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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • Well girocards will give the shop the permission to make a one time withdrawal of the amount displayed on the screen, if that money is in your account. If the money isn't in your account, the payment will not go through. Also if the shop wants to make a second withdrawal, you need to insert your card again and enter your (secret) pin again, they can't choose what's charged an when (only before you insert your card an pin, and only THIS transaction will be authorized).

    Its a pretty secure system, as (as long as the card terminal isn't hacked) you can't spend more than you have, you don't need to trust shops to only withdraw the agreed amount, and they can't charge you a second time. Also the spending shows up on your account balance normally within 1 or 2 days.

    From what I understand credit cards just let anyone make withdrawals of any amount, as soon as you know the numbers written on the card. So not only you need to trust the shop to withdraw only the correct amount, you need to keep track over you spendings really good, because they could just charge you an arbitrary amount of money on an arbitrary company name months after you gave them your details. Also from what I understand (normal) credit cards just will always work, and if you pay more than you have you just automatically accept a credit contract you need to pay back to your bank. Also (years ago, don't know if still true) payments get charged to your bank account on bulk at the end of the month, which makes security and not spending to much even harder.

  • I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • Yeah, this sounds reasonaboe, guess I habe to check if my Bank offers something like that. Credit cards are quite uncommon where I live, most people just use normal girocards for paying in shops and stuff (or physical money)

  • In the light of Snowden's latest post: What are your FOSS-AIs?
  • Your comment certainly feels like you look/kick down on people instead of giving them a helping hand getting up.

    With your attitude you are driving away people who want to do exactly what you want of them: educating theirselfs.

    You are being contra productive to your own demands is what I'm saying

  • In the light of Snowden's latest post: What are your FOSS-AIs?
  • I did read this part, and while this is generally true, there are use cases of such large models. Some of them require the input of personal data (find bugs in my code, formalize this email, scan this picture for text and translate it, draw an anime version of this picture of my friend tom)

    So people being weary of security implications of such large models are certainly not

    in a huge circle jerk that never ends, but refuses to understand how it all works.

    Sure you can just call them all dumb using ai like the mainstream (putting in personal data) and attribute it to an unwillingness to understand, but this doesn't match the reality. Most people don't even understand how an operating system functions, which components work online and which offline and who can access which of their information, let alone know how "AI" works and what the security implications are.

    So If people ask those questions, hoping there are alternatives they can use safely your answer "no, u just dumb, machine can't harm you, its not magic, just don't put in data in"

    Is not only rude but also missing the point. Most usefull/fun/mainstream ways DO in fact, put in data.

    You explaining basic models also doesn't help, as the concern here is not mainly/only the model, but american spy institution to access all prompts you did put in, maybe categorizing you in personality clusters dependent on your usage of language or assigning tags on which political stance a users has (and with entities like the NSA I could imagine far worse)

    Also "A model is a model" Is not very accurate in such cases. When someone has control and secrecy over each aspect of the model, it would be very well possible for entities like the NSA to manipulate the content the models puts out in arbitrary directions. A government controlling and manipulating information the public receives is a red flag for a lot of people (rightfully so IMHO)

    How are people supposed to get better in digital privacy topics if you just tell them to shut up and insult them when they aks questions trying to learn? You acting like you are in your Elfenbeinturm of genius isn't helping anyone.

  • In the light of Snowden's latest post: What are your FOSS-AIs?
  • There is a difference between a general scare about the AI buzzword and legitimate distrust in online services which are closely connected to american spying institutions (regardless if they are ai or not)

    If my calories tracker app would apoint a (former) NSA official on their board, I would be looking for alternatives too. This is not about AI, this is about a company with huge sets of private data being closely interconnected with american spy institutions.

    Sad that you don't seem to be able to distinguished between legitimate security questions and badly informed hypes/scares ass soon as a buzzword like AI occurs

  • Cool that that's your opinion, I have the opinion that one can generally judge actions by their nature. In my opinion raping someone is bad, Using nuclear warheads is bad, using the military against (any) civilians is bad, and especially if it is against your own people they are supposed to protect.

    This doesnt mean I have to have a black and white opinion which will never under any circumstances change, but I generally condemned such actions. The goal in my opinion must always be to move towards a peacefull and just society without oppression, if the outcome is the killing/opressing of your own people there is something fundamentally flawed with the system which needs to be addressed.

    To play the game:

    I have seen people call capitalists "left" because they wanna make "social democracy" capitalism, I have seen people called right wing who literally wanted a dictatorship without markets. Those terms can refer to anything an are meaningless in today's discourse.

    What would you do when the "doppelte ausrufung der republic" happens in Germany? Would you say the socialists there where right wing because a lot of them were in favor of (deeply controlled) capitalistic markets?

    --> you see, those ways of argumenting simply don't actually make a point.

  • You are not making a point by asking those questions...

    If you think those where legitimate actions but generally think of yourself not as an authoritarian kind of person and in your book you don't fall under the definition of tankie, you may very well think so.

    I believe many people would argue that if you are in favor of any kind of violence against the own civil populations with the army this brings you over the edge. But even if so, this doesn't make you as as person atankie, no questions asked, case done.

