Elon Musk could have been remembered as a cool tech guy. All he had to do was just keep running his companies and let the smart people working for him do the talking. Nobody would be the wiser that he didn’t know what he was talking about.
Instead, he let his ego get in the way of things and people know him for who he really is. I used to think he was pretty smart. After reading the things he writes, it became apparent that his companies thrive despite him, not because of him.
He had a pr team helping him, it did wonders for his public image, he became even more narcissistic and got rid of them. also he kinda changed around the time the epstein thing came out too, suspicious?
I know he still has a lot of dick riders but, honestly, I think him streaming Path of Exile live really hurt him with the demographic that was his main fans. White young to middle age males that play video games.
It became the perfect analogy to use to explain to that group of people why actual engineers and scientists know he's an idiot. He could hide behind criticism because the average person doesn't know enough about those things to know what he doesn't know.
But when all the gaming channels started mocking him for not knowing the games UI and not knowing his (paid for) character at rank 3 had some of THE BEST gear. Dude confused "level required" vs gear item level.
It was just such a great example to show people how much of a complete fraud he was. At least people in that demographic. You didn't even need to play PoE, if you ever played a game you could tell he had no idea what he was doing in his supposedly top ranked player in the world.
Though you still had people defending it, I think for the casual Elon "fan" in that demographic it was pretty eye opening.
It also says a lot about him that he thought he could get away with faking that. He fakes all his other achievements.
I thought that he always was an asshole and just dropped the facade, but him once being somewhat sane (as far as billionaires go) and going mad from stress and drug abuse seems like a plausible hypothesis, too. Either way, doesn't change that he needs to be stopped
It’s devastating to see the toll fentanyl takes on hundreds of thousands of lives every year, destroying families and communities. Yet, it feels incredibly unfair to see someone like Elon Musk openly joke about or trivialize its use. While he may have the privilege to brush it off, so many others don’t have that luxury. It highlights the stark divide between those who face the real consequences of this crisis and those who seem untouched by it. Accountability and awareness matter, especially when it comes to something as serious as fentanyl.
I think you're right in some cases. Something about having so much twisted his mind. I honestly think they he never used to be this bad (not saying he was good). But he wasn't this bad, right?
Previous to ~2013 before the boring company bullshit, he was just a nerdy guy with a vision and poor social skills. From memory, he was hard to work for because he expected so much of people and drove them hard. Yes his early money source is sketchy.
I think the popularity after the boring company started to mess him up, basically he became the memes he was sharing, and it broke his brain, then the drugs and money separated him from reality. Now he is so divorced from the experience of the regular person, that no matter what happens....barring the complete loss of his fortune, he will never be the same nerdy guy.
One of my favorite lines/samples in an EDM track 'ketamine, snorted by humans but used by vets to anesthetize animals'. I believe was taken from a 20 / 20 episode on raves. Well actually the whole bit of samples they used was pretty fun for the track. Think that line was Barbra Walters.
Don't do regular doses of ketamine. If you do it once and stay the fuck away from the internet for two weeks, that's fine. If you do it in supervised therapy sessions thats fine.
No one asked him to be a co-nazi. No one asked him to take over Twitter. No one asked him to play make-believe auto maker. No one is asking for his fucking biography. He's acting like everyone is pulling him in all these different directions, and no one wants him.
He is the world's richest fucking man. Fuck him. He could have the best doctors/therapy/drugs in the world, could travel the world and "find himself," maybe even do something worth writing about. But he chooses to be a completely waste of human flesh that will be nothing but a smear in history. That's his legacy. A shit smear on an already shit covered era. He's not helping anyone, not even his own kids, he is willfully putting his effort into being the biggest piece of shit.
Fuck him. Fuck his depression, fuck his addiction, fuck his stress, and fuck him. He's ruining my country and wants pity because it's stressing him out.
Also calling it stress is so fucking gross when normal people have to deal with soul crushing extisence of inadequate food, housing and life of wage slavery, and he's just upset cause his world domination plans makes people say mean things to him.
Yeah. He could fuck off and never have to speak to another person or do anything he didn't want to do if he wanted with just a tiny fraction of his wealth. He doesn't have to be this way. He chose it. He's like a child breaking things for attention.
Not saying he deserves pitty or anything, but depression doesn't depend on outside things and events. He could do what you say and still be depressed. Have no problems in the world and still be depressed. Turn into a golden god of love and still be depressed. It's in the brain.
People show you who they really are when they can do anything they want. Elon is failing at it much worse than someone who sits on the couch and does weed all day.
Their vices all run the same direction: They do the things that are forbidden to we poors. They get off on the power of getting away with the taboo and illegal. The only time they're held to account is if they fuck over one of their own. Epstein wasn't brought down because he was a pedo, he was taken down because he was blackmailing the rich. Madoff stole from the rich.
