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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Does Kamala Harris have a chance and
  • I'm so tired of hearing this about America, we have one of the most diverse countries in the world. I understand the narrative that the media shows the world, the most horrendous of Americans (which are the smallest groups) get a totally disproportionate amount of media time because of their awful actions. A majority of the population tries to be decent human beings, of course bias exists subconsciously and people aren't aware of it.

    I am in the SE region of the US, which everyone loves generalizing as the most ignorant and racist area. I have seen true racist when I was delivering pizzas and my coworkers were black, it was horrendous. I can assure you the racists are a minority and a shrinking one at that. Not only that but it is exceedingly rare that they are under 50 years. Not only both of those things but both millennials and gen Z call out that shit immediately.

    It really starts to wear on you when you actively try to fight these things and everyone still only sees your country as full of racists. Yes they exist but it is a shrinking minority.

  • Harris secures enough delegate endorsements to win the Democratic presidential nomination
  • There is no time to fuck around unfortunately, they are making a smart move 100%. The Dems were pretty close to cannibalizing themselves over the Biden drop out thing. They need to quickly and coherently organize and unify. I'm saying all this and I'm not a big fan of Harris but I am pretty stoked to vote for her compared to my enthusiasm for voting 4 days ago.

  • MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • Yeah I bet the skeevers are upset, regularless of the new nominee Trump is almost surely going to get destroyed in the next debate. Also now most of Trump's points against Biden apply to himself instead of the other candidate.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • So the DNC gets to make this decision not me. This is a last minute situation that hasn't happened since the 60s, every ounce of divisiveness will only embolden the "facist coup". The time is up, whoever they pick we've got to unite behind and hopefully rally voters to the booths. Honestly the presidency needs to be D so it can't veto/ can veto, the VP can tie break, and executive orders. She will hopefully be a beacon to encourage voters to get more D in the senate and house. The house/senate flips and your meaningful legislation point becomes moot. Lastly I have no clue what you are saying in the 2nd paragraph, somehow voting for Harris makes a facist coup? No clue what middle steps are included to achieve that outcome but you must know something I don't. Regardless I have no worries about my family but I appreciate the concern!

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • I don't like Harris, mainly because of her time as a prosecutor. I'm also not going to lie, I was having a really really hard time grappling with voting for Biden, I was begrudgingly willing to before the debate but when I watched it I was so outraged. I genuinely feel like his administration has been deceitful with his condition for a while. I'm not saying I wasn't going to vote for Biden, I understand the stakes, but I kept watching his interviews trying to get any genuine motivation for Biden. All I saw was a stubborn old man who refused to even acknowledge reality.

    I've been following Biden news and this week I was convinced that he would drop out and so I wondered who would replace him. Harris immediately came to mind. Now as I said I don't care for Harris but before Biden announced this today I personally decided I would be willing to support Harris.

    She isn't ancient, I believe she's more progressive, and I think she will be good in the debates. She isn't my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th pick, but I have far fewer hangups voting for Harris compared to Biden, and of course over Trump.

    She isn't the best candidate in terms of absolute popularity, but when you factor in funding logistics and the fact that I think many good Dems picks would want to run in '28 when the timing isn't fucked, I think Harris is the most realistic pick. I'll happily take her compared to Biden.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Personally the best news I've heard in a while. I think there is a little bit of a knee jerk reaction happening because a lot is on the line and people are scared because it's such an unknown right now. When things settle more and the smoke clears I think everything will be more positive.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Fuck yes you mean! I'm joking, I can see how this is scary and it is risky to an extent( although way less than Biden staying in imo). Here is what I would consider about this though as a positive:

    I think this will at least partially reinvigorate the voting population

    I don't know this of course but personally I haven't been excited about pretty much anything happening in politics in a while. I am actually excited and they haven't even picked a new nominee yet. Harris would be my least popular pick but if they pick her I will be way more happy/motivated about voting. I hope this pumps some blood into voter turnout.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Biden isn't even the nominee yet that's one of the reasons it was important this happened before the DNC. Before the nomination this is no official presidential candidate, ol' Mikey Poo-Bear is yaking out of his ass. Mike even said "some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions", he's just posturing for attention. No more threatening than a bantam rooster when you walk in his coup.

