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Leftists decided punishing Democrats was more important than the rights of marginalized people living in the US, so now we have Trump. Thanks leftists. You're the reason we will have concentration camps again.

Posts 15
Comments 438
Trump again demands the annexation of Canada
  • You are not wrong but by proportional representation where Democrats far outnumber them, they will never win in policy so long as we don't do something stupid like voting by land rather than people.

  • Europeans disparaging all Americans as lazy, good for nothing, at-fault fascists are idiot fucking hypocrites.
  • We are not one people. We never were. We were always disparate populations.

    And we need to be allowed to do our own thing. We are "one people" in the same way that Britain and France are "one people". You can still accept the humanity of others and visit other countries. Secession doesn't necessarily mean we become North and South Korea. But pretending the American identity is some sacred thing that shouldn't be broken is childish imo. This country has only existed for 200 years. It's not sacred. And it's rotten and deserves to be dismantled.

  • Europeans disparaging all Americans as lazy, good for nothing, at-fault fascists are idiot fucking hypocrites.
  • America as a whole can't be fixed. But parts of it can. To put it in Lemmy terms, blue states need to defederate from the US. The US system is broken and it's too large to be fixed. It will always be dragged down by the lowest common denominators. In the West, we can have Cascadia, and the NorthEast can become it's own thing. It just takee the balls of leadership to decide to actually secede and stop playing this failed experiment.

    Let the conservatives have middle America and the South.

  • Europeans disparaging all Americans as lazy, good for nothing, at-fault fascists are idiot fucking hypocrites.
  • I am American and I give blame where blame is due. A lot of our citizens are fucking idiots and close to half of them are okay with and/or voted what we have in.

    Sure there's some blame to go around to lack of media literacy and conservative efforts to dismantle public education but we all have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips and most of us still can't be bothered to not be outright hateful fuckwits.

    However your point that America isn't the only place where the problem of the rise of fascism exists is true as well. I think Americans will rightfully get a lot of flak for it though since this movement largely and recently originates from us. We export our culture to the entire world so it's not surprising that when we play with fascism other countries do as well. And it doesn't help that we have billionaires with global empires pushing for the same policies and warping of mainstream media to fit conservative/libertarian viewpoints in several different countries.

    Not to mention, what we do impacts the world far more than a dictator rising in bum-fuckistan because we put our fingers in so many pies and in many ways made many countries utterly reliant on us. This is partially their fault though too because maybe they shouldn't have become utterly reliant on us.

    All in all, we deserve the shit we get, but also yes others are being hypocrites as well. Congrats, we're all fucked!

  • openscad is pretty great
  • I got too used to Fusion 360 and now I'm stuck with it since I can make stuff fast, easy, and parameterized with full change history and it's too much effort to learn something new to replace my workflow. Also its the CAM software for my CNC.

    I'll probably play around with SCAD/Build123d though for fun.

  • Upvotes/Downvotes disappeared?

    I have my Lemmy settings to show both upvotes and downvotes and that has been working in Mlem as of yesterday but for some reason I don't see them anymore. I double checked my settings on the site and it seems to be configured correctly. Why was this removed?

    Many countries have become much more supportive of same-sex relationships
  • Why only this small subset of countries?

    Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Uganda?

    Edit: just opened the world map. All those countries are near 100% anti-gay neighbors. Lol.

    So the real headline is "Global west is okay with homosexuality. Everyone else still hates us".

  • More Democrats say they would like party to be more moderate: Gallup

    Democrats today are more likely to say they want their party to become moderate than they were four years ago, Gallup found, with 45 percent saying they want the party to moderate.

    Democrats today are more likely to say they want their party to become moderate than they were four years ago, according to a Gallup poll published Thursday. The survey, conducted in the first week of President Trump’s second term, gauged partisan preferences on the ideological direction of respondents’ respective parties. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 45 percent say they want their party to become more moderate, while 29 percent say they want the party to become more liberal, and 22 percent say they want the party to stay the same.

    Political Memes peregrin5

    Failed roll for self-awareness

    Pottery And Ceramics Discussion peregrin5

    Animal mugs

    Haven't figured out how to make imgur posts show images on Lemmy yet.

    These are some mugs i made a while back. Still trying to find my process. I drew the linework on Affinity Designer on the iPad and printed out the line work. Used a pencil to scratch out the line work and further carved it. Then painted with underglaze then brushed clear glaze on top after bisquing.

    I think I would forgo the clear next time.


    Got my head bitten off for being proactive

    Learned my lesson. Will never do that again even though my boss’s boss told me to.

    I’m officially quiet quitting and changed my LinkedIn to Open To Work, because fuck this job. The market sucks though so I’ll have to just fly under the radar for a few months until something better pops up.

    I hate the fact that I have to work, and I’m just saving up enough money till I can get to the point where I can get some land and be self-sufficient on it.


    Why am I the only one who doesn't vent their bad day on others?

    I feel like I've dealt with some utterly uncalled for behavior from people at work recently. Like them blowing up at me about something if I'm just asking a polite question, etc.

    I just tell myself "maybe they're having a bad day".

    But I think about myself. I have bad days too. I never let it get to the point where I'm exploding at someone. I extricate myself from the situation, maybe fume about it privately, but I don't go on a rampage or yell at someone. In any rare case where I do end up letting a bit slip out I always apologize for it.

