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tigeruppercut tigeruppercut
Posts 20
Comments 1.1K
Who is a character you feel is overhated and despised too much ?
  • First season Wesley is sad to hear you didn't like him

  • What is a product that didn't live up to its advertised claims?
  • I'd already been doing contact juggling by the time the fushigi came out, but the ads implied that you could just... perform a skill by buying their product. It'd be like a company marketing the "mystical multiball" that shows people juggling 7 objects and implying you too could do that if you only owned their particular set.

  • Why is there not an equally opposing force to Project 2025?
  • I agree with you that a large part of the problem is that destruction is easier than creation, but it wouldn't be hard to get a lot of progressive things in if there were the political will for it. Appoint tons of progressive judges and start putting through huge increases in wealth taxes, climate and social programs, workers/union rights, scale back police power, etc etc.

    But even if there were hundreds of leftist judges waiting in the wings, the dems are too corporatist to support stuff like that, so the best they can offer is some social programs that won't upset the status quo too much.

  • Yeats, "Who Goes With Fergus?"
  • Just listening purely to the prosody Yeats stands with the best for me :)

  • Stephen Crane, "In The Desert".
  • Basically you have someone pursuing a dream despite opposition from someone else telling them it will never come to fruition.

  • Stephen Crane, "In The Desert".
  • I've enjoyed him since I read his horizon poem

    "I saw a man pursuing the horizon"

    I saw a man pursuing the horizon;
    Round and round they sped.
    I was disturbed at this;
    I accosted the man.
    “It is futile,” I said,
    “You can never —”

    “You lie,” he cried,
    And ran on.

  • TIL about Wabi-sabi, the Japanese aesthetic worldview of accepting the simple, imperfect, and transient things in the world. Similar to kintsugi (repairing broken pottery with golden paste), it's abou
  • This is vaguely a thing in Japan, but let's not fall into the eastern mysticism trap, where Asian things are completely divorced from what goes on in the West. It's sort of like saying America has the "fuck it, good enough" aesthetic worldview of accepting the imperfect things about the world.

  • Garfield
  • Especially when it's outside Zach's usual style. I read SMBC and I didn't recognize this as one of his.

  • The first Presidential debate of 2024 will be held today...
  • I wonder ifhe stopped listening to Rage after they said they hated him

  • Howdy, Y'all fellow americans!
  • Elvis Crushel got me

  • "In fact, let me take a few pages to describe how much I can't describe this"
  • I signed up for a gothic class my frosh year that was described as American gothic-- vampires, werewolves, all that good stuff. I dunno if the prof didn't write the course description or if it got changed later but it was English gothic, which apart from the origins of the genre (Walpole, which ended up being hilarious because tons of modern tropes originated there, like the maiden in the castle using the subterranean staircase to flee from the mad king when a gust of wind blows her candle out) and some of the more satirical stuff (Austin), it was incredibly boring to read.

    There was one called The Mysteries of Udolpho that's this meme times 10, where during a wagon trip there are literal 30 page descriptions of tress. I get if we'd been warned that this sort of thing was largely historical and we could pretty much skip the sweeping depictions of scenery that only existed because most people in the 19th century didn't get to travel much so it was exciting to read about exotic landscapes, but the assignment merely amounted to "Here's a 650 page novel, go read it for next week."

    At least we got to do Frankenstein and I think there was one Poe story thrown in as well (despite being American).

  • Will The Rock’s Red One be the worst Christmas movie ever?
  • Betteridge would say no, but the Star Wars holiday special exists.

  • OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • Not sure why these articles are only coming out now. My work bought me a win11 computer a few months ago and I was surprised to learn that the first few things I downloaded to the desktop showed up on my one drive. I don't really use the account I have on it for much, and it was easy enough to turn off in settings but it was still a shock.

    Just another invasion of privacy by a giant corpo that none of its users asked for

  • Getting Sync's internal browser to default to Firefox?

    Links that open natively in Sync (like news articles) are often riddled with ads. Is there any way for the Sync shell to open through a Firefox based browser, which includes native ad block?

    I'm not sure if this is related to what browsers I have on my phone. I do have one chromium based browser (kiwi) installed, and if getting rid of that would fix the problem I could look into deleting it and leaving only FF on my phone. But I'm not sure if it's related.


    Hey, have you met my jirlfriend?

    (hopefully someone with more AI experience can pull this off better but I couldn't get it to replace all of a person's skin with denim no matter how many iterations I went through)

    Political Memes tigeruppercut

    Sneakers sig heil

    He gets a bonus dollar for every nazi who buys his shoes


    Disabled keyboard shortcuts on a particular site

    I was on a streaming site and fumbled some keystroke that popped up a menu where one option was "disable keyboard shortcuts". I accidentally clicked on it and now the arrow keys don't scroll, space doesn't pause, etc. I can't figure out where that menu is to restore functionality to the keyboard, even after a browser restart.

    As far as I can tell, this is site specific, as the keyboard works for youtube and other streaming sites. Any ideas? If it helps, the site I was on is fmoviesz dot to

    Movies and TV Shows tigeruppercut

    strange order of credits

    Was watching From (horror series from MGM) and one of the episodes had the credits listed in a strange order. I know there's some politicking in who gets listed in what order, but this was odd because it was for very minor parts.

    There's a gaggle of 7 scary children who are basically there to look creepy, and while they technically have speaking parts, they all just say the same gibberish word over and over. In the credits for S02E10, after the one guest star, the next screen lists (among other cast) "ghoulish child" #5 and #7, then the screen after that lists #2, 3, 4, and 6 (one of the kids is called "ghastly child" and I guess is more main, though I couldn't really see a difference).

    Any idea what could cause this? Could kids 5 and 7 be related to the director or something? What possible reason could there be for listing such minor parts out of order? And if they wanted a couple kids featured more prominently, why wouldn't they just call those kids 2 and 3 instead of 5 and 7?

    edit: here's a link to the imdb cast page


    Why would certain comments or threads on other instances not show up?

    I still don't really understand how the fediverse interacts very well, so this might be something basic. When I access this post through the original, there are (currently) 44 comments showing, but when I access it through, only 9 comments show up. This entire comment thread, for example, doesn't appear through .zip. When I go to that thread's OP's profile through .zip, the comment is missing there as well.

    As far as I know we're not defederated from, but that's the only reason I was aware of that a user's comments might not appear. Does it have to do with the fact that it's a new instance or something?


    Trauma Trooper - PBF Comics Trauma Trooper

    The Perry Bible Fellowship

    Trauma Trooper

    Ever since the comic stopped regular updates I forget about it for awhile then I have a few random updates to go back through. Glad Gurewitch is still making new material, even if it's infrequent.


    How the fuck is this my problem, ticketmaster?!

    Apparently they won't sell you seats if you leave a single seat next to your order. Fuck this shitty monopoly


    Riker's always thirsty Cartoon: The final frontier

    Seasons greetings, everyone! You can help me keep this cartooning thing sustainable by joining my weekly newsletter, Sparky’s List — or even by purchasing a gift subscription for someone else!

    Cartoon: The final frontier
    GameDeals tigeruppercut

    [Epic Games] | Human Resource Machine | 100% Off/Giveaway
