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FinishingDutch FinishingDutch
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Oh Joe...
  • I honestly don't mind there not being an audience. At least this way you can focus on the question and answers, without people booing, clapping, shouting, etc. An audience is great for a political rally, but for debates like this... I'd rather focus on the actual content.

  • Oh Joe...
  • I'm a biiiiig fan or ranked-choice voting as a concept. It seems like such a nice way to get a more diverse political landscape which isn't set in stone like the US has right now. It'd certainly give other candidates an actual shot at the position. You simply don't even SEE third party candidates these days. They're not in any debate, they never get talked about... After all, why bother when they're never, ever going to win with the current setup?

  • Oh Joe...
  • You would think that US voters would've had enough of this system by now. The only reason third - or fourth, fifth, etc. - parties don't really work is because people keep voting for the same two... and expecting different results. The classic definition of insanity.

    Now, it's not going to be easy to sway enough people, but doing nothing surely isn't going to fix things either. It clearly hasn't to date.

  • Oh Joe...
  • As a European… we’re not really fond of this situation either. Both candidates would get laughed off stage here. I don’t mind a seasoned, older politician, but these two should stick to golf and not running a country. Get yourself some better candidates or better, vote for a third party.

  • Dog toy rule
  • That’s some quality plausible deniability right there. Flared base and everything.

    That’s definitely ending up in someone wearing a dog collar…

  • Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played
  • They don’t list their methodology, so it’s pretty much a made up number.

    And yeah, back when you had to add the entire bundle to your account, you’d get a ton of crap bundle games that you’d never play. These days you can generally list the code for others to use.

    Like H3AFF-I28Q2-AF4AV

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • I am, in fact, quite aware of how air conditioners work :D A lot of devices work like this; it’s why a refrigerator and freezer generate heat. And why things like a slushy machine are real power hogs. Basically, anything that gets things cool will generate heat elsewhere.

    Thing is, a refrigerator and freezer are very much needed in daily life. An air conditioner thankfully isn’t - yet. But on days where we have 25+ celsius, the aircon is the difference between being sweaty, irritable, unproductive and with poor sleep or… perfectly comfortable. So, we choose to not be miserable. It keeps me sane during heatwaves.

    But yes, absolutely nobody should own one. And I highly encourage everybody else not to get one. I’m keeping mine though.

  • Parisians threaten to poo in River Seine to protest Olympic clean-up costs
  • When I heard about the plans to clean up the Seine enough to have actual swimming events, I had to check it wasn’t an Onion article. While on paper it sounds nice - an urban river so clean you could swim in it - in practice it’s pretty much impossible to do. Not even factoring in the cost of it.

    If I was an athlete, I’d skip the event if they tried to make me swim in that. There’s no vaccines and drysuits good enough to make me take that plunge. Especially not after half of Paris decides to take an actual shit in it.

  • Aye Aye, Captain
  • Snoop Dogg got his ship master’s license I see.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Here in the Netherlands, the panels are wired into the grid so you’re always delivering back and not using that power directly. What happens is, they basically deduct the power generated from the power you’ve used. This crediting system will eventually disappear, as too many people are feeding back solar power.

    For all intents and purposes, as long as we generate more than we use, we’re paying nothing except grid charges and taxes. So if you’ve got a low energy use day and plenty of solar, there’s really no reason not to run an AC (or a washer/dryer, etc)

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • We’ve got nine panels on the south facing roof. Right now, reasonably sunny day, they produce about 3.6 -3.7 Kw. That amply covers the power consumption of one of the two LG aircons we have. Those take about 2.5 kW. We usually just run one, depending on outside temp.

    I’m not really familiar with solar generators in general, but that feels like you’d need a pretty beefy one to keep an AC powered.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • I’ve got solar panels and AC. I’m keeping the house at meat locker freezing while staying within the solar panel production. Might as well use the power when it’s there.

    Some people will complain about using AC in general. They can sweat all they want - I’m keeping cool.

  • For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st
  • Yeah, that’s certainly one odd aspect. Also, there’s a ton of other methods to handle labour shortages. Like activating underused groups, such as women. Or offering retraining so people can switch to different jobs. And higher pay for sectors with shortages doesn’t hurt either, considering the already very low pay in Greece.

    Running your existing workforce ragged is NOT the way to deal with this.

    But hey, maybe we’re missing some cultural or political piece of the puzzle as to why they went this route.

  • A cool guide on the easiest swimsuit colors to spot in case a drowning happens
  • This science is also why a lot of actual dive watches throughout the decades have had orange and yellow dials. They’re much easier to read at depth.

    The most famous orange dial diver is the Doxa 300, which was first introduced in the ‘60’s. They still make modern versions of it, in a whole rainbow of colors. I own an orange and yellow.

  • Moar Borderlands
  • Borderlands is a straight up dopamine injection for my brain. You shoot someone, damage numbers go up, brain gets all happy. It’s dumb, but I fucking love it. I also love the writing, the characters, the level designs… it’s exactly the type of gaming comfort food that I enjoy.

    Moar Borderlands!

  • [DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] Deadpool (2016) [REWATCH]
  • I’m excited as fuck for Deadpool 3! It’s my number one most anticipated movie this year to be honest.

    Deadpool 1 was certainly a breath of fresh air for me when it released. A great introduction to a unique character. An antihero with a healthy dose of humor that’s not usually found in other superhero movies. Absolutely loved the fourth wall breaks, loved every character in it, loved the soundtrack…

    I got into Deadpool so much, I actually started reading the comics to get more Deadpool :D

  • For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st
  • The Greeks are insane for going along with this. Revolutions have started over less. Clearly their politicians no longer have the best interests of the Greek people in mind.

  • The Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Steam reviews have dropped to 'mixed,' as players point at the performance and balance issues on PC.
  • If it runs that poorly and it’s still lacking basic things like ultrawide and DLSS, you’re clearly doing something very wrong as a developer. If you want to make PC money, you should also properly use the platform.

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • “Greetings, we’ve been trying to reach your civilization about the extended warranty on your Class 7 interstellar exploration cruiser…”

  • I’m a big fan of classic cars and modern women.

    I’ve been playing with Bing Image Creator. This stuff really is amazing huh? I was playing around with some prompts and styles and came up with this. The car’s prompt was a classic BMW M3 E30.


    (Bing) I've always been a big fan of the 80's Miami aesthetic.

    I was playing around with Bing this afternoon; that's pretty cool technology! Had it generate a few covers based on classic series like Outrun, Sega GT, that sort of thing.

    Figured I'd give a different prompt a try as well. So here's "Retro-futuristic image of a white haired older man, dressed in a white 80's suit and sunglasses. Stepping out of a futuristic, red Lamborghini Countach with white interior. Background is an 80's Miami street with palm trees and art-deco buildings, sun-drenched, with neon lights on the buildings."

    That's a vibe for sure.
