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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 26
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Can anyone help me find an online calculator that can calculate total the price of items I buy. (euro)
  • I think you are looking for an "expense tracker". There are plenty of those where you can type it in and get overviews of your spendings. I do not know which is better.

    If you need it for business purposes, like keeping documentation, scanning receipts, OCR reading and file exports etc. it will cost money.

    There are currently no one that does all and everything for free, but "Expensify" might be worth a look.

  • Forbered dig: Du kan komme til at hjælpe din gamle far og mor på områder, der i dag vil være utænkelige
  • Forskellen på størrelsen af generationerne er ikke så stor igen. Det er ikke sådan at boomerne er dobbelt så mange og at alle problemer forsvinder når de dør.

    Boomerne er fortsat den største generation i Danmark, og derfor har de samlet set (uhensigtsmæssig) stor politisk magt, men det er altså kun nogle få tusinder personer til forskel. Millennials er snart den største generation, og udfordringerne på velfærdsområder følger altså med videre.

    Det egentlige problem er ikke hvor mange der har brug for velfærd, men mere hvor mange der bidrager til det. Uligheden vokser, de rigeste bliver rigere, og det er de penge som mangleri samfundet nu, enten i skatter eller i aflønning til andre skatteydere.

  • A Crazy Story With Electric
  • It's a reference to a previous speech in which he attempted to create an imaginary dilemma of having to choose between being electrocuted or eaten by a shark. That's the "clever question", because the boat salesman had never heard anyone ask that question.

    The boat salesman was probably just being polite, because it's a stupid question. It's not a dilemma or even a contradiction. He's just making a sort of false equivalence and hoping that people are afraid of sharks so he can sell them his opinion on electric boats. In the same speech he also spent considerable time talking about how people ought to be afraid of sharks.

    The addition of a snake and the credibility of his late uncle is a wonderful development of the story. He's probably going to add more stuff to it until he touches some topic that people actually care about..

  • Trump says he is willing to debate Harris multiple times
  • Yup. The whole thing is playing out like a 4th. grade argument.

    Yesterday he didn't want to do it. Today he will totally do it. Tomorrow he will be prevented from doing it. Next week he will already have done it while you were on holiday, yeah it happened in that town you probably never heard of.

  • German punks launch ‘invasion’ of holiday island favoured by elite
  • Yes that's the same word.

    Definitions from Oxford Languages silt Origin: late Middle English: probably originally denoting a salty deposit and of Scandinavian origin, related to Danish and Norwegian sylt ‘salt marsh’, also to salt.

    The word has since been exchanged back. Silt in Danish also means fine dirt, borrowed from the English word.

  • German punks launch ‘invasion’ of holiday island favoured by elite
  • It's an interesting place in history, but the origin of the name is undetermined. It has nothing to do with jam or raspberry.

    In Danish the Island is known as "Sild" meaning herring and in German it's known as "Sylt" which again used to be an old Danish word for low land salty marsh, which it very much is (or at least used to be). The herring is part of the coat of arms of the island, so it's likely that Sild and Sylt are the same word.

    The viking invasion of England set out from this island around year 450. With the Nordic population moving to the British isles the island was left uninhabited for hundreds of years, until the Frisians moved there around year 800, naming it "Söl". Again, this is prior to written definitions, so it's likely that Söl is the same word as Sild and Sylt...

    In 1362 the entire area was flooded in The Great Drowning of Men, changing the landscape to it's current island form.

    Denmark lost the island to Germany in 1864 and despite the island having its own Frisian dialect it took the official German name "Sylt".

  • MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • This would be a good time for republicans to campaign on all the politics they intend to run. Lol. They've been unusually silent lately. because they can't find common ground on anything but being anti-democrat.

    GOP will implode on itself if Democrats just stay silent for a week or two.

  • Amoled Background Error
  • It appears to be the background for cropped pictures. If a card view picture doesn't fill the horizontal screen, this grey colour is the border.

    It appears that the thumbnails in list view have this grey border too, so it spills over the text.

    This colour is not in the settings.

  • Police search for the truck driver who was filmed whipping migrants near Italian-French border
  • You make a good point. I don't think governments have a secret plan to avoid freedom of movement, but it is happening.