  • Introducing Proton Scribe: a privacy-first writing assistant
  • So that's fair and I completely understand that. My problem is 1. How training data is obtained 2. How this change in the future and 3. I just started my proton switch about two months ago and all of the google AI integration is what broke the camels back for me.

    I wanted a platform where I didn't have to constantly check how the AI is getting trained and handles privacy, which is now gone.

  • Pelosi has told House Democrats that Biden may soon be persuaded to exit race
  • This article doesn't mention it but some articles suggested they are resorting to anonymous press leaks to pressure biden because he will not face the reality of what everyone is seeing. They are running out of time to make major changes.

  • Vapor Brother VB1.5: Ball Vape Alternative

    I've been trying to help kick start this community off. This is my first time really posting, I was always a lurker. I was trying to think of things I could post about daily and was planning to do an in-depth series of guides on ball vapes(which I will continue to generate). The problem I have with that is ball vapes are still very new, with them still pretty early in development there many dents to hammer out. They don't appeal to everyone and it's 100% understandable, I was turned off by the complexity when I first saw them and pretty much wrote them off (glad I looked back into them though). So I wanted to try to throw posts up on a variety of dry herb vaporizering topics, this one will appeal to people who want a heavy hitter ball vape adjacent device without any of the downsides of ball vapes. The Vapor Brothers VB1.5 I DON'T OWN THIS DEVICE

    At a Glance

    • Easy setup, plug-N-play whip desktop vape

    +Safe, very shielded from burning anything

    • Pure convective heating

    +Can leave on all day

    • Reliability, vapor brothers has been around forever and make a good product

    +3 ball materials (zirconia, alumina, or boro glass) and 2 ball size options 3 or 4mm

    +Can retrofit VB1.0

    -Hits very hard but not as hard as a ball vape

    -once you select your material it doesn't look easy to change it out

    -Can't set exact temp, uses dial instead

    -Can't have a portable head, will be entirely desktop

    This is basically just the OG Vapor Brothers desktop but they changed the steam to include balls that you choose (see above for materials/size) so it seems like a hybrid ball vape/desktop device. Reviews seem solid, people report it hits almost as hard as ball vapes. This seems like a great middle ground bridging desktop and ball vapes, unlike ball vapes though this is a plug and play device with little to no safety concerns comparatively. It looks like you can pick them up for around $300 depending on what you choose, not a bad price point imo. You could get cheaper ballers but you could also get way more expensive ones. They can also retrofit an old VB1.0 and convert it to the VB1.5 for $125 which I thought was pretty neat. I don't think the stems/balls can be easily changed out but I could be dead wrong on that and of course no things that are for ball vapes will work with this. The only other downside I see to this is no precise temp control, other than this looks like a phenomenal device!

    Image from


    Mighty Internal Elements

    I saw this picture of the internal heating elements of the mighty. I hadn't seen it before so I wanted to share!

    Pretty neat: you can see the thermocouple in the bottom left of the heating chamber to track temp, the air path spirals up the element picking up convective heat, and you can see the hottest spot is in contact with the herb bowl which gives it the conductive heating. Superbly designed device!


    Personal Setup: Simple, Fast, Very Medicinal

    I cleaned my glass for the weekend (ignore down stem haha) and wanted to share a picture of my daily driver setup! Just a TM2, glass bowl with 14mm connector, and an Orb water piece. I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend!


    Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve


    Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve

    So there was some speculation whether Valve delisted the 177 (now 180) countries to protect itself legally or if Sony had done it for Sony reasons. It appears that Sony has been confirmed to be the one who delisted it


    What are ball vapes? Ball vapes quickly explained

    So I've used portables for years and desktops a few times. The last couple years I've kept reading about ball vapes and they sounded cool but honestly I got intimidated and stopped looking into it. There are so many options and components and you have to worry about compatibility etc.... Well I hope to make a series of posts addressing all of this to help other people be more comfortable approaching getting a ball vape!

