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Aussiemandeus Aussiemandeus
Posts 45
Comments 1.5K
Wednesday it is, my dudes.
  • Hmm I thought we all know frogs go La De Da De Da?

  • How many bites are in a sandwich?
  • I like crust too though

  • How many bites are in a sandwich?

    Typical two pieces of bread with something inside.

    I think 9 bites, unfortunately with only one bite in the centre being crustless.

    NT passes law to lower age of criminal responsibility to 10 years old
  • No, a child who steals assaults rapes needs to be removed from what ever environment they're in and placed elsewhere to teach them right from wrong.

    Unless you think they will magically learn themselves because their parents don't care

  • NT passes law to lower age of criminal responsibility to 10 years old
  • Come live with the crime and not your ivory tower mate

  • 'Should Shame the World': Famine Takes Hold in Gaza as Israel Cuts Off Food Imports
  • Hell if the cost of living keeps going up there will be famine in my house.

    At the moment it's to hard to make ends meet at home to care about the rest of the world

  • Proposal for a new environmental tax on frequent flyers to curb emissions
  • That isn't very many flight's is it?

    Fly home for Christmas and fly on one holiday you get the tax.

    You know who wouldn't get the tax? Privately chartered flights and government flights.

    Anyone flying for work their company's would pass on costs to consumers again anyway.

    It's just a tax to keep anyone who might move up in the world down a rung

  • Republican got owned
  • Cheers, means very little to me though being Australian and having never heard of most those places haha

  • Republican got owned
  • No one brought any point proving that the more expensive cities have greater economic output though.

    One guy says it then references Uganda.

    Everyone needs facts

    I want a list of the expensive cities and what they bring to the table economically per capita

  • Get better soon
  • This made me snort at breakfast

  • NT passes law to lower age of criminal responsibility to 10 years old
  • Taking a kid from that family would be an immediate improvement no matter how it was done

  • NT passes law to lower age of criminal responsibility to 10 years old
  • Excellent, crime is out of hand up here.

    I was talking with a police officer who was in a pursuit where the kids chased the police cars and kept trying to ram tyne police. When they finally stopped tyne pursuit the driver was 11 years old so that took the kid home to his parents. Then an hour later arrested the same kid again for trying to steal another car.

  • How do I contact the mods of a Lemmy community directly, all at the same time?
  • Depending on the community you're in, express your support for either isreal or Palestine then put your question after it.

    I have noticed that gets everyone's attention

  • Ukraine to receive aging Abrams tanks in latest Australian military aid package
  • Finally,

    I sent this to one of our Australian members for parliament last year in march.

    "Good afternoon Mr Gosling,

    I am writing to you regarding our on going support to Ukraine.

    So far the Australian government and people have provided a lot of support to Ukraine as you very well know, however it would be great if we could do more.

    I have spoken to many people across Australia as I work in an industry that lets me travel or great country. Across all my interactions whenever the support of Ukraine comes up in conversation everyone is on board with providing more then we currently do.

    It would be great if we could send some of our tanks to Ukraine. Obviously these will not make it in time for the current counter-offensive however many losses are anticipated so if we sent more now it would arrive to bolster their efforts in retaking their homeland.

    I feel Ukraine isn't just fighting for their own sovereignty but ours and the rest of the worlds. Our sacrifices today will compound providing us with a more stable future.

    Lets be honest too, our Abrahams are never being deployed overseas unless something drastic and catastrophic to our own sovereignty happens. Even if we sent 10 bringing down our operating capacity to the 40s these will still be a force multiplier for our troops in the defence of our own home. Hopefully it never comes to that and we can continue to live our peaceful lives. Currently we live our peaceful lives through the great sacrifice of Ukraine and our own people who have lost their lives in Ukraine.

    Trevor Kjeldal Jed William Danahay Michale O’Neill Sage O’Donnell

    These men went to defend a country so far away from our own, giving their lives and making the greatest sacrifice.

    Please don't let their sacrifice be in vain.

    Best regards"

  • South Australia’s upper house narrowly rejects ‘Trumpian’ bill to wind back abortion care
  • The one thing I hate about it country is its desire to copy America with everything. Even though we see how poorly it goes for them first.

  • Samsung wants future phones to have no Settings menu at all
  • Turning off notifications in the top menu for certain apps. They come up saying x is connected and I can't clear that any more.

    Turn off Google and bixby rubbish and have it stay off and not come back after every update.

    Removing a lot of the bloat apps. Can only disable them now not remove.

    They are what come to mind off the top of my head.

    Don't get me wrong there are many things better, but I use my phone for basic shit and liked it the way it was earlier *

  • Samsung wants future phones to have no Settings menu at all
  • Man my s24 can't do shit I want easily that my s9 could years ago

    How the fuck is "Ai" supposed to improve anything

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 sucks up to 180 Mb/s of internet bandwidth while in flight — equivalent to 81GB of data per hour
  • Where i live in a capital city of Australia we can hardly get 50mbs for download and upload. Our countries internet is a joke

  • So i had a fever the other day, and I dreamt up this. so I made it a reality.


    Let's build some radiation proof power sockets


    This is why we can't have nice things


    This is why we need our own plants


    Grayzone Warfare?

    Good afternoon, I'm curious if people think this is worth playing?

    Any pros, cons, etc.

    I love Arma and I loved operation flash Point and dragon rising.


    well I had Sunday roast at the pub. didn't take a photo cause I'm drunk. was good though


    One bomb


    in light of recent company activities I present this.


    How do you clear a que of YouTube videos without starting the video your watching again?

    Every time I use the Android YouTube app, if I que up several videos and the. Decide I just want to finish the one I'm on etc. I open the que and click clear que, but then the video I'm currently watching starts again.

    Any way to do this?

    Samsung s24 YouTube app

    Sorry if this isn't the right place


    Damn AtAt Zoid looking monsters

    So game updated midplay and had all kinds of weird bugs until i left and updated myself.

    First mission in see one of these bastards.

    Damn are they a challenge

    Stupid mobile factories

    Vanity license plates Aussiemandeus


    Vanity license plates Aussiemandeus

    All about that sin


    thinking of trying linux,

    My current issue is i see you guys constantly having issues, editing files etc.

    Is it not stable?

    Can you not set it up and then not have ongoing issues?


    Recovery sleep aids.

    I used to take a sleep Recovery product (i cant remember what it was) it was banned in Australia, but it made me have the best sleeps of my life.

    Does anyone have anything they could suggest?


    The banned suppliment was fadeout by redcon1



    getting over the cold, do you wake up healthy or feel better through the day?


    My mate used to have a dog called sizzles


    Every time i think about i think of this song.

    It makes you feel like you've been some how had, and all your youth's been taken


    Welcome to Earf


    Welcome to Earf