I think it's less about sympathy and more about understanding what lead him to this point.
You can analyze why a "normal" person did monstrous things without shedding a tear for them. One day someone will make "Zone of Interest" about billionaires living in their bunkers, cleaning air filters from human ash.
Musk may well be going mad and I certainly hope he is. I hope his lack of recognition and watching his empire crumble is eating him up inside.
But Seth Abramson is not a reliable narrator let alone "biographer" whatever that means. He has a very long and storied history of embellishing facts, or placing too much weight on rumours and extrapolating way too much from them.
I saw this kind of take a lot when he first started appearing in my feeds, and I just sort of accepted it since I didn't read anything by him anyway.
Now that I've read more, I think his books are well-researched and meticulously cited using primary sources from well-known publications. He's a professor with degrees from Dartmouth and Harvard and I mention that because the original image I was given was he was some influencer or "citizen journalist" who just liked being incendiary, and that's not the case at all.
So are there some examples of his embellishing to share? I don't understand this particular take on him. He's very critical of Trump and has said he's directly connected to the Kremlin (and shown it in the most detailed, and cited, ways), but I don't think he's someone to ignore for that.
I followed Abramson from 2016 for 3+ years and I was disillusioned because as time went on, his narrative didn't line up with reality. Yes Trump was and is a horrible piece of shit and much came out to confirm how much a piece of shit he was, e.g. Muller report, rape, fraud trials. But nothing like Abramson was saying. I believe that is because he was treating every rumor as fact and then expounding / extrapolating on it to heap another rumor (as fact) on top. Nobody should be doing this let alone a scholar who should know better - veracity matters.
And to repeat - I truly hope Musk is having a miserable shitty life. I really hope he goes nuts and checks into a funny farm or uses razor blades to test if he is living in a simulation as he has wondered occasionally. I just don't trust his "biographer" when he claims anything given his past record on such things.
If you want to save energy, consider launching him outside our solar system instead.
I'd be fine with both though and even grant him the trip to Mars of which he apparently dreamt some time ago.
I expect the problem is that, when you get that rich, people stop caring about you, they start caring about your money. A string of women who just smash a kid out for him then fuck off. Kids who don't seem to want anything to do with him. Does he have anyone he actually considers a true friend? Probably not. He's just surrounded by bootlickers and yes men, and deep down he knows it. He's probably deeply lonely and paranoid.
Yeah, but in order to get to such a position, you can't be a normal person with normal boundaries and interpersonal relationships. He was just born Elon and he will die Elon.
I said this long ago on Lemmy. I pity him. He has nothing of value.
If shit hit the fan I have many around me who love me and want me to succeed. I have 3 kids who rely on me and love me deeply. I have coworkers who love me. I have family who love me. I also love all these people back immensely.
What he has is stuff. Stuff leaves you cold and empty inside. He has no one who loves him. He's probably a cold, cruel and heartless person when he's alone and I bet he's alone a lot. No one loves him for who he is.
Seriously he's the richest man in the world and he's so small. He deserves our pity nothing more.
Stuff leaves you cold and empty inside. He has no one who loves him.
This is very apparent when you look at his falling out with his daughter. She basically pointed all this out, and that he couldn't just make up for being a shitty dad for years and years by one time "Look, I sold all my stuff!" type gestures.
But "stuff" is literally all he knows, and so when he was called out on it, it seems to have absolutely broken him and now he's on this massive anti-trans crusade as a way of getting back at her.
the parable of 'money can't buy you happiness' plays out over and over in capitalist societies, yet no one ever learns their lesson from it.
psychedelic drugs taught me so many important lessons so long ago. i don't know how these people (who claim to take the same drugs) never seem to 'get it'.
They did a study and money can buy happiness but it caps out after the point it allows you chances to travel and take stress free time off. Being poor literally shortens people's lives through misery.
So what we have is a man whom money will make as happy as he will ever get and remains miserable plunging people into a deficit of security through his actions. He's infectiously miserable and someone needs to quarantine him.
The overwhelming majority of billionaires keep quiet and keep to themselves, doing everything they can to stay out of the limelight. Elon is someone who simply cannot shut up and will not stop attracting negative attention to himself.
most billionaires are to ego drive to stay quiet, Thiel is the only one that does it simply because hes also gay, and doesnt want to face the wrath of the anti-gay conservatives. thats why he always is very secretive, remember his YOUNG MALE BF/boy toy he drove him to his death recently(theres some suspicion he may have had a hand in it) and not a word from the media, except maybe 1-2 articles over it.
Don’t forget this guy bragged a few years back about not sleeping or sleeping in his office. Let’s not discount how years of sleep deprivation has probably influenced his chaotic behavior.
