Pokemon fans can go to dog fighting to understand why they might not be as happy as they think.
Also imagine that some of the dogs can electrocute, burn and drown other dogs. Also, sometimes they put a chihuahua against a great dane.
If you take them at face value and not as a gamified abstraction, sure. "Pallet Town" having three buildings is unlivable but it isn't shown that way in non-game media.
The organized crime is rough but that usually gets sorted out by a child at some point so just keep your head down.
These terrorist organizations are at least nice enough to let you attempt to capture a relatively weak pikachu for over a decade. My boss gets mad if I go over my 15 minute coffee break.
Not up to date on pokemon lore by a longshot but iirc Jessey and James are actually just nice people who really like pokemon and do their jobs badly on purpose.
Each zelda game is wildly different when it comes to the state of the world so i can't say for sure. All i know is i need to protect my pots from that maniac in green
I'm not certain if I'd be more fucked in Factorio, The Elder Scrolls, Terraria, or Stardew Valley. I'd be fucked either way though since I assume I'd be a rando off screen, and not the main character
I held off the dragons till I did everything else because I got so annoyed with them killing townspeople in Skyrim.
Morrowind taught me to take over some asshole dark elf's house in Seyda Neen, and powelevel all my skills to 100 before I left the first town so that a random cliff racer, or kwarma forager didn't take out me and any random NPC around me.
Oblivion, beeline to Anvil, buy the house, and again just max out all my skills. Mostly so that the random encounters didn't kill me. I don't remember having issues keeping NPCs alive in that one.
I'm entirely uncertain that any of us normal non magicka wielding randos would survive long in any of the most interesting times of mundus.
Wheel of Time wouldn't be so terrible except that you lose 400 years of technological progress and you're completely screwed if you're a male and end up being a magic user.
Thing is, unless you live in the core worlds in any time period, and even then a relatively rich part of the core worlds, your life is gonna be pretty shitty in Star Wars. The Outer Rim is notoriously shit for anyone living there. Naboo might be nice, or Alderaan if you can actually find a place to live there and pick the right time period, so basically a couple decades before the prequels.
...Neither of those time periods are cushy. The Old Republic is a constant war between the Sith Empire and Republic, reaching far into the core worlds. I wouldn't call that cushy for the average dude. You're either enslaved by the Sith, enslaved by the Hutts, or conscripted by the Republic.
Post-OT in Legends wasn't exactly nice either, what with the Yuuzhan Vong War which killed an estimated 300 trillion people and multiple planets completely destroyed. You'd actually be better off in the Galactic Civil War! At least then only one planet blew up.
I'm good. I mean, there's a hell portal right next to a certain town in the countryside, but even the demons of this world are more "asshole characters and weird animals" than actual-ACTUAL-demons. Plus they seem to have completely handled issues of poverty and such by taming all of nature with magic, even if they still use money and have jobs. Less 'socialism' and more 'post-scarcity society, but with magic instead of tech'.
.... I'm talking about Equestria from Gen 4 My Little Pony by the way.
....... Then again ponies are like SUUUUPER racist, so if I end up there as a human, I think I'd be experimented on.
I can’t wait to visit Starfleet Medical to get my back and stomach fixed, live in a post scarcity utiopia, see other worlds, and study whatever I want.
EDIT: I think the worst thing will be contemplating the metaphysics of transporters. But maybe I’ll just never take one.
Oh dude. I hadn't even considered SCP. At least you might meet Alan Wake. Never played the games, but I assume he's an interesting guy if he lives in that universe, and has survived multiple games.
I haven't played the games either, tbh I didn't even know there were games.
I've been reading SCP's for probably over 15 years now though, with varying levels of obsession with it during that time. There is so much lore and interconnectedness now, seeing it grow from just a few stories was incredible.
It's nice to see how many of yall are quick with whatever your favorite fictional universe is..
I have never put much thought into one I'd deem as a favorite. I like a lot of games, shows, books, and such.. But I don't think I'd be able to pick just one.