    The Nordic countries have free movement. It began in the 60s or so. Any citizen from a Nordic country is allowed to settle, work, get married, get universal healthcare, get social benefits, etc. in any of the other Nordic countries. That's beautiful, but it's not as easy as it used to be..

    Legally we still have the right, but technology has made it much more difficult, because every country has their own individual system used for online identification, and with every official form being required to be signed electronically it has become difficult. The thing is that you can't (easily) get the online signature without registering as a citizen in the specific country.

    I remember doing my accounting job just ten years ago. I used to sign off on VAT and tax returns worldwide on paper. Didn't matter if it was UK, Norway, Germany or Australia. A signature on paper was enough. These days I can't even file my own personal income report if it occurred in Sweden, because I'm not a Swedish citizen.

    It's getting better though. More services in different countries accept the digital signatures from other countries, but it's still a shit show of random chances.

    Now this isn't about African immigrants, but the solution is. I wish that EU and the Schengen Area would get the shit together and sort out an electronic worldwide identification system. This would solve a lot, because many of the African countries are still connected to their former colonies in this official way, just as the Commonwealth is. Having the Schengen Area work together on this would basically solve a lot of the obstacles in the way of freedom of movement.

  • Fellow Men, what are some compliments you would like to recieve?
  • What you say is also a key point to understanding where the borderline is for sexual harassment or other types of unwanted behaviours in the workplace.

    This is often confusing for some people who often ask: "Why can't I say this and what's up with everyone being offended over compliments?", etc.

    Simply put: It's perfectly fine to say "nice jeans", but it is not okay to say "your butt looks great in those jeans".

    It might be fine for other private occasions, but in a professional working environment we shouldn't judge each other by personal appearance or sexuality.

  • 'Not harmful to health': Korea's Buldak spicy noodles return to shelves as Denmark reverses recall
  • The "one chip challenge" did hospitalize several people and caused the death of a child with heart defect. They are potentially unsafe.

    Not wanting those kind of crap products sold in the food section and advertised towards kids isn't nanny stating.

    There is no way a kid could make a qualified judgement themselves when it's placed and marketed next to ordinary safe consumables.

    I don't mind these products being sold, but I do have higher expectations for safety of products sold in a food section.

  • Police search for the truck driver who was filmed whipping migrants near Italian-French border
  • They're African women being transported into Europe in the back of a trailer.. They won't land a job anywhere without their paperwork in order. Sorry, but you know damn well what trafficking means.

    This just shows how it's done.

    At best they can provide for themselves as sex slaves. At worst, they get beaten up on their way there as in this instance.

  • bstix

    Canvas (Place) er begyndt Canvas 2024 is live! -

    Rocky start, but we’re here! also making this almost an hour late due to the rocky start # What’s Canvas? Canvas is a collaborative pixel canvas similar to Reddit’s r/place, except it is open to (almost) the entire Fediverse! The event is going on from July 12th 4am UTC to July 15th @ 4am UTC (72 ho...

    Lemmy's årlige "place" er begyndt, hvis I har lyst til at deltage. Jeg har dårligt tid i år, men et par pixels skal der nok blive tid til. Reglerne er vist ligesom sidste år.

    Fotografier og Billeder bstix

    Hobro -søndag 22:10

    Musik bstix

    Kashmir - The Aftermath (Roskilde live 2003)

    Det her er ikke bare et udemærket nummer, men simpelthen en sublim optræden. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor de aldrig udgav den version. Den er langt bedre end album-versionen.

    Nummeret er også en god opvarmning for stemmebåndet hvis man har lyst til selv at spille. Videoen her viser også hvorfor man ikke kan stole på online tabs. Han spiller jo bare i G med en capo. På den måde er akkorderne enkle "pædagog akkorder" og lyder bedre på den måde.


    Valg af mørtel til reparation af murværk?

    Jeg skal reparere murværk omkring en yderdør i en kælder. Tømreren som lavede døren har slået ret store stykker af muren af omkring hele murhullet, så det er lidt mere end en tynd pudsning som skal til.

    Jeg vil ikke bygge en lysning af træ/gips men bare mure op, pudse og male. Det passer bedst med resten af kælderen hvor det hele bare er gammelt murværk og puds.

