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Sanctus Sanctus
Posts 18
Comments 4.6K
7 websites to die with
  • Careful, one wrong step here and you'll get stuck in a for loop with no exit conditions. You'll be praying for a memory leak long before their decennial server restart.

  • If insane, go into politics rule
  • I'm really not ready to fully develop my brain.

  • Lindsey Graham warns ‘accountability coming to Biden’ if Trump wins
  • How are they convinced these are political persecutions? I'm so sick of this crazy shit. Every talking point I see posted I have to hear at work all day.

  • Several US military bases in Europe on heightened alert amid possible terrorist threat
  • Is there some sort of tracker for the chance of WW3 breaking out?

  • A long and noble tradition
  • Dont forget good roman emperors

  • gleeks rule
  • Yeah but how good is his golf game?

  • ...
  • The void destroyer seeing me across the map filling void batteries as Acrid.

  • South Carolina implements one of US’s most restrictive public school book bans
  • The people banning books have always been the good guys historically. Totally dont go read about that in a book.

  • Average US presidential debate
  • Don't you dare go hollow

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • I finally got around to watching it. Biden did not look like a corpse. He looked and sounded like a fucken eighty year old man because he is. Trump's unending torrent of lies was unhinged and that doesn't get covered. Biden looked as fucken pissed as an old ass dude can when he clapped back about his son not being a loser and that was pretty good. Everyone is clamoring over the obvious. Biden is fucken old. We know this. This is what Trump will be like at the end of the next presidency if he is elected but far more insane.

  • Setup UPDATE: Added a gold duck, new speakers, and a Persian rug. How did I do?
  • Its the weekend I've already taken a few hits.

  • I've got a great new armor idea... :)
  • This would be perfect for the barbarian but they can't use it lmao

  • Setup UPDATE: Added a gold duck, new speakers, and a Persian rug. How did I do?
  • The position of your speakers could cause some sound issues.

    Try making an equal lateral triangle for the best sound.

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • Just let go of all meaning. 2 PM can be in the middle of the night if you just let go.

  • Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible
  • We all know what their intention is with this.

  • Bat Fact: Bat "nose leaves" aid in echolocation
  • Those eyes look like they're on their last generations

  • To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board
  • The ones that aren't forced to face the wall, anyway.

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • Imagine, if we were just all on the same time. It'd just make things, a little easier.

  • I was told this belongs here.
  • This post continues to haunt me

  • She made it back!

    After 3 days. I can't describe how happy we are at my house. Someone found her behind a decorative vase by their front door.



    This is my family's cat Mimi. She is the sweetest and smallest cat we have ever had. I just needed to make a post about her. She is missing and I'm hoping with all my heart she is okay.


    My brother experienced an Eclipse

    Do not look down little dev, the dead can do nothing for you.


    You were dumb too

    One of these things is not like the others.


    Synthwave City

    First rice ever. Thought I'd post it after getting the ropes on Arch.


    Distro: Arch

    WM: i3

    Terminal: Kitty

    Compositor: Picom

    Bar: Polybar (with Font Awesome 5)

    The dotfiles are here.
