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NutWrench NutWrench
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The heart we can't neglect indeed
  • The end of real representative democracy began when the courts allowed the "corporations are people / money is speech" arguments. Once that happened, government began to represent only the interests of billionaires and their lobbyists.

    It's taking decades to play out, but it's going to end badly.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • The Yamaha YM3812 sound chip was the backbone of computer sound & music generation for almost a decade.

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • Rubber bullets are supposed to be skipped off the pavement in front of the people you're shooting at. This reduces their impact and is supposed to make the bullets "less lethal." These cops didn't do that. Her maiming was the result of a deliberately aimed shot from a rifle.

  • Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments
  • The guy who literally embodies all of the Seven Deadly Sins "loves" the Ten Commandments.

  • Washington man arrested after fatally shooting teen who had BB gun
  • It's not the BB gun that got the kid killed. He literally put the gun on the ground and had his hands up.

    It's because the "security guard" is a stupid, trigger-happy moron.

  • Maybe an injection or pill?
  • It helps to establish a routine for going to bed. For example, set a nightly reminder on your phone 15-30 minutes before bedtime that it's time to wind things down. Don't have anything caffeinated after 5 pm or so.

  • Why does a state like California that has supermajorities in both houses of the legislature not have a livable wage, housing guarantees, universal healthcare, and other very progressive policies?
  • Republicans and Democrats have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, Democrats are where the Republicans were in the 1980s: boring, middle of the road corporatists, friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. And the right has moved all the way into an insane asylum. We haven't had a real progressive president since Jimmy Carter and that was 50 years ago.

  • Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive
  • I'm hoping it's not just an emulator with spam.

  • I'm the worm in the apple car.
  • I like how the vehicles match the drivers: the mice driving the cheese mobile, the dog driving the hot dog mobile. etc.

  • It's not what I pictured.
  • I love the Richard Scarey books. My favorite was. "What Do People Do All Day."

    The book would should things like how electricity is made or how to build a house. It would show all the plumbing, heating and electric, with little arrows to show which way things went. It taught me how to look beneath the surface of things and wonder how and why things worked.

  • YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked
  • I also recommend NewPipe for Android. It lets you download in multiple formats and shows comments in a mobile format (you can get it through the F-Droid store or from github.)

  • YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked
  • Youtube isn't some one of a kind miracle. There's at least a dozen already-established streaming platforms that would take its place. There are thousands of websites that have no problems hosting gigs and gigs of porn, so it's not as difficult as people think.

  • "Have you tried feudal serfdom?"
  • Feudal serfdom aka Company Towns. Conservatives would LOVE for us to return to that. You get paid in company Disney bucks that can only be used at the company store. You'll live in company dorms, go to company schools and when you die, you'll be buried in the company graveyard.

    Slavery never went away in this country. It just became more profitable.

  • This "all you can eat" buffet has a unique system for discounts
  • Well, that's not embarrassing at all . . .

  • Reddit: 'We Are in the Early Stages of Monetizing Our User Base'
  • "Early Stages?" You've got AI mining your data. The Lions have already come and gone. The hyenas and other scavengers are picking over the scraps, now.

  • two party system is a scam
  • Yeah, subby. We get it. "Both sides are bad." But one side is boring corporatists who don't give a crap and the other side is 100% concentrated evil fascists, authoritarians and religious nutjobs. And while that's a choice between the lesser of two evils, it's not a difficult one.

  • We're we are as a society -- 'I'm proud of being a job hopper': Seattle engineer's post about company loyalty goes viral
  • The very first lesson you will learn from your very first job is that companies have no loyalty to anything but the bottom line. The days of guaranteed lifetime employment at a company disappeared decades ago.

  • Everytime
  • It's not about the gays vs straights or blacks vs whites or the Romulans vs The Federation. It's about the billionaires vs everybody else. It's a class war. It aways has been. And life is never going to improve for most of us until we figure out where the REAL source of our pain comes from. Like George Carlin once said:

    "That's the way the ruling class works in any society. They keep the lower and middle classes fighting with each other so that they . . . the rich . . . can run off with all the f*cking money."

  • Something tells me this might not be a good year for games...
  • This is going to be a great year for indie games. (Currently playing, "Techtonica.")