There is one animated meme making the rounds now, posing the question on whether viewers would want a bucolic near-communist solarpunk future where everyone is happy and has their needs met, or a 40k future of massive mechs that can level entire cities on their own.
I say: why not both?
Crunchy outer shell of 40k that is just enough for a healthy defence of humanity, 90+% gooey solarpunk interior that gives everyone else a psychologically healthy and comfortable life.
I think I'd be pretty screwed. I'd most likely be living in some remote, forgotten village, trying to eke out enough of a living to pay the local lord for the privilege, while trying to avoid my home being raided by Aiel, or Seanchan, or Dragonsworn, or one of the other dozen armies roaming the countryside. Or maybe I'd be serving in one of those armies, fodder for the front lines, going up against enemies with no qualms about using the One Power for killing.
There's a tiny, remote chance that I could be studying in one of the schools in Cairhien or Caemlyn, trying to push technology out of the dark ages, which would be pretty cool. But that still comes with the risk of being a target of Darkfriends and the Forsaken, which is less cool.
I don't know shit about factorio really but this is still really funny and I feel like I understand it more now and it makes me wish even more that I liked playing it
Well, as far as Path of Exile 2 is concerned, I'll try to become someone's pet. Pets don't fight, are invincible and all they do is follow their owner wherever they go. I'd be able to see wondrous landscapes and all kinds of monsters without a care in the world.
I would love to know what happened with the person(s) who played Elon’s PoE account. Like great I need the DOGE expose and the revolution, but can I get an in-depth Wired piece on this one particular person or group first please
At the moment, that would either be Bofuri or Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. As long as I don't make an enemy out of the indestructible girl in black armor/a bear costume, I should be just fine.
My favorite fictional universe is Star Trek, but right now I'm really into The Expanse and that's probably more interesting.
Keng mi luck mi gonya kom sif wabelta nakángego ere setashan dédeya wowk tumal wit rashang ereluf unte owkwa showxa kewe mi livit suck da big felota. Kowltim tenye luck pashang mal. Unte nawang pochuye mi fo mi belta so mal.
I am a trekie too. I only hope to not get reincarnated on one of the planets that got razed to the ground for backgroundstory.
Additionally it could be devastating for the federation if one trekkie gets assimilated by borg
Well, depending on where and when in the story I land in Eorzea, it can be a nice and boring existence, one where I get to see all the famous heroes of the age from all across the realm, or a painfully short one.
Elden Ring is the world that is entirely devoid of hope, where many golden eras are all long past like millennia ago. There maybe another golden era coming, but it could just be a gilded age.
FromSoft fans who have been around since Kingfield in the late 90s: "always has been" (because from hit gold with the old and decaying fantasy world with dwindling hope in its inhabitants atmospheric vibe and keep reusing it)
Melina has hope, and gives reasons for it if you talk to her down near the three fingers but before you interact with them. There's just no hope of the status quo ever being fixed.
The State of the Art and Excession are the two I haven't gotten my hands on yet. I'm reading Matter right now and am consistently blown away by how forward thinking the author is. All of his work holds up so well.
I feel like my life would t be any different. I’d be a wizzard with an annoying job dealing with people who don’t understand magic and all the familial obligations.
I’d be fine, which is nice, but I’d just be me in another universe.
Maybe I’d be longing for a less weird universe. And that makes me sad.
So I guess I would t like to live in Discworld universe. I wouldn’t be the wyrdest person there.
So either I die rather quickly or live in a world of lasting sorrow and decay with short bursts of beauty doomed to fail. But at least I can be philosophical about it, right?
I'll be allright, it is just a small silly ring that I have to throw in a burning mountain. That is surrounded by orcs and other evil beings. While the ring is fighting against me and giving me supernatural powers.
Oh and no pressure, only the whole world will be destroyed and everything I know and love will be gone too.
Deathworlders universe:
Aliens exist and they are terrified of us, we calm them down a bit, one faction destroy earth, but we have allies and two other planets, alien medicine that make us healthy and cool tech, sounds allright...
