Hey, those tapes are community property. Stop trying to commercialize justice.
Naming a rocket the Long March is ... A choice for sure.
Yeah it's been slang for decades
If there's one thing fascists hate, it's people tuning out of their antics and burying their heads in the sand while they start setting up concentration camps.
Drives them bananas.
I n c o r r e c t A g a i n
They aim for gradual legislative change in a capitalist hellscape. Both are stated democratic socialists.
Personally, I think they're fucking dreaming, but they're doing what they can.
Everything within the corporations, nothing outside the corporations, nothing against the corporations.
10th anniversary
No, that can't be right.
I think this beyond a dump truck. This is like the trash barges America uses to ship garbage to poorer countries.
I want to like DF but then I get annoyed at having to tell the dwarves literally every single thing to do
You're grown ass dwarves
Figure out that we're done making turtle soup.
Retail slave.
Well, they probably make more than a librarian and don't have to fundraise.
Inb4 drive failure
And five minutes of ads.
Either the bread is godly or that nuke someone mentioned is a mercy killing
Google tells me it's actually glutton but I like yours better
It do be like that when you assassinate your accusers
You have to assume meaning when people aren't using words correctly.
All capitalism is anti-progressivism, and you will never catch that football until you figure that out, Charlie Brown.
That's great and all, but it means nothing to race theorists.
Biblically Accurate Italians killed God.
I guess now we know what all of the predator-deterring eyes on the angels are for.
I Want Off This Ride, the Engineer Went to Trump University
Also, someone should check Biden for signs of elder abuse. Why does he flinch when Pelosi enters the room?