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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 5
Comments 565
what is Is it safe to remove?
  • That verb is quite cumbersome to use, I propose the following;

    • "A quick ducking"
    • "I ducked it"
    • "Go duck it!"
    • "You should duck him"
    • "never duck that"
    • "You should often duck yourself to learn what it will be like when other people duck you."
  • People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are
  • The potential for misue is too great.

    Security cams are not available to anyone - only the bar staff has (hopefully limited) access to the video. While everything is recorded, unless something happens you can be confident the video will end up deleted.

    There's a difference from being watched by some creep through the window and being watched by a dozen creeps wanking off to you in a basment.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • It is theoreticaly possible, but praticaly speaking it would be near impossible.

    To acomplish this, you need to get 51% of the population (who actually vote) to all vote for one person. However, with FPTP, you get one choice on the ballot. Is the average voter going to risk their vote on a 3rd party, or vote for who they belive to be the "lesser evil" of the two that have a shot at winning?

    Even if you do manage to get 51%, there's the electoral collage. Never forget, our democracy has built in the ability to overwrite the presidential vote.

    Your first hurdle is getting any one to name an independent candidate.

    Edit: adjusted some wording to be better.

  • What is the best way to reinstall Windows after a MoBo/CPU upgrade while maximizing app/file/configuration retention?
  • For future, I would get a seperate internal drive (or at least partition the C drive with 75g for windows) for personal data/game library etc. This way when you reinstall the OS, your data is less impacted.

    Many programs, including classic shell, have an export settings to file button. Then you can import them back in after the reinstall. For classic shell, it doesn't save what you have "pinned to start".

    For a lot of programs like explorer you're out of luck and will have to start fresh. For some progrmas, you could go into the app data folder and see if there's a settings file you could copy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it bugs out.

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • Yup, looking back it was definitly a dick move, but it was fun.

    Also it was a legitamite attempt, the boss was almost dead...just not dead of enough two tanks with dungeon finder gear could finish the job.

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • In wow, I was a death knight gnome in a raid (dungeon finder so it was easy mode). I think it was one of the early warlords of dreanor raids. Anyways 95% of group wiped, but me and the other tank (a paladin) plus a healer (revived with gnomish army knife - which has a huge chance of failure) managed to survive for what felt like 5 minutes. Really upset the dead folks who just wanted us to wipe and start again.

    Unfortuanlty we didn't have enough DPS and hit the beserk timer and that was the end of that.

    I also loved using the multi-target death grip skill, normally it sucks every mob to your target, great for CC.

    I read you can set your self as target with a macro, so I'd run into the middle of a room and yank everything to me in one go. Super handy when mobs came in from behind and targeted the healer - I just sucked them all in into the stabbing party.

  • Anyone not see their post list?

    The solution is Settings -> Account preferences -> Show read posts?

    Thanks [email protected]


    I've posted a few time, but the post list always remains empty for some reason.

    I can see other people posts on their profiles.


    Recommendation for a Windows 'Calandar Widget'

    Basically looking a calandar that stays on the deaktop, and can show events (Otherwise I'd just use a wallpaper). I don't need much interaction with it, if any, essentially just open the actaul calandar program. Sync with iCal is a big plus.

    While FOSS is ideal, I'm open to anything free (that can be firewalled or is actually private (unlikely, I know))

    I found one that used windows 7 widgets, but it was too small and didn't seem to work right anyways.


    Android Tablets

    Does anyone have good experience with android tablets, and possibly replacing the OS? I see some interesting options from Google, lenovo, one plus, etc... I imagine the pixel one will be the easiest to load a new OS to, but I also wonder about the tablet support of things like lineage or graphine.

    The hardware doesn't have to be groundbreaking, just good enough to be my "travel laptop" for movies, comics and general interneting. I don't want a laptop, as I often like to sit in chair/bed to read comics or watch movies and a keyboard would make that awkward.

    One of my main concerns is the update support - my iPad has been getting updates since 2017, a lot of the android manufactures are promising a pathetic 3 to 5 years. I don't want to be "software bricked" in 5 years (I.e apps eventually requiring an Android version I cannot update to)