D'ni universe:
Magic is semi real, we can write links to physical worlds and travel there instantly, sounds bloody brilliant...
Forza Horizon:
Immortality, fast cars that never breaks down or need fuel, several big houses vast garages, yeah, I can see that being fun....
Fallout universe:
Nuclear post-apocalyptic wasteland or cramped insane vaults, nah, hard pass.
Brandon Sanderson's cosmere. Kinda even chances between being instantly killed, enslaved, selling my soul to make a living or being stuck in the same office job I already have, but this time I'm Magneto.
Of all the worlds we've seen, when and where would you prefer to be put, assuming you have the same likelihood as a random person to have access to the magic system)?
I would probably want to be put on either Sel (specifically the area with soul stamps from the emperor's soul, since that's the only magic I can think of that everyone can use) or the world from Yumi and the nightmare painter (since that's just a relatively normal near-modern city).
It’s a really shitty decision but I’d probably go for the shattered plains pre-Alethi, I absolutely love the vibes of the chasms and exploring with esshondai sounds fun. Just gotta remember to gtfo before dalinar shows up for the second time and hope I don’t get murked by a salty ancestor looking for a meat suit
That's a tough question. Nalthis would be cool - technically, anyone there can Awaken as well, as long as you accumulate enough Breaths, which also give you cool passive bonuses. But also I want to see magic powered spaceships, and we don't have enough books set in late eras yet.
With full steel and iron, and knowledge of the lynchpin spike, you might be able to take them all out before running out, depending on how much steel you have.
Morrowind for me. If I could get past being killed by stray crabs I think I could settle down pretty well somewhere. As long as I don't get too involved in anything that seems world-endy...
Yeah, not sure, Pokemon fans would be as excited, once they're there. They could have basically their universe, if they just organize a dogfighting league and they don't do that.
Dogfighting of sentient beings. Some of which have the capacity for human speech. All of which show clear signs of experiencing pain. Some of which can have full conversation with you and speak intelligently. Yeah, that's who you're sending in for your personal blood sports. Pocket Monsters indeed. Not the creatures. You, the "trainer".
Tbf, the vast majority of these creatures are significantly more powerful than humans, and many significantly smarter. They seem perfectly okay with it. I mean hell, you can capture and battle with Poke-God himself. I like to think of it more like a sport all pokemon love or some shit than Pal World-type slavery.
Nah it's okay, they're taken care of in the stasis of the ball. What does taken care of mean? Well, they're in stasis, so technically they don't have any needs to meet, so they're totally fine. What is stasis? It's like being frozen, like cryostasis, but not like that. No, of course they're not fully aware of every agonizing second of blackness! Wait, I mean, they're aware, but not able to actually think or feel anything, and they can't even talk so it's not like they're complaining. Some of them are complaining? Fuck idk. ...are we the baddies?
Jk that's not supported by canon. Well, the bit at the end about self awareness anyways. [I realized after writing this last sentence immediately before this that it could kind of refer to either the Pokémon's self awareness or the self awareness of the person exploiting the Pokémon. I will not be correcting it to clarify which I meant]
That's not lucky at all.
As eventually those 22 minutes have to end in order for something new to happen with a hope for a better universe that you do not see but but witness its creation if you are lucky.
If you are lucky your actions lead to others' happiness and fulfilling lives. Not keep yourself around needlessly extended.
I don't know if I'd want to live in the UFP. Post-dominion war (and during it) it gets a bit dystopian. And of the time periods depicted, there's only a pretty narrow window where they're not at war with at least one major power. Specifically after the khitomer accords are signed and prior to the encounter with the Borg. So, really only a 70 year period. And even then, there's a cold war with the Romulans.
That galaxy is largely hostile and while a lot of UFP citizens are able to live in blissful ignorance, I'm not sure I'd enjoy that.
I’m on season 6 of DS9. I remember thinking about how fucked up it was that Sisko
Tap for spoiler
gases that maquis planet, but now he’s just falsified evidence to pull the romulans into the war (and Garak had a senator killed, to really sell it). The worst part is that the federation approved of the forgery.