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Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
  • Eh whatever, couldnt really care too much less at this point.

  • Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
  • Im kinda excited about his cabinet continuing but yeah. Biden could be replaced by one of those novelty singing fish and id be somewhat neutral to it still.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • Are you a medieval peasant? Most folks in the US buy our bread premade, some are even lucky bastards and live by a bakery.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • Yeah ketchup seperates at the vest of times, I cant imagine leaving it out.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • Send it to Ashens or SteveMRE. Nice hiss.

  • Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
  • I wasnt even thinking about ad hominems, I was stating that you being the same person is irrelevant when it comes to credibility. If I was gonna go to ad hominems youd damned well know.

    Im an asshole, but I legit dont care enough about you or your opinions to waste mine time on ya beyond this point. I attacking your dumb idea that just cause you may or may not be the same person that ran that reddit account. I was attacking the idea that you migrating gives ya any credibility of not being bad faith, a troll, or anything else good or bad.

    I aint gonna continue responding past this point for anything other than calling you a profligate, because frabkly speaking ya aibt interesting enough for me to waste my time with ya. Youre anti-Biden schtick is a dime a dozen here on Lemmy and frankly speaking I skip over it 90% of the time cause it breaks down to a difference of opinions. Im done now have a good day, night, or something in between.

  • Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
  • That still means fuck all as a whole. Whoopdy fucken doo yous the same person, doesnt mean ya aint a bad faith prick.

  • Your vote isn't enough.
  • Local shit can be changed far more rapidly, do it for that alone if ya can.

  • Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
  • Yeah I dont care about the predecessor groups since in most ways the gsme has changed since then. Theyre still dangerous but well its easier to fight a bobcat after youve dealt with the mountain lion.

  • Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
  • Its an incestuous relationship between them, they feed into eachother. If it wasnt for PragerU and similar propagandistic groups the upper think tanks would be a lot weaker in influence, then once they have more power they immediately dump it into the propagandists who can spread their influence farther

    Im personally in the if you wipe out the propaganda arms ya will have an infinitely easier time, Fox, OAN, PragerU, and talk radio as a whole not to mention Youtubers are basically the only thing maintaining the on the ground elements of the Right wing. They fet bored easily and would probably just do boring normal crap if you stripped away the propaganda, hell they may get happier in some cases a car parts store in my area changed out fox news on the TV in favor of a super playlist of youtube videos going over old weird cars like Yugos and Polskis. This has limited the rightwing grousing in there.

  • Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
  • There are fire worse blacksites than Gitmo, cant name any of em cause they are blacksites.

  • Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
  • Id also add PragerU to that list, though thats mostly cause they are dangerous and annoying.

  • Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules
  • Oh no I agree, I was moreso opining the damage done to Redneck culture as a whole. I may be of the Southern Californian variety and have little to no relations to those fine sons of bitches in the Appalachians but I have nothing but respect for mine distant kin. No I was simply stating that the bootlickers in who were taken advantage of through several points of cultural weakness did a shit tonne of damage. I have had the pleasure of talking to Rednecks of the Greatest generation and Silent generation, theyre no shits given savagery is something I wish I could muster but given the fact at least one of them car bombed one of his bosses and smuggled guns to the IRA I can say that I will never match up. But im still doing better than the Boomers.

  • Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules
  • Also the Whiskey rebellion and Union/county wars, but nobody remembers them because they were relatively small. Also a lot of Rednecks especially Boomers and Gen X ended up being fucken bootlickers, sure there are some of us within Gen Z who are trying to revers the damage but well culture rarely moves fast.

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Im aware, my grandmother forms her politics based off shitty SoCal talk radio. Could be worse, but that aint saying much.

  • Please vote
  • I dont think anybody actually likes Newsom, hes a rich bastard who basically everyone dislikes. He aint got the respect Brown has due to just being a decent bureaucrat he doesnt have the goodwill of Schwarzenegger due to atleast trying his best. Hes just a dime a dozen slimeball politician nobody actively likes.

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  • The VP takes charge, we have the position for a reason. One of the better elements of the presidency is that there is a clear line of succession and even a good bit of "we dont fucken know whos alive" backups.

    Also Reagan was already president and utterly demented.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • I think its a social defense mechanism, I met an old bastard who saw it in full swing after Catalonia when he was a teen. When a bunch of unions where he lived purged out authoritarian elements especially if they sympathized with the Soviets. Basically use debate to figure out who is stupid, lying, or compromised so that you can deal with them. Such things are helped along by it being a semi-constant force.