My understanding is that this often causes more harm than it prevents. It's a popular concept, and has been taught by many people, but it's not a good idea. It makes sense that it would work, but when actually tested it isn't. Check for yourself though.
I don't think Megyn even buys into her positions very much. She seems more like just another soulless ghoul like Tucker, happy to stoke the culture war for fame and wealth.
FFS that's not what Tim Walz did, at all. He signed (as opposed to vetoing) a bipartisan bill to provide free menstrual products to students, after a years-long campaign by students who had to pay for these at school.
The law doesn't say anything about boys bathrooms or genders. At most it can be argued that by not specifying that only girls bathrooms are included, it avoids singling out female-to-male and intersex students who use boys bathrooms for persecution. Which is of course controversial to Republicans.
Who gives a shit if it is what he did? Why would anyone fucking care if there are tampons in boy's bathrooms? They're not sex toys, they're small pieces of absorbent fabric meant for soaking up blood. Are we supposed to keep them away from bandaids too?
I'm not a former combat medic but I fully support super glue in bathrooms. How else will people have easy access to gluing their friends butts to toilet seats?
Don't you realize that they wouldn't be this close minded in the first place if they were traveling and meeting other walks of life? They're incurious people.
There's also the fact that many can't afford to travel. This is why Republicans are so against college. Because it's often the first time people get outside their hometown and meet people from different walks of life.
It's also why Republicans complain about real-life having a "liberal bias."
All of y'all suckers walking around being “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble." (Bible, Job 14:1) and I'm like Shakespeare's MacDuff, circumventing prophecy by being born cesarean and... um.... not being full of trouble?
And my brother was adopted, so he was dropped off on our doorstep and we fostered him for a few years prior to adoption. So, extrapolating from my rigorous sample size of 2, no one was vaginally birthed by their mother.
Heck, I once had to go get my mom AND my grandma tampons, and since there was a promotion I got like 3 of the granny ones, no one cared and I only remember because I was like a teenager and thought everyone would care, but no one did!
The first time I was getting pads for my GF was pretty traumatizing. Mostly because my-then Gf had given me hyper specific instructions on where to find the pad she needed, and the pads at the spot weren’t that
(They had changed the placement.)
What made it traumatizing is having to call the GF while being screamed at by some karen screeching fundie Christian things at me (as if I were demon possessed,) while also trying to get any staff she could to arrest me; while following me to my car and refusing to let me leave.
Fun fact- it’s illegal to force exorcisms on cops because you’re being arrested. Apparently.
That's what I don't understand about these attacks, I didn't even have a sister growing up but my mom would have a box of tampons next to the toilet. I remember wondering what they were..... And that was it. For years I used the bathroom next to tampons and it had zero impact on life.
Even aside from the absurdity of objecting to tampons, the idea that boys were "forced" to do anything is ridiculous. The tampons are just there. She makes it sound like Walz held boys and gunpoint and made them go to a convenience store, buy tampons, and then put them in the school restrooms.
But I guess that's what I should expect from a professional liar.
The Right's obsession with genitals is so weird. If ever there was an issue that could benefit one group of people with absolutely no impact on another it would be access to hygiene items. I mean, no one's forcing you to jam them into your sons, they're just there for those that need them! I would totally be okay with them available in all restrooms nationwide.
I don't know that it's net positive, probably closer to net neutral at best. A very small minority benefits from tampons in the boys room (trans and girls that ask boys to fetch one for them) and the cost is probably low, but definitely not free.
"The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms
regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school
That's all the law specified. It didn't state any the about "boys rooms" or "girls rooms". If a school determined that a "boys room" will not be regularly used by menstruating students, they didn't seem to need to stock them.
The law was neutral and didn't seem to even be thinking of trans one way or another.
Isn’t this the same Megyn Kelly who Trump blasted at saying “Nasty woman with blood coming out of her whatever” during 2016 primary debates when she asked her tough question.
Do us all a favor and sit this one out, Mesogyn Kelly.
To be clear: that’s basically a myth. While it’s often repeated and sounds logical - they’re the right shape, size and made to absorb blood - they’re not the right solution for that particular job.
Tl;dr: tampons only absorb about 10ml of blood and don’t really stop the actual bleeding by cutting off the source. You’re better off using a tourniquet, packing the wound with hemostatic dressing, regular gauze or even a shirt or other clothing. Those have a better chance of actually providing enough force to actually plug the artery.
Imagine being Megyn here, thinking you can convince everyone you care enough about 4th grade boys to be outraged at their overexposure to inert cotton or rayon objects. Well, she's convinced me! She's convinced me she's a shit-stirring cunt.
I also wonder how many of these pearl clutchers who are actually convinced by this rhetoric are confusing tampons with dildos or something. I cannot think of a better explanation than they think these elevated cotton swabs serve some darker/more sinful purpose than sopping up blood and menstrual bits.
My grandma in the 30s had to hide all evidence of menstruation from just one of her two younger brothers, the explanation being he was intended for the priesthood. I'm not saying it makes sense.
This is frustrating because menstruation, while obviously playing a roll in having children, does not equal sex (which is, I assume, why their panties are in a bunch) and plenty of women and trans men who are abstaining from sex or childfree still get periods. We should not be having a moral panic about fucking tampons. Arrrrrrgggghhh
As a male I feel very confident in saying that if you're male and afraid of tampons then you're a fragile little bitch who needs to learn to stop being such a pathetic piece of shit.
if you're a male an afraid of tampons/pads, it means you wouldn't lift a finger to show some empathy if you have a person with a uterus as a partner and they need something.
