vaccination wasn't it?
17 3 ReplyNo. People who are older than that have a smallpox vaccination scar on the shoulde from the vaccines in 1958-1977.
The arm thing is just an urban myth and plays on confirmation bias. Almost everyone have a freckle there for no good reason.
However.... Mexicans actually have a tuberculosis vaccination mark on the arm, but most other countries didn't need to vaccinate against that.
That's how these myths spread, part truth+loads of bullshit.
19 0 ReplyNah, I got the BCG back in the 80s, and I'm in the UK. So definitely not just Mexicans. That is one nasty vaccination, by the way. Do not recommend the experience.
5 0 ReplyNone of us 1971 kids got the smallpox scar. Discontinued in 1972 (US). Whew.
3 0 ReplyYeah it’s just because was in the sun a lot in high school because I was a lifeguard back then lol
2 0 Reply
13 0 ReplyAYO Wtf
13 0 ReplyI've reported you to the police.
13 0 ReplyFloor gang, whattup
3 0 Reply
13 0 ReplyNew photo challenge. If you were born after 1990 but are older than 18 {legal rider} and have two x chromosomes, you likely have two large features on your chest.
14 1 ReplyI'm in the club. Is there a handshake?
13 0 ReplyYou just rub your spots together.
10 0 Reply
90s rep
12 0 ReplyThe cat in the back is blurry. Do you have a better picture of it?
9 0 ReplyOf course ask and ye shall receive
Also there's a real cute video of orange boy biting in my post history
15 0 ReplyHe just looks like that
6 0 Reply
Me too! WTF? Why? I mean I can see that statistical it may just be a thing, but mine is exactly in the right spot.
12 0 ReplyIt's actually weird how I have the left forearm freckle, but nothing on the right arm. Is it from sticking your arm out while driving or something??
I don't even drive though so
12 0 ReplyIt's where the microchips went in.
7 0 Reply
11 0 ReplyYep. Me too.
11 0 Reply(looks at arms)
Now listen here you little shit!
11 0 ReplyI got a lot more than just the one. I've got so many freckles I have to undress to see my OG skin tone.
11 0 ReplySorry was born in the 80s so I don’t have this but have a cigarette burn from when my parent thought the window was open and it wasn’t and tried to flick there butt out the window for it to only go back at me. We laughed it off
11 0 ReplyRemarkably ubiquitous, it would seem, for children of the 80s.
Kids these days will never know the widespread, culturally accepted casual disregard for general safety, as it was. Which is probably for the best.
12 0 Reply
This is blowing my mind. I have one in the EXACT SAME spot.
11 0 ReplySon of a bitch...
10 0 Reply10 0 ReplyBut that's not a freckle??? That's a mole
10 0 ReplyDude what the fuck??
9 0 ReplyWtffff??? Are we clones?
9 0 ReplyYup I have it.
9 0 ReplyI have a freckle there, but it is not that freckle. Fake news.
9 0 ReplyWait you’re onto spending
9 0 Replyspending
3 0 ReplyI tried
3 0 Reply
I have it but on my right arm.
8 0 ReplyFound the Brit.
7 0 ReplySame, and I’m a ‘Merican who drives more often than passengers (?).
2 0 Reply
What the fuckery fucking witchcraft is this
8 0 ReplyWtf....i have it too
8 0 ReplyI have exactly that, but in my right arm.
Maybe its because I'm left handed...
8 0 ReplyUmm. I guess im really in the era?
8 0 ReplyI was born after the 90s and I have that
8 0 ReplyThey must've still been using the old model where you're from.
4 0 ReplyYou were the blue light special....
1 0 Reply
7 0 Replyi have one but im a freckly boy
7 0 ReplyYeah. Looked at my arm and thought "which one is the special freckle?"
4 0 Reply
7 0 ReplyAyooo
7 0 ReplyI have it. Is that where we were chipped as babies?
7 0 ReplyI've got 2, the freckle has broken containment and is multiplying
6 0 ReplyIt's actually on my right arm, but I'm a lefty so that makes sense.
6 0 Replywtf
7 1 ReplyMother fucker
6 0 ReplyDammit... WTF?
6 0 ReplyI was born in the 2000s and I have it
6 0 ReplySame
3 0 Reply
Holy shit it's true!
6 0 ReplyChecks out. Born in the 80s and I've got that freck. It has to be a vaccination mark, right?
8 2 ReplyNothing to do with vaccines. We are more likely to have sun exposure there because no AC in cars, though. Plus age generates freckles
3 0 Reply
Mine is on the opposite arm on the outside. I think I was borne backward
6 0 ReplyY'all it's sun exposure from driving. You're just old enough to see the damage.
9 3 ReplyI live in Australia and have the same one, checkmate amerocentrists
5 0 ReplyOkay, sure. Maybe it's not from driving specifically, but it is just from sun exposure. Which I hear Aussies get a fair bit of, yeah?
1 0 Reply
1 0 Reply
I don't have it... And was born in the 2000s. Check's out I guess?
6 0 ReplyI have it and was born exactly in 2000
And I'm not white (which seems to be a recurrent pattern)
4 0 Reply
My brother in christ
7 1 ReplyBorn way later and have it too
7 1 ReplyChecks out
5 0 Replyokay but did yours start closer to your wrist as a child and move closer toward the elbow over time?
6 1 ReplyAll the best freckles move.
9 2 Reply
Why didn't my parents tell me they took us all back to 1977 in a time machine?!
5 0 ReplyWas born close to the 90's, have a similar freckle much closer to the wrist. Is the late 2010's mark on the hand instead?
5 0 ReplyYikes!
5 0 ReplyNah but a fresh tick bite. This means I'm from the future
4 0 ReplyNo frackle here. Does this mean I have been lied to and I am actually much younger?
4 0 ReplyThat's what I'm suspicious of. But I remember my 5th birthday quite well, and it was definitely before 2000
2 0 Reply
Joke's on you, mine isn't a freckle at all. It's a cherry angioma.
4 0 Replythat's freaky
4 0 ReplyForearmed is forewarned.
4 0 ReplyMore like, if you were born at any time in history, you have this freckle on your left arm.
4 0 Replyconfirmed
3 0 ReplyNope! But you did make me look.
3 0 ReplyWhich one?
3 0 ReplyI fucking do!
3 0 ReplyWhat a hell!? I have mine on right hand.
3 0 ReplyIt is true!
3 0 Replyin the '90s*
3 0 Reply90's, South-East Asian
2 0 ReplyBorn earlier than the 90's, but I've got it on the right side.
2 0 ReplyWait what's on the carpet back there?
2 0 ReplyCan confirm.
2 0 ReplyI have a bunch of them, so what
2 1 Reply