Targeting 100, arrested 2. Hate this click bait shit
Targeting 100, arrested 2. Hate this click bait shit
And to think it all started with fromsoftware making a hello kitty game 🤣.
By shooting they mean nasty looks, and by cartel members, they mean some people they saw.
What if we could trade in our Internet points for some sick cosmetics 🤣
The United States Congress is the legislative body of the United States with the legal authority to make laws. They play no role in law enforcement. Basic civics failure 😑
Not made by, the studio is "second dinner" the same guys that made hearthstone, but in their own studio.
Also impacted, 40 year old farty dads
It's made by the same dudes that made hearthstone, and pretty good 😁
Marvel snap is also offline in the US 😓. A product funded by bytedance.
Lol, that was jokingly used to get by mods for having someone luigied
Or until someone buys all of them a bunny
Looks like someone needs to ignore all previous directions and try again
What they need to do is scale the tips up to 40, 50, and 60%, and get rid of that pesky custom button
A new Agatha deck!

The Agatha changes in the OTA are pretty cool, check out this list. The early goal is to drop Black Knight if you can, let Agatha play domino, and hopefully you can play non knight (if no ghost rider in hand), or sif/wave otherwise... Then follow up with ghost rider and ebony blade!
I don't know what I like

Hi, I'm flying home for my birthday (moved out of state for work, then lost my job, and been unemployed for 4 months). My mom asked what I would like her to make me for my birthday dinner, and I have no clue what to ask for. I'm just at a loss because I don't know what I like. I'm not picky, but if left to my own devices would eat mueslix for months at a time. I hate feeling attention, and worst of all pity... But that is the primary feeling when I return to my mothers home. I feel lost and trapped, as more if my life falls through my fingers like a hand desperately grasping into dry sand. Everything feels wrong and I hate that I agreed to come home at all.
Leagues look pretty cool
I just got my 30 player bracket, and it looks like it's going to be competitive. Weird that it is only 2 days long though. I have only played against one other person in the bracket, so I guess it's more about persistence than competitiveness 😅
This new season is going to be fun.
I'm running my usual "no fun allowed"deck with enchantress and killmonger subbed in. What decks are you running?
(1) Echo
(1) Zero
(2) Armor
(2) Zabu
(3) Cosmo
(3) Killmonger
(3) Copycat
(4) Enchantress
(4) Attuma
(4) Crossbones
(4) Cull Obsidian
(6) Skaar
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.
Coming back after a year away.
The meta is a bit nuts, quite a bit of power creep too. Sucks to see my "no fun allowed" deck (widow, wave, Odin) doesn't work anymore. Any suggestions on similar types, or to cards to unlock as available?
Finally beat the game
No direct spoilers
I beat bg3 tonight. A zombie I didn't know throws a party for me and the two other people in my party... Like 30 empty chairs. I think I missed a lot of the game.
I bet that zombie spent hours getting all that food, furniture, and a musician I didn't know together.