It's funny to me because the recent press conference made it pretty clear that the Trump/Vance campaign is aware they have massive problem with women. This is why he came out and attempted to rewrite the narrative around the repeal of Roe.
So, it was really important that he get out and find a way to win with women and escape his past on Roe. Meanwhile someone else at the campaign is pushing all this tampon attack line garbage.
Tell me you don't support or understand women's issues without telling me you don't understand women's issues. It's comical how poor his campaign and the wider GOP strategy is being handled. He forced out all the reasonably competent GOP strategists and he is left with clowns.
The Walz stolen valor attack line is the same thing.... It opens up harder on Vance way than Walz. Their military records aren't favorably comparable for Vance.
I have a few veterans friends who were big Trump supporters. Two of the three have decided to bow out this round. They say they can't vote for Harris which I get. They are hard 2nd amendment advocates and I can respect that. Now they feel like they can't vote for Trump because of the swift boating on Walz. I'm surprised, but both of them are just planning to sit this one out now. The third is desperately trying to get them to reconsider. They were already on the edge based on Trump's "last time you need to vote" comments. I think the disrespect to Walz was the final straw.
It's crazy to watch this guy find new and innovative ways to implode.
As a veteran, I'd like to throw out a few more reasons. Captain bone spurs is a draft dodger, and on top of that, called McCain (an American hero) a loser for getting caught. Also essentially called all POWs losers, and all soldiers/veterans suckers. During his time in office, he didn't help us AT ALL. Beyond that, many of my fellow veterans are homeless. Way too many of us. And now they're targeting the homeless as an entire group as being illegal, just so they can be rounded up and be made into slave labor. It's abhorrent that ANY currently active or separated veterans could EVER support that POS.
says a lot about conservatives that they'd rather set up a task force and spend budget money to scrutinize and micromanage every tampon dispenser instead of just putting them in every bathroom and being done with it.
"Being in the presence of tampons will literally force boys to transition to girls. I spoke with several scientists that told me this. The penis and testicles will literally shrink and go back up into the boy and transform into a vagina."
I really wish the courts would make them strip the news title from their stuff if they are going to use the excuse that they aren't a need company and are purely for entertainment. Bag of dicks I tell ya. Wait, if I put tampons in the bathrooms in government facilities those toxic dumb nuts could just... Leave?
"They forced 4th graders to be in a room with LIGHTBULBS..... those kids arent electricians!! What are they gonna do with all those lightbulbs in the ceilings?? Disgusting!"
Mothers Against Lightbulbs and Diversity (M.A.L.D)
I assume her point here is to stoke transphobia for clout. There are lots of phobic/ignorant parents who think queer is contagious or a conscious decision people make. They fear that exposure to queerness will make their kids queer. She’s further farming for outrage by making the restroom the boys’ room and the age (4th grade) one that is typically pre-pubescent.
The takeaway here is this is cynical propaganda that plays on the fears of the ignorant, for no purpose other than grabbing eyeballs.
I used to have nosebleeds a lot, and my mother and I did that experiment once. Didn't really work that well, because it swole up too much and streched my nose uncomfortably. I prefer rolled up toilet paper.
Now just here me out: What if the girls' bathroom is full up on people, or broken down for some reason. Wouldn't it be nice if a girl had to go into the boys' bathroom in an emergency, that they would have access to those things.
Boys don't have special requirements to use the bathroom. I can go anywhere just about. I can take leak on the side of the road with only a car door for privacy in ten seconds. Boom, I'm done.
Clearly Megyn Kelly is clearly concerned about boys being exposed to unnecessary lead and other toxic metals. Got to look out for the health and safety of tomorrow's men.
And any stupid dumb cunt trying to turn it into a issue to drive wedges and to try and make a group of people the "other" just need to be slapped in the mouth with a 20lbs sledge.
And any stupid dumb cunt trying to turn it into a issue to drive wedges and to try and make a group of people the “other” just need to be slapped in the mouth with a 20lbs sledge.
You'd have to start with breaking into foxnews and fuck them all up. Just sue their asses for misinformation until they start talking about the minimum wage and single-payer healthcare.
I’m curious why there are tampons in the boys bathrooms? The only “problem” I see with it is that boys might play with them, stuff them in toilets, and make a big expensive mess.
Not need to be attack-y, they quite legitimately might not have had that on the top of mind when they asked.
They weren't judgemental or aggressive, they just said they didn't know.
It's okay to not know something and ask.
If it wasn't your intent to come across as judgemental or aggressive, then a tone indicator might serve you well next time. :)
My only concern would be that 9th graders do some shit with them that they find hilarious. I can totally see a 10 year old shoving one up his nose, try how many they can flush down the toilet until it clogs or soak it with red ink and leave it somewhere for a teacher to find.
Uh, you can do all of that with toilet paper. And tampons are useful for bloody noses, which teenage boys get sometimes. This is a weird distraction from actual issues and anyone who cares about this is probably a nut.
The law was generic and provided access in all bathrooms. Having them in a men’s room can be useful trans folks, guys that need to grab something for a woman in their life, or women that need to use the men’s room in an emergency.
Didn't even consider trans folks. I was thinking back to when I was in 4th grade (a very very long time ago). Trans people weren't exactly common place in the 70s.
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