    At a glance, what is a ball vape? Simply put a ball vape heats up an e-nail, that then heats up a metal or glass housing, that houses hundreds of 2-4mm balls (where the name comes from). These balls are made from materials that have good heat retention properties, silicon carbide(SiC), ruby (corundum), alumina, zirconia, and many more. These balls heat up as well and when you draw air though the balls the air heats up and passes though the herb vaporizering it.

    What's the benefits? The reason small 2-4mm balls or jewels(lil diamond shapes) are used is because they have a large surface area compared to larger (5+mm) shapes and you can get a higher packing density(more balls/volume). This heats the air passing though very uniformly, leading to a much more uniform extraction (less green and black ABV). It also allows for a very open airpath, while being able to maintain temperature. The housing and balls (often referred to as a head assembly) have a huge thermal mass so you can rip the hell out of a ball vape and the heat will keep up! A ball vape offers a one hit extraction from flower, kinda like dabbing flower if that makes sense.

    There are three main components you need to start a ball vape setup:

    -PID controller

    -a coil that is compatible with the PID

    -a head assembly that fits the above coil and balls

    The rest is a bowl, bong, and any adapters you want. These depend on injector vs difussion style but that goes past the scope of this post.

    All of this is just a very general picture of a ball vape written as succinctly as possible. I will dive much deeper into the setups, parts, and adapters in future posts.

    Image from tools420 site in comments, I just wrote over it.


    Convection vs Conduction Vapes: Pros of Each

    Just a quick guide to help anyone understand some of the differences between conduction and convection vaporizers. Hopefully it helps people make informed decisions on what types of vapes they want!

    At a glance:


    +More even extraction

    +Better flavor

    +Lower combustion risk

    +Better for on demand large rips

    +Less stirring needed _______________________________________ Conduction

    +Larger clouds

    +Better heat retention

    +Designs are more compact


    +Better for long vape session/ sharing


    What's the difference?

    Conductive heating is heat that is transferred though being in physical contact between solid objects. Thus a conductive vape is a vape where flower is in direct contact with a heat source.

    By contrast convective heating is heat that is transferred though gases. Thus convective heating heats the air that then travels through and heats the flower.

    Most portables and devices in general are hybrids where some part of the bowl heats up and the air that passes though the herb is heated, the mighty perfect example of a hybrid device. Pure devices exist of course, the Tinymight 2 is purely convection. Pure conduction is a little rarer or at least I haven't personally come across as many pure conduction devices, I believe the starry 4 is a pure conduction portable.

    *That is not my picture, I got it from the Wikipedia page on heat transfer.


    Trying To Revive Vaporents What's Your Favorite Vape? -

    I want to see this community grow so I want to start creating some content here. What’s everyone’s favorite vape here? Could be model specific or vague like portable, conduction, analog, etc… Preach your favorite way to vaporize!

    Someone posted in Trees the other day that they missed the old r/vaporents and r/cult. I do as well, I want to try and foster growth in the cannabis space on Lemmy. I love vaporizering (cannabis too of course) so I want to start making some content for vaporents!


    What's Your Favorite Vape?

    I want to see this community grow so I want to start creating some content here. What's everyone's favorite vape here? Could be model specific or vague like portable, conduction, analog, etc... Preach your favorite way to vaporize!


    CAD Software Suggestion

    I am currently on win10 but have been toying with mint and liking it. I intend on fully switching over soon. I have also been toying with the idea of some simple 3D modeling, like making custom parts for projects around my house. Maybe using a CAD software to generate stls for a 3D print or using it to spec out parts for a design made out of aluminum extrusion (like 8020) little things like that. I was thinking about getting a solidworks hobbyist license for 45 a year but solidworks doesn't support Linux. I could keep a Windows dual boot HDD, but fuck that. Any suggestions on a CAD software that fits? Have a gaming PC with a 3060 and some beefy hardware.
