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grrgyle grrgyle
Posts 2
Comments 1.2K
  • Hail and well meh-t!

  • Mood
  • This resource is dropping woke bombs left and right (I'm into it). Extremely rich text.

    ... societal interpretations of and responses to specific differences from the normed body are what signify a dis/ability.

    Not to glom onto this one pat definition, but it's one of the many paragraphs that jumped out at me.

    I still haven't got to any part that is specifically challenging using "polite" language when speaking to disabled people about their disabilities. But with your question about why I might consider the term disabled a slur, and these links, I think I'm getting there...

    EDIT: uhhhh nvm, the paragraph literally after the one I quoted goes into it, very specifically.

    Some advocate for People-first language (a person living with disability), while many disability activists advocate for identity-first language (a disabled person).

  • Statuesque Saw Whet
  • Look at those eyes! 👁️🔸👁️

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • If it's a busy one, would anyone even notice? Most people just get in and get out without even making a full circle. I think you'd be virtually anonymous.

    Unless someone else was riding the same roundabout for fun. Then you could invent little games to play with them

  • Mood
  • Thanks for the links. I will read them. I'll admit that my first reaction is to assume that speaking directly is rude, but I'm ready to do some unlearning.

  • Mood
  • Genuine question, because I don't have a confidant that I can comfortably ask this to, is that the general opinion of people with disabilities?

  • Mood
  • Lemmy hopescrolling!!

  • Mood
  • Here's your content, open up!

    a picture of a long haired cat with its mouth wide open looking at the camera

    It's my cat yawning, but it looks like he's screaming at me (which he does do around 17h, his supper time).

  • Mood
  • I started reading books and mags while pooping. I like it. Highly recommended.

    Just got to have system to make sure you don't do anything unhygienic to your reading material. I make sure to set it down before I touch myself. I touch myself.

  • Mood
  • Hmm that is a very good description of how I use social media. Fill up unstructured downtime, or to bridge a gap between two other activities (god forbid I go thirty whole minutes without stimulation lol)

    Then sometimes just hours and I come out of it feeling like total trash

  • Mood
  • Plus, voicing your opinions helps a lot to filter people (I'm struggling a lot with this though).

    This is massive. "Filtering" is the perfect way to put it. If you don't risk saying something potentially disagreeable, then no one will ever know who you are.

    That goes for both repulsive and inclusive ideologies, I guess, but I definitely prefer the latter (this is an example of one of your "filtering" statements - now spectators to this conversation know I value inclusivity).

  • Mood
  • Condolences. I've taken to going to the coffee shop to meet my friend. Yeah it's not free, but it's cheap. For games, that's a bit of a blindspot for me since I only play good games these days.

  • Mood
  • Can't read a book at the office? Working through a book whenever the queue was empty was one of the few pleasures of working retail/call centre

  • Mood
  • Time to grab your board (web navigator) and surf (follow hyperlinks) the web (more commonly, the graphical "internet"). Totally rippin the gnar, my gender indeterminate dudes (check out wikipedia). Yeaaaahhh (yes, emphatically)!!!

  • Biden admits to taking drugs before the debate.
  • Not American, but a furby surrounded by Biden's team would still be preferable to Trump to most people, so I'm not sure this changes much. Americans around here seemed to mostly be in the "hold your nose and vote for Biden" camp anyway. Not sure how representative that is.

  • Tonight's debate pop quiz...
  • Mfer are you going to try a coup or what! Crazy that this is a legitimate question

  • Coomitter be like
  • Yeah it sucks. If the commits are really helpful, you can just paste the git log into the PR/MR/CR body after it's been merged

  • Victory lap!
  • Ohh well this iss embarrassing....

  • Coomitter be like
  • Principle developer tip: rewrite history to make yourself seem smarter.

    Soft reset the whole branch and commit a series of atomic and semantic patches (eg separating code, test, and refactor changes) that tell a clean narrative of the changeset to reviewers, future blamers.

  • Time to move
  • If you've got family or an employer elsewhere they might be able to sponsor you

  • ✍️ Writing grrgyle

    Writing Club

    I've never been in a writing club but I'm interested in trying to get one going. Would anyone else be interested in giving it a go? I don't have to lead it, but will do so if no one else wants to.

    What I'm picturing:

    • Monthly check-in cadence
    • Everyone sets a personal goal, and then talks about how they did the previous month
    • No pressure other than what you want to take on to motivate you
    • Maybe some "assignments" in the vein of a creative writing class
    • I volunteer to send members reminder DMs to motivate them :)

    I was thinking I'd just start with this post - come up with a goal for myself to accomplish by end of June, and then check back sometime in the first week of July. If that sounds interesting to you, feel free to join in and comment with your goal, and any details you want to add.

    PS Also very open to writing club discussion meta. I'm new to this so wide open to suggestios, comments, critique, etc.



    @JacobCoffinWrites - goal @grrgyl - goal @hazeebabee - goal @Pip - goal


    Getting up today after failing yesterday

    Screenshot of Mario Kart for SNES with text reading "give up?" And two choices shown: "yes" and "no." The option "no" is selected. Luigi is also pictured on the lower half of the screen.
