Wireguard based software defined networking, very similar to Tailscale.
I guess if you're measuring in execution time, negative would be an improvement.
More importantly, don't open up SSH to public access. Use a VPN connection to the server. This is really easy to do with Netbird, Tailscale, etc. You should only ever be able to connect to SSH privately, never over the public net.
Nazi is often written in all caps, I suspect under the mistaken impression that it's an acronym.
The official title of the party was actually the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ). Nazi was a colloquialism, short for Nationalsozialisten.
They won't, because loot boxes are their main source of income.
And this is exactly why "good companies" like Valve cannot save us. Good companies will never be a substitute for good regulations.
That's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of standard.
The situation is, when assessed honestly, really fucking bad. If they present it as being better than it is, they're sugar coating the reality. If they present it as bad as it is then according to you they're spreading doom and gloom. How are they supposed to win this?
It can easily be both.
The problem is that these criticisms of the Dems do matter. Fascism doesn't grow in a vacuum. Treating the Democrats as an outright enemy is idiotic, but it's not at all idiotic to point out that they've created the conditions for this swing to the hard right.
In 2020 I predicted that a Biden victory would guarantee the Republicans win in 2024. I knew then that he would be a one term president, because he's exactly the kind of hide-bound, corporate friendly Democrat that fascists love. In actuality Biden was far better than I expected; while his legislative agenda was incredibly reserved, he used the justice department and the machinery of the federal government to achieve a lot of big progressive goals. And he was in reality a hell of a lot less corporate friendly than I expected.
But, exactly as I suspected, his goals were still far too reserved, his actions designed to pay off much too far in the future and the result was that at a time when people were struggling with a skyrocketing cost of living, Biden's government was trumpeting "economic accomplishments" that in no way translated to the average person having more money in their pocket. People aren't so stupid that they can't figure out how poor they are. Progressive policies have to actually achieve progressive goals to be popular, and billionaires getting richer while everyone else gets poorer is the opposite of that.
Biden would have been a great president in the nineties. But it's too late for his quiet, dignified approach to politics. They've run out the clock. We hit "France five days before the revolution" levels of wealth inequality a while ago, and the average person is ready to burn everything down on the 0.001% chance that something better might emerge.
You can't resist fascism with quiet, dignified centrism. Weimar Germany tried that. Look where it got them.
You resist fascism by solving the underlying problems that make fascism appealling. This is true one on one when dealing with individual converts (there are some great studies and practical examples on this, showing how the best way to peel people off of fascist movements is to help them resolve the problems in their personal lives) and its equally true at the mass scale. Fascism feeds on the feeling that traditional governance is failing the masses. Mussolini got elected on promises to solve the political gridlock that was preventing the government from doing anything useful. Hitler was elected because people were feeling intense economic hardship and he offered simplistic solutions. By the time Hitler and Mussolini achieved power, the second most likely outcome in either country was that the Communists took over. In Spain the hard left actively fought a war against the fascists for control of the country. These are not conditions where the status quo can be maintained, and anyone whose overriding objective is to wholly or largely to maintain the status quo is ultimately creating the conditions where fascism grows best.
The Dems are not evil in the way that the GOP are evil, and they are inherently preferable to the GOP as a result, but as they are now they cannot - not will not, cannot - save the country from fascism. Instead they have inadvertently enabled it by being unable to take the kind of radical action necessary to prevent its growth.
Well, it is and it isn't. The filibuster is a rule of senate procedure, not a law. The party in control of the senate can remove that rule if they wish.
I do agree that a lot of progressives will unnecessarily leap from valid criticism of the Dems to claiming - in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary - that they're literally as bad as the GOP. A party of some progress is manifestly and obviously better than a party that wants to undo progress.
But it's also complete valid to point out that a lot of the things that supposedly prevented the Dems from achieving more progress were norms, not hard rules. Biden could have rebalanced the supreme court by simply adding more members. The Dems could have thrown out the filibuster. There were options that were on the table that the Dems refused to use because they think they're playing a polite game of chess, while their opponent just showed up and slapped a gun down on the table. I despise the GOP with every fibre of my being, but at least they understand the stakes.
It's a very strong swing between two polls in only a few weeks. It is perhaps presumptive to call it a freefall this early, but if the trend continues it certainly would be.
Thing is, at my local farmer's markets, the prices are lower than the grocery stores, so that scam wouldn't work.
So, basically, the trick to setting this up in Caddy is more one of not doing anything. Caddy is so much smarter than Nginx that it just figures out all this stuff for you.
So this:
# Notes Server - With WebSocket
server {
listen 80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5264/;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_read_timeout 3600;
proxy_send_timeout 3600;
in Caddy becomes this: {
reverse_proxy IP_ADDRESS:8264
Yeah. This is why I love Caddy.
In the end I only had to include a couple of the header modifiers to get everything working. So my finished file looked like this: {
reverse_proxy IP_ADDRESS:8264 {
header_up Host $host
header_up X-Real-IP $remote_addr
} {
reverse_proxy IP_ADDRESS:5264
} {
reverse_proxy IP_ADDRESS:7264
} {
reverse_proxy IP_ADDRESS:6264
header / Cache-Control "public, no-transform"
header / X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status
Obviously, update "" and "IP_ADDRESS" to the appropriate values. I'm actually not even 100% sure that all of that is necessary, but my setup seems to be working, including the monograph server.
One very important aside though; in your .env file, don't do this:
Those trailing slashes will mess everything up. Strip them off so it looks like this:
Took me a while to work that one out.
I might still need to tweak some of this. I'm getting an occasional "Unknown network error" in the app, but all my notes are syncing, monographs publish just fine, and generally everything else seems to work, so I'm not entirely sure what the issue is that Notesnook is trying to tell me about, or if it's even something I need to fix.
Edit: OK, the issue was that I didn't have setup. Just directly proxying it solves one error, but creates another, so I'll need to play with that part a little more. It's probably down to Minio doing it's own proxying on the backend (because it rewrites http requests at 9009 to https at 9090). Will update when I get it working. Anyway, for now everything except attachments seem to work.
Yeah, even a minority Conservative government would be better than what we've been facing. And frankly, I desparately want to set what happens to the current Conservative party if Pollievre flames out. That alliance is fragile and strained. I wonder what another loss would do to them.
Yes, they are. Recent polls have shown a strong swing towards the Liberals. They're not in the lead yet, but the current trend is that direction, and that's without them even having a selected leader yet. Polls asking about hypothetical elections where Carney is the leader actually put them in a dead heat with the Conservatives (and unlike the US, in Canada its the Liberals who have the vote distribution advantage, so ties go their way more often than not).
Pretty sure it was President Musk who wrote this order, but OK.
Almost all the produce I buy was grown down the road from where I live. I literally buy potatoes straight from the farm where they were grown.
Some farm stores rely on imported produce, but most are actually selling local products and are well worth giving your business to.
I mean, they haven't said that yet. While the current supreme court have made some genuinely insane rulings, they've generally at least made the pretence of trying to square everything they're doing with the constitution, albeit often in very strained or roundabout ways. I'm not sure if they'll be able to find a way to justify this (but I'm not ruling it out either).
Yeah, but they're explicitly saying it's only to protect Christianity, so that throws that defense right out the window.
Love seeing Quebec refuse to take this union busting bullshit lying down.
Oh boy, seeing Optimus Prime and Frodo Baggins throw down with Sponge Bob and Kharn The Betrayer is gonna be epic.