    Jeg tænker på at lave midlertidige støtter af brædder for at få det nogenlunde lige, særligt i toppen, men det bliver alligevel nogle dybe ujævnheder som skal udfyldes. Jeg er derfor i tvivl om det kan gøres med "universal mørtel" som måske kun er egnet til tynd pudsning eller om der skal bruges noget mere cement-agtigt som kan holde til større dybde. Altså, jeg vil hellere lave en god solid fyldning end at skulle vente på at 10 lag af tynd puds tørrer. Jeg kan ikke rigtigt finde sådan et produkt?

    Skal/kan man evt. fylde op med mindre stykker mursten eller andet undervejs?

    Hvordan gør man?

    Fotografier og Billeder bstix

    Kanaløen i Randers Fjord

    0 The Right Kind of Tipping Point

    Global carbon dioxide emissions might have already peaked, according to new estimates, signaling a potentially monumental shift.

    The Right Kind of Tipping Point

    question about online tabs and fonts

    How do I best view tabs from pages like ultimate guitar and others on a phone browser, so that the chords and lyrics match up? I know on pc they usually show up fine in notepad or with ASCII fixed sys font, but I can't quite figure out how to set it up for easy browsing on an android phone. I tried copying it to other apps but none of them have a fixed width font.

    How do you do it?


    Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots 4578f732-2923-4867-81c6-61f5d21aec2a hosted at ImgBB

    Image 4578f732-2923-4867-81c6-61f5d21aec2a hosted in ImgBB

    4578f732-2923-4867-81c6-61f5d21aec2a hosted at ImgBB
    Nyheder bstix Regeringen vil indføre kvindelig værnepligt på lige fod med mænd

    Fremover skal kvinder også indkaldes til Forsvarets Dag, som tidligere var kendt som session.

    Regeringen vil indføre kvindelig værnepligt på lige fod med mænd

    Denmark - Saba - Sand

    Denmark just had the national entry contest today.

    The winner was Saba with the song "Sand". Linked in the post.

    The top three final also included the 2014 winner Basim with the song "Johnny" and Janus Wiberg from Faroe Islands with the song "I need your love". Both received more audience votes than the winner, but the jury votes had put Saba ahead from the start.


    The al wall of China


    late for work rule


    cha cha cha

    Anyone else ready to go again?

    Nyheder bstix

    I walk here every evening IMG-20230927-203032 hosted at ImgBB

    Image IMG-20230927-203032 hosted in ImgBB

    IMG-20230927-203032 hosted at ImgBB
    Skateboarding bstix

    A skateboard for when you're mid forties and realise you forgot how to Tre flip.

    Found at Brodega skateboards (Denmark)

    I'm not affiliated, just found it funny.

    Skateboarding bstix

    Nicky Guerrero - hand plant

    A local skatepark held an official opening inviting Rune Glifberg and Nicky Guerrero to do a demo. The weather was tricky, but in between rain they managed to pull off a few tricks in the deep end. I didn't get a good photo of Rune.

    (The 100kb limit on pictures is horrible.)


    Old chest (solved) imgbox - fast, simple image host

    Use imgbox to upload, host and share all your images. It's simple, free and blazing fast!

    I am restoring an old chest and while removing a cover under the lid I found this label. As you can see, it's completely undecipherable except for "***halle & co." However there's another label underneath it. I wonder if I can separate them by putting it in water (like stamps off an envelope), but I'm afraid of destroying it if it has any value whatsoever.

    The chest is made of wood and metal, but it's in a horrible state. Hinges and screws have been replaced prior to my owning, and the wood is damaged. I plan on restoring it, but would like to know it's history. Judging by materials and the label, I recon this is from 1900-1940s and American.


    Optifine won't install on Linux Cinnamon

    I'm trying to install Optifine on a Linux Mint Cinnamon laptop. Minecraft Java edition of course.

    The game works and has been launched in version 1.20.1, but the Optifine installer keeps saying that I need run version 1.20.1 first.

    Also, the installer is already pointing at the correct directory as default, but when I browse the location from the installer, I can't see or set the .minecraft directory manually.

    What to do?

    Skateboarding bstix

    Helsinki - Koff Race 2023 (+ water gap)
