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Texas power prices briefly soar 1,600% as a spring heat wave is expected to drive record demand for energy
  • I wish it was possible to vote strongly enough for gerrymandering to be irrelevant.

    Another 51% win for Biden will certainly trigger another violent inssurection attempt and another 4 years of inaction.

    The best outcome would be a landslide victory if only to show the republican voters that their ideas are not supported by the general public.

  • Norway has some surprising stats
  • Another odd thing is that their oil fund owns about 1.5% of all globally listed stock shares. That's a lot by capita, since their population is less than 0.07% of the global population.

  • Vejdirektoratet dumper ny Limfjordsforbindelse: Giver trecifret millionunderskud
  • Jeg ved ikke hvordan man beregner underskud på den slags. Alt infrastruktur er vel en omkostning, hvor man kun kan gisne om gevinsten på sigt fordi det afhænger af alle følgevirkningerne som er ukendte før man laver det. Derfor synes jeg måske ikke at økonomien er det vigtigste punkt at kritisere. Jeg vil hellere stille spørgsmål ved om det overhovedet løser noget problem.

    Jeg har aldrig selv haft problemer med at køre strækningen, men jeg hører ofte om kødannelse i myldretiden. Jeg synes man burde have undersøgt andre løsninger på netop dét problem i stedet for bare at bygge en bro/vejbane mere. Det er sjældent at det virker efter hensigten fordi det i stedet tiltrækker endnu mere trafik. Det er påvist igen og igen ved målinger at spildtiden øges i takt med øget trafik uanset antallet af vejbaner.

    Det er selvfølgelig positivt at lastbilerne kan køre helt udenom byen, men det egentlige problem med myldretiden kunne også være løst med bedre offentlig transport i lokalområderne, så vejen ikke blev fyldt op med pendler biler fra forstæderne. Det vil den fortsat blive.

  • Like most normal human males…
  • Well, that's fair. I have to point out that the tabloids are pulling a lot of words out of very little data. Exactly the opposite of what Zuckerberg does. He might very well play them like a fiddle.

    Anyway, another plus for him is that his phone number is publicly available. I'd like to call him up some day just to talk about meat, while I never really have any reason to call Elon.

  • Like most normal human males…
  • I was only taught one comma rule in English: "if in doubt, leave it out ". In this case I would advise you to leave it in.

    However it's your pillow. You make the bed that you sleep in.

  • Like most normal human males…
  • I'm not even sure if the previous poster was being serious, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually thinks of Mark Zuckerberg as a regular dude, because he's so dorky and awkward that it's relatable for some people.

    It's pretty clear that the guy has affuenza and having trouble with social relations. I don't hate that about him, but it doesn't mean that I will ever consider him to be a regular guy. Like many other rich kids, he never had to grow up and grow out of the juvenile belief that money is the end goal. He's still a 15 year old thinking it's clever to cheat and win in monopoly.

    He's a character though, and I like that about him. The world could generally benefit from having more oddballs, instead of billionaire eccentrics. In this way, I'd award him 1 more charisma point than Elon Musk.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • I don't think it's limited like that. While I usually think in sentences, it also happens that I get ideas that I either can't express in words or it happens so fast that I don't bother trying to think it through in sentences.

    Try to think of a house and notice how you don't need to describe it in any detail to instantly visualise how you think a house looks.

    It'll be interesting to hear what they find in the ongoing research, but it's already clear that the brain is not just a large language model.

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • The section "other people also search for" is complete garbage.

    I was searching for a used car part in my native language and Google mistook it for a name. No, Google, other people do not search for "car part net worth and marital status ". Why are you showing me this crap?

  • Like most normal human males…
  • The thing is.. everyone is a regular guy.

    All the movie stars, famous musicians, politicians and renowned scientists, yes, those are all regular guys too. They eat, shit and fall asleep on a pillow every night or about as much as regular people do and usually not all at once. 2 arms 2 legs 1 head and so. Mostly. A bit above average perhaps, but generally they have a regular number of limbs.

    Mark likely does all those regular things just as well as regular guys.

    However.. Someone who goes on a live stream to introduce his new cutting edge technology by staring into a camera without blinking for 45 minutes endlessly mumbling about smoked meats while rocking a caesarian haircut. That's also perfectly regular.... for a lizard.