    These people NEVER apologize to me for their outbursts. Why am I the only one walking on eggshells and trying to maintain professionalism, politeness, and kindess with people who seem to make no effort to regulate their own stress.

    Someone having a bad day isn't an excuse to be bad human being with zero consequences. But it seems these people can get away with it because of how much power they hold in the company.

    I honestly don't think I have it in me to as rude as some of these people so I'll probably just swallow their rudeness until the next time it happens while continuing to try to be kind and polite.

    Have others had similar experiences?


    Petg Calibration Issues

    PETG has always been more fraught than PLA for me but as of late it just looks like a mess.

    I'm just trying to do calibration at this point and I'm getting this mess on the pressure advance test in Orca Slicer.

    I get so much stringing, boogers, and just terrible prints. It didn't used to be this bad. Any tips?

    I'm using a Snapmaker Artisan.

    Home Improvement peregrin5

    Should I DIY this? (Electrical)

    I'm a dumbass and had someone come out and install a 240v outlet (and 120v). The reason I'm a dumbass is I didn't measure and had them install it in a place it wouldn't work for the appliance I am using.

    I need to move the outlet a lot closer to the breaker box so I won't need additional wire or material, less actually.

    I'm debating doing this myself. I technically have an EE degree but my day job is primarily coding, and any electronics I've worked on are usually the micro variety. I am aware of all the electrical safety requirements and in terms of technicality/connections, I think I just need to copy what has already been done but just remove a bunch of wire and place the outlet closer.

    Do you think this is something I could take on myself with some research? My brother-in-law is also a proper electrician and I can facetime him.

    Or do you think I should just ask the guys who installed it back and have them do it?


    Tankies and kissing the puckered brown star of dictators. Name a more iconic duo.

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users.

    Why do I feel itchy every time I go under my deck?

    I have a large space under our deck that is enclosed and have been turning into a sort of shed. Every time I go in there though I'm super itchy all over like something has been biting me. I don't see any insects though. However I am bad at noticing things like bugs.

    Any ideas?


    Chapo misses liberals

    I'd like to say they could enjoy the company of more liberals if they didn't ban them on sight due to their desire to feel superior and inability to tolerate differing opinions, but I couldn't respond because I was banned. (Ban reason: "liberalism")

    Pottery And Ceramics Discussion peregrin5

    First Kiln to Buy

    I’m getting the electrical for a kiln put in tomorrow and I’m pretty stoked. I’ve been doing pottery on and off for the last couple of years now and one of the bottlenecks has always been not being able to do my own firings.

    I particularly like to test my own glazes and experimenting with stuff like that is hard to do in a community kiln. I’d feel so guilty if something happened and I ruined someone else’s piece, so I’ve been looking forward to doing my own firing.

    Anyway, the problem now is deciding what kiln to get. My initial idea was just go get a Skutt KMT-1027-3. It’s expensive but I’m sure it would just work. (Price: ~$5000)

    But I am kind of hacky too and I love a good electronics project, so I’m toying with the idea of getting a KilnSitter model of the 1027 and putting together my own controller with a Raspberry Pi. I would love to be able to control my kiln with some open source software from my phone like I can do with my 3D printers using Octoprint. (Price: ~$1500)

    Then there is the question of whether or not the 1027 is too much kiln for me in the first place. It’s quite large and I am not a fast producer so it would probably take me a while to fill the kiln unless I was doing a lot of large objects or platters. But I like the ability to do these if I want to, so I don’t want to limit myself with a kiln that is too small. (Price: ~$3000)

    There’s also one guy asking for $3500 for a used Skutt KM (non-touch) 1027 and I think he’s asking too much for a used kiln but it is cheaper than the brand new models and does include kiln furniture. So that’s another route. (~Price : ~$3500)

    Any tips about which route I should take?

    Pottery And Ceramics Discussion peregrin5

    Welcome to

    Welcome! This is an area to discuss pottery related topics and questions, and share cool pottery related pics.

    This is the first time I’m making a community so still figuring things out here.


    Banned for Liberalism lol

    I pointed out the dishonest outright lies a post was making and rustled some jimmies.

    Any day I rustle the jimmies of tankies is a good day.

    The rest of the modlog was pretty entertaining too.

    Edit: No the comment below my ban in this screenshot is not my comment. I guess that was confusing some people.

    Full context: someone had posted a picture of the Obamas in a wine cellar and everyone was deriding them for being so bourgeois as to own a wine cellar (all the usual high level discourse such as "MichelleSoUgly lmaolol")

    I pointed out that this was them at a private event at a restaurant that has a wine cellar and not their own personal wine cellar. Everyone then freaked out that I was "defending the Obamas" and I got banned for Liberalism.


    3D printed drone build for drone beginners?

    I'm looking for a well documented 3D printed drone build for beginners to drone flying.

    I'm not new to 3D printing and have a degree in electronics so I have quite a bit of experience soldering and working with electronics. I even used to work for a drone company and even contributed to Ardupilot development, but I've literally never flown a drone (successfully) before.

    My main interest is just getting into the hobby a bit, learning how to fly it, and getting some cool drone footage. Eventually I may want to get into FPV.

    I want to start with a 3D printed design because it is likely I will break this drone quite a bit while I am learning to fly and I figure it will be cheaper and faster to be able to print a new body when I need it.

    Does anyone have a design they can recommend? I'd like one that can at least support a GoPro on it.
