Anti-commie Anti-fascist
Pro-EU Pro-NATO Pro-cooperatives
Freedom to Ukraine
So for something you can't objectively evaluate? Looking at Apple's garbage generator, LLMs aren't even good at summarising.
"Competinion" in the EU are shitting themselves laughing at this joke of a vehicle.
This looks more like desperation. An "investor" desperately trying to keep themselves afloat.
This would immediately isolate the US. Nothing would leave its perimeter.
Moron speaking absolute nonsense yet again.
"Elon Musk claimed on X that he eliminated the IRS team responsible for the "Direct File" program, which allows Americans to file taxes online for free"
"However, the Treasury Department confirms that the Direct File system remains active, offering free tax filing with customer support"
Big story. Is every tweet going to be a shocking story? Isn't that beneficial to the media who done nothing / helped install theese morons?
Who the fuck is Grammer, is that your name?
- You posted rage-bait shit post "attacking" Vegans
- Not even mentioned grammar, just your logic (lmao, you proved my point) (also, it's 'grammar', btw)
- Don't dish it if you can take it
What do I need to tell myself to sleep at night?
Can you even construct a sentence that makes sense, follow logic for more than 1 reply? Or is the sack of fat on your forehead is encroaching on your brain?
Who, you? Because I called you a fatso?
Oh wow OP, I didn't know you were a hunter!
Or are you just a sweaty fatso that posts trash boomer memes and gets meat delivered and wrapped in plastic?
Yeah, thought so.
Now do russia!
Oh, I thought you meant '8 active users' as in 'nobody's regsitering to use it'. You meant more institutions?
You can't make an account on
Nice suggestion. Let's abandon our strongest ally who are in an identity chrisis for literal terrorists. Thanks, Lemmy.
I'd never notice it as a passer-by. I think large feet are weirder looking because I auto-associate them with clown shoes.
What? Latvia is a part of NATO.
You fully support russia?
Do you want me to link the video where a russian "soldier" rapes a baby? Or where they're shooting civilians in the street? Or nah?
Remember Bucha, it wasn't that long ago.
Why does the inner ear imbalance make you throw up?
Quite literally. How come when we feel "confused", we start getting the need to expel the contents from our stomach?
I get that we get sea-sick because of "mixed signals" coming in to our brain. But why do we feel nauseous? How come the centre of the problem becomes the stomach, and not some sort of heightened sense of needing to find balance?
Hope this question makes at leasr some sense. Thanks!
New notification icons

In the Trial of the Ancestors expansion, notifications for Trade Requests, Guild Invitations, PvP Challenges, Party Invitations, and the all new Hideout Invitation have distinct icons.
3.22 Patch Notes: Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors
Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.

Currency totals in the trade window

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"In Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors, you'll be able to hold the Alt key while hovering over a stack of Currency Items in the trade window to see the total quantity being offered."
Sadism Support gem

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"If you'd like to play a Damage over Time build but don't have time to wait around for Ailments to deal Damage, check out Sadism Support! It causes supported Skills to have less Ailment Duration and deal Damage with Ailments Faster."
Devour Support gem

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Devour Support causes Killing Blows from Supported Skills to consume corpses to Recover Life and Mana.
Spellblade Support

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Spells supported by Spellblade Support have added Spell Damage equal to a percentage of Damage of Equipped One-Hand Melee Weapons. Whoever said a sword couldn't channel magic just as well as a wand, anyway?
Trauma Support

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Trauma Support supports Strike Skills, allowing them to scale damage like Boneshatter. Be careful though, if you build up more Trauma stacks than you can handle, it won't be the enemies' bones you'll be shattering!