    You can be generally against nuclear power except in one very specific case, scientific long time submarines for example, this doesn't make you a nuclear enthusiast. In my oppinion its the same with tankie, but if you find an excuse for every or nearly all instances (by socialist/left/eastern block) it paints a picture that suggests you may be generally in favor of such measures if they are done by an entity you sympathise with, which would make the term fitting in my opinion

    If you believe the term can refer to entities who are not on the left wing side of the political spectrum, you may be in a minority. But one could of course take those positions... I would strongly disagree with this one personally though, and I don't think this is how a lot of people use the term. I think most people use it to describe a portion of the socialist/communist spectrum, again the boundary is blurry but the direction is quite clear. (which gives you the answer for most of your questiom btw.)

    Now let's turn the table:

    Do you think the terms "left-wing" and "right-wing" are meangless/useless?

    If not could you please define them for me?

    Edit: some typos Also: you keep referring to states, which of course helps some ways of your argumentation but I think its mostly used for people, not nations

  • So if I call a car a giraffe the word giraffe looses its meaning and becomes invalid?

    Misusage of terms doesn't cancel out the concept these words refer to lul

    If it would in would just call my bake rolls fascists, so the fascists go away

  • Woke: from civil right movement, someone who is weary of loyalty to the state and instead examines society/policy/politics himself. - in modern times used as slur against progressive and ecological conscious people by right wing people.

    Tankie: Someone who is authoritarian to a degree he sees using the army (tanks) against the own civilian population as a valid and legitimate action. Sometimes used as slur by people against those measures (or generally highly authoritarian top down approaches of state theory) or as (positive) self reference by people in favor of such measures (or generally highly authoritarian top down approaches of state theory)

    Don't know what your problem is defining both.

    EDIT: Not to be confused with "I know exactly who a tankie is and who isn't - my definition is 100% correct" or even "there are exact boundaries and conditions to what a tankie is"

    Its like "peace", " progressive", "right-wing", different people will give you different definitions, my point is, that there is a concept to which the word refers and different interpretations/ambiguities don't render the term useless simply by existing.

  • Not you
  • Beating the far right? Dude they are second strongest here in Germany, had massive gains and I live in fear I will see the second German fascism soon.

    What the guck do you mean beating them?

  • Disable VPN while browsing casual or leave running?

    Hey guys n gurls, I was wondering if it is smart to disable my VPN connection for casual browsing.

    Reasons: when having VPN constantly running it may be possible to track me via browser fingerprinting.

    Szenario: the connection coming from the VPN which hypothetically downloaded a torrent, tries to watch capitalist propaganda while living in China, etc.pp has this screen ratio, this locale, this addons etc. And (more important) the YouTube login cookie we know belongs to this physical person/telephone number etc.

    So I am wondering if I should only use the VPN when "needing" it (read articles not available in country, Netflix, read information government doesn't like, things like that.) Or if I'm missing something here and I could obscure my causal day to day browsing as well without decreasing the security of the VPN.

    For reference, the VPN doesn't log anything (for more than a day) to my knowledge

    EDIT: From what I understand from the comments: switching the VPN has little to no impact on widely used tracking and if at all makes it easier to corelate data. People emphasize the general lack of full privacy if you are wanted by entities willing to spend enough resources. But for the general need of privacy in normal usecases it makes more sense to just leave the VPN running.


    Exodus showing different permissions than system settings.


    Edit: got told by the kind folks in the community that this is expected and the sentence "can access position while in background" actually just means: will ask you for the permission to access the position from the background but only does so, if you allow it" - that's what I figured, but now im sure. Thanks for the clarification everyone!

    Hey guys n gurls,

    I recently learned about exodus, and installed it to check my apps. While exodus shows some apps (like bike computer for reference) are allowed to track my position (quite logically).

    The strange thing: in system settings it says seeing position is not allowed.

    Does this mean that the app wants those permissions but I don't granted them? Or are my system settings bricked? Is this because of lineage? Is this expected?

    Would greatly appreciate someone who understands this a little bit more to explain :)

    P.S: Is (the tracker part of) exodus even useful when i already use neo store which shows known tracker? Is this maybe even the same database?


    Alternativer Krams über Ostern

    Hallo liebe Wiener, ich bin über Ostern in der Stadt und wollte mal fragen ob ihr Gedanken habt was man sich als alternativer Mensch hier anschauen könnte/sollte. Bin zum ersten mal hier, es gibt also keine falschen antworten ;)

    Ob ein schöner Park, ne nette Kneipe, ein gutes punk Konzert dieses WE, ein sehenswertes museum oder sonst was, ich würde mich freuen von euch zu hören, was ich gesehen haben sollte bevor ich am Dienstag wieder fahre :)


    Is there a way to have a "card view" (auto expand pictures)?

    As the Title says, i am wondering if there is a way to have the pictures big enough that i can see them without clicking on them in my feed. At the Moment it looks like shown in the picture above



    Offtopic: can anyone tell me how to post/ crosspost in multiple communities at once?


    migrating memes from reddit

    This is a repost (but hopefully New in this site)
