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nifty nifty

smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

Posts 335
Comments 1.7K
They coming for reaction gifs now too?!
  • Eh I’ll wear what I feel like, fuck trends

  • Adopting a stray cat
  • OP:

    Is joke Haha

    Also OP:

  • It's been a week
  • Chug it chug it


  • Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse
  • Because their one black representative got bullied out. Meanwhile a white woman was PM for a long time (Merkel)

  • A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges
  • Maybe? I guess I want to know what efforts are made for integration. If you treat people as subhumans, they will hate their fellow countrymen

  • Rights for me, not for thee
  • I mean, if they ban only Islamic religious symbols but not crosses, bhindis, or yarmulkes then they’re just punching down on a vulnerable and powerless minority. A society is only as good as it treats its most vulnerable, otherwise their culture is “might is right”, which isn’t a culture per se.

  • Anon dates blind girl
  • This is so cute, anon is adorable

  • A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges
  • Are you saying she provoked them somehow, and they didn’t even know she was gay? I am just trying to clarify the point here

  • Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse
  • Germany needs more black politicians

  • Rights for me, not for thee
  • I think get what you’re saying. Freedom from religion should be codified in some manner, and atheism should be afforded the same protections and rights. Right?

  • A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges
  • Violent people should be brought to justice, this is unacceptable.

    There are many Muslim or Islamic immigrants who live in Western countries just fine, what happened here? Many Muslim and Islamic immigrants are LGBT+.

    The root cause of the issue in this incident should be examined, and if all else fails violent immigrants should be deported.

  • Microblog Memes nifty

    Might have bonded over one piece

    One Neighborhood’s ‘Bizarre Culture War’ Over Bike Lanes
  • Maybe someone should do a bike rickshaw service for folks in this community. Might be cute and fun, and create good will

  • One Neighborhood’s ‘Bizarre Culture War’ Over Bike Lanes
  • Biking has nothing to do with being poor, there are $5000+ bikes and many people who buy them. Go to any EU country, and people of all socioeconomic status bike. Rich, poor, old, young, pregnant etc.

  • I didn't sign up for this!
  • Ask Dall E to illustrate it for you

  • Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed
  • Bernie/AOC ticket 2024 plz

    Or 2028 if we still have elections then

  • Froggo rule
  • Your username is cursed

  • Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not).
  • People also smoke on the streets, and after a while my throat starts to get irritated from all the secondhand smoke

  • Froggo rule
  • He’s done nothing but bring you joy 🌈

  • Conservatives say Labour rivals heading for record-breaking UK election win

    As always, conservatives don’t live up to their “we’re going to make the economy strong!1” claims. Sadly, the UK Labour is more neoliberalism in action, and so will be promptly voted out next cycle.

    Shit libertarians say.
  • There’s nothing wrong with home schooling if kids are meeting or beating national standards. What people doing home schooling need to remember is that college admissions are competitive af, so as long as you plan for that home schooling isn’t necessarily damaging or detrimental for child education.

    Besides that, the U.S. needs higher national standards for stem at younger ages if the U.S. wants to train a globally competitive workforce. So while I respect individual rights to home school, I don’t think that home schooled students should ever be cut any slack on performance

    Here’s some data

    Though there are other reports which say that homeschooled students perform better than public school counterparts by wider margins, but it’s hard to say without looking at the data and comparison points directly. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense to compare rich homeschooled kids against poor inner city public school kids

    Edit: oh so the autist in me always forgets the social and emotional dev part, but that’s super important. As someone who was bullied in public school, I am not sure I have an endorsement for public schooling as a great place for social and emotional development. In fact, public schooling may even be detrimental for highly sensitive children.

    The key issue is that not every parent has the time or resources to home school, so the U.S. needs well funded and globally competitive public education because the few rich or well resourced home schooled kids are not going to encompass the entire U.S. workforce, or indeed carry the work of the entire nation on their shoulders

  • Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not).
  • German airports still do, have smoking rooms in fact

  • Le Pen first had success in an ex-mining town. Her message there is now winning over French society

    In the former mining town at the heart of French far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s political strategy, her party’s electoral success came as no surprise to hundreds of supporters who gathered to see her victory speech.

    Le Pen first had success in an ex-mining town. Her message there is now winning over French society

    Looking at her political views, you can see she is empathetic towards the French identity and favors (from her pov) patriotic ideologies. You can read more here:

    It makes sense why the French people are choosing RN—globalization and neoliberalism created a lot of socioeconomic “losers”, and they’re getting their revenge by voting out centrists whose policies are to blame. This is even is clearer looking at the next party that’s winning right now, the leftist and anti-cap socialists.

    8 Are Body Temperature and Depression Linked? Science Says, Yes.

    People with depression have higher body temperatures, suggesting there could be a mental health benefit to lowering the temperatures of those with depression.

    Are Body Temperature and Depression Linked? Science Says, Yes.

    Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan, kills in 48 hours Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan

    At the current rate of infections, the number of cases in Japan could reach 2,500 this year, with a mortality rate of 30%.

    Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan

    Thread with more comments, didn’t see it before:


    I am the outwitter!

    Couldn’t find anything with less pixels, please save to disk and remove resolution yourself ❤️
