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IndiBrony IndiBrony
Posts 5
Comments 913
Block rule
  • If the point is to deliberately not contribute then yeah, fair enough, but through my experience of Lemmy so far I haven't really experienced many of those.

  • Block rule
  • I'll be honest, I'm holding off only to do more research into what version of Linux I want installed and - more importantly - how to install it without fucking everything up.

    I've never dual booted, but I think that's the most likely solution for me right now so I can get used to it.

    Since getting a Steam Deck, I think what I want is essentially a desktop that is very similar to the Deck. All I really use a desktop for nowadays is Steam and Firefox.

    I've seen Pop!OS being mentioned in several articles I've read, along with Mint and Bazzite. I've heard of Ubuntu, of course - I think that's one of the more well known distros.

    The whole thing can be overwhelming when you're not used to it. I had the same issue when originally joining Lemmy!

  • week 1: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • One random piece becomes Pinkie Pie.

  • hmmm
  • The only thing Lemmy has taught me today is that this is definitely not in Europe!

  • Block rule
  • I only ever block spam. I don't block people with differing opinions to me because that's not how I roll. On the flipside, I block lemmy communities all the time - logic being that I'd rather sort by new and remove communities I have no interest in because you never know when something interesting you're not subscribed to can come up in your feed.

    Easiest example being: I've never seriously watched Star Trek or considered installing Linux, but you bunch of cunts have convinced me into transitioning. I'm not quite at the stage of programmer socks, but I'm sure y'all will force my hand eventually... ❤

  • Numb.
  • First: thoroughly amused you used the phrase "snowflake mentality" when your username is Snowflake 😂

    Second: I think Biden dropping dead instead of dropping out is part of the argument! Though I'm sure you could apply that argument to Trump as well; he's not much younger, after all.

  • If Trump's mic was the only live mic, did he poop his pants here?
  • I do wonder if we'd vote for the same people if we could smell them.

  • We must dare... (Theodore Roosevelt)
  • A very insightful quote from someone who only lived 8 years.

  • It's going to be a good night
  • I never even owned an N64. Still no need for the gun; I'll quite happily play retro games with anyone, especially if it means enjoying the experience from the same room.

    I had an ex who I loved to watch playing Xbox, but she was always paranoid that she was boring me. That couldn't have been further from the truth!

  • At least we know it works 🤷
  • Millions of years? Good thing Mars is 6000 years old!

  • Neil rule
  • I'm with everyone else here:

  • [Unresolved] What the hell is happening here??
  • It's marked [Solved], so it should be fine 👍

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • Manchester should be fine, and Wales is a given. Who wants to pay £4bn for a project which only benefits England?

    We may need to include Merseyside, Lancs and Cheshire just to have a land connection between New Scotland and Wales so we don't have to consider touching England.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • When the EU turns around and predictably tells us to fuck off:

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • Thirded so long as we can drop the border down to include Cumbria, Northumberland, and Tyne & Wear... maybe North Yorkshire, too. I'd love to be Scottish if they'd be happy to have us!

  • I'll have you know, my fork of a github repo has 3 stars 😎
  • There you go. Signed version of my pfp 👍

  • Ahhhhh.
  • I read this to the tune of "This is the end of the world as we know it"

  • I'll have you know, my fork of a github repo has 3 stars 😎
  • I have 69 followers on YouTube. Where does that put me?

  • 10/10 kids books.
  • I had no idea this existed, and I'm from the area it's about! Will have to give this one a look 😎

  • Unrealistic Body Standards
  • New? You never saw The Incredibles or The Fantastic Four, did you?

  • Connect A Song IndiBrony

    Baby Shark

    Shark in title!



    A clothes peg made from jeans.

    We're still doing jeans, right?


    I'm Popeye the Sailor Moon

    You can try to kill this meme, but it ain't happenin' today!