  • Nyheder bstix Regeringen vil indføre kvindelig værnepligt på lige fod med mænd

    Fremover skal kvinder også indkaldes til Forsvarets Dag, som tidligere var kendt som session.

    Regeringen vil indføre kvindelig værnepligt på lige fod med mænd
    Denmark - Saba - Sand

    Denmark just had the national entry contest today.

    The winner was Saba with the song "Sand". Linked in the post.

    The top three final also included the 2014 winner Basim with the song "Johnny" and Janus Wiberg from Faroe Islands with the song "I need your love". Both received more audience votes than the winner, but the jury votes had put Saba ahead from the start.

    The al[rule] wall of China
    cha cha cha

    Anyone else ready to go again?

    Nyheder bstix
    Skateboarding bstix
    A skateboard for when you're mid forties and realise you forgot how to Tre flip.

    Found at Brodega skateboards (Denmark)

    I'm not affiliated, just found it funny.

    Skateboarding bstix
    Nicky Guerrero - hand plant

    A local skatepark held an official opening inviting Rune Glifberg and Nicky Guerrero to do a demo. The weather was tricky, but in between rain they managed to pull off a few tricks in the deep end. I didn't get a good photo of Rune.

    (The 100kb limit on pictures is horrible.)

    Old chest (solved) imgbox - fast, simple image host

    Use imgbox to upload, host and share all your images. It's simple, free and blazing fast!

    I am restoring an old chest and while removing a cover under the lid I found this label. As you can see, it's completely undecipherable except for "***halle & co." However there's another label underneath it. I wonder if I can separate them by putting it in water (like stamps off an envelope), but I'm afraid of destroying it if it has any value whatsoever.

    The chest is made of wood and metal, but it's in a horrible state. Hinges and screws have been replaced prior to my owning, and the wood is damaged. I plan on restoring it, but would like to know it's history. Judging by materials and the label, I recon this is from 1900-1940s and American.

    Optifine won't install on Linux Cinnamon

    I'm trying to install Optifine on a Linux Mint Cinnamon laptop. Minecraft Java edition of course.

    The game works and has been launched in version 1.20.1, but the Optifine installer keeps saying that I need run version 1.20.1 first.

    Also, the installer is already pointing at the correct directory as default, but when I browse the location from the installer, I can't see or set the .minecraft directory manually.

    What to do?

    Skateboarding bstix
    Helsinki - Koff Race 2023 (+ water gap)
    et lille tip til hækklipning

    Jeg vil gerne dele et tip, fordi jeg kan se at mange her i nabolaget åbenbart ikke kender det.

    De fleste gør sådan: Hækken klippes, affaldet rives sammen, bunkerne læsses på trillebør og trillebøren tømmes på traileren, og til sidst skal traileren tømmes med rive, kost og skovl på genbrugspladsen.

    Nej nej nej, prøv lige at høre her:

    Det vigtigste redskab til hækklipning er ... 2 stk. presseninger. De billige fra Harald Nyborg kan fint bruges.

    Den ene pressening lægges i traileren. Den skal bare ligge der.

    Den anden lægges under hækken der hvor du klipper. På den måde falder affaldet direkte ned på presseningen. Når den er godt fuld, så løfter man lige alle hjørner og slæber den over på traileren. Hvis der meget så kan man lige vende den og fortsætte med næste del af hækken. Alternativt kan man købe flere presseninger og bare smide dem alle på traileren.

    Ellers, når traileren er fuld, så køres der til genbrugspladsen hvor hele læsset kan trækkes ud med trailer-presseningen og vendes over på pladsen.

    På den måde slipper man for at have fat i det flere gange for at læsse det på, det er utroligt nemt at få læsset af igen, og traileren er stadigvæk pæn og ren bagefter. Det sparer mig for ca. en times arbejde.

    God fornøjelse med hækklipningen.

    Today I learned bstix
    TIL My car tire rack has the same dimensions as a speaker stand

    My neighbours won't appreciate it.

    Skateboarding bstix
    Copenhagen Open 2023 - full recap

    Full recap of the four day skateboarding event CPH Open 2023 by Flatspot Magazine.

    Skateboarding bstix
    wheel recommendations for park/bowl?

    My Formula 4s got flat spots, sounding like a moped when I ride the bowl. I'm looking for larger sizes from 56mm upwards. I need mostly for very smooth surfaces and high speed, but sometimes also rougher concrete. I don't have a need for ultra soft wheels.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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