I don't buy that shit for a second. He can't tell the truth if he wanted to. Back when he made these claims, overwatch just launched and he spend all day on twitter telling people he works 20 hours a day, plays a lot of overwatch, binges 6 different animes, and spends a lot of time with his family.
If could go off the Internet, I'd probably do that, but the hope of finding something good, sometimes delivered upon, and the few good people bring me back to the good and the bad parts.
Short-term side effects of ketamine use may include headache, dizziness, sleepiness, feeling strange or “loopy,” difficulty speaking, numbness, blurred vision, or nausea. Ketamine may also cause changes in blood pressure and heart rate.11
Studies show that unsupervised ketamine use may have serious health risks.1 These include respiratory depression, which is dangerously slow and shallow breathing. A NIDA-funded study found that problems related to ketamine use reported to poison control centers increased 81% from 2019-2021. The use of other drugs along with ketamine, especially opioids or GHB, another club drug, led to the most health problems, some of them life-threatening.12
Long-term, heavy ketamine use is associated with memory problems, depression, and anxiety.13 At high doses, ketamine may cause psychosis, a mental illness that causes a person to lose touch with reality. Frequent recreational ketamine use can lead to delusions that can last to up to one month after a person stops using it.14
Long-term use of ketamine may cause gastrointestinal problems, including abdominal pain sometimes called k-cramps5. Ketamine use can also cause ketamine-induced uropathy, a treatable but potentially serious condition that causes symptoms like those of a urinary tract infection.15,16
As someone that abused Ketamine for years, it is so easy to be so caught up with delusions (especially those of grandeur, or that are fed into by your environment) especially if abusing in tandem with other drugs that reinforce such delusions like Cocaine.
But those delusions still don't just manifest out of nothing, the stew that is Elon's brain has been continually cooking under these circumstances, but mine was under similar and I am no Nazi.
I think it is likely the money, subsequent power and unwillingness to take on board criticism that leads him to be surrounded by sycophants that reinforce his growing mental illness.
Having our false perceptions of reality be reinforced will cause loss of touch with reality over long enough time frames, especially when our actions are devoid of material consequences, and certain stimuli just expedite the process.
Though that isn't to say there isn't a huge correlation between brain damage and conservative belief, and that excessive use of drugs such as Alcohol, Cocaine and Cocoethanol, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, PCP, Meth and Ketamine causes significant brain damage.
Guess just yapping but I see ketamine abuse in this case as something that would have made him hugely more susceptible for sure despite maybe not being the sole cause, as over a similar abuse time frame I also struggled with distortions of reality and occasionally mania - especially if stressed and combining with cocaine.
the 2nd to last paragraph is probably what he has. he is laso known alcohol drinker to, which would amplify the symptoms, plus a little cocaine because all that energy is explained with him being on twitter all day
ive been living with a combination of drugs depression and stress for most of my life and im not a megalomaniac asshole billionaire hellbent on destroying the country...
Being stressed, depressed, drug addicted, and an actual Nazi.
Times like this I think about Enya. Yeah, Enya. Where's she been? In a fucking castle. With a fuck ton of kitties.
She made her millions and said "oh golly, I don't need to do much of anything anymore. And I quite like castles and kittens."
She didn't say "what can I do to make more people like me?" And then please the most hateful people on earth. How are these paths even a choice one has to ponder? Go fuck off in a castle full of cats.
Yeah if I found myself with more money than I know what to do with I'd spend my time and energy volunteering and working on projects and spending lots of time with friends.
Hell, imagine if these losers went carnagie and started building libraries instead of trying to get them banned. Or maybe something bold like the "Elon Musk bullet train". They could st least try to be loved instead of whatever they're doing now.
It's kinda crazy to me because let's say you do want to be the most beloved person on earth AND you have more money than anyone ever, you could do that?
Like at one point musk said if there was a plan to end world hunger in 6 billion dollars he would do it, and of course he didn't... But if he did, a small fraction of his infinite wealth would be gone, but people would have loved him.
If, Tesla actually produced a fully self-driving electric car that was better and cheaper than anything else, he'd have even more fans than he currently does.
If, he actually created high speed mass transit, instead of whatever the fucking "hyperloop" thing he made is.
He could have done probably all of this for the price of twitter, but nah instead he had to go be a nazi.
Doing like even half this list would make him beloved by the average person who isn't too interested in him. They'd see all the good he does and say "That's what a billionaire should be." and not do any digging. It's honestly batshit insane to me that someone can say "everyone hates me and it makes me sad but I'm not going to do anything about this because clearly they are the ones that are wrong."
Like how do you fuck it up so bad. The first time I heard of the guy I bought into that "elon musk is ironman" persona thing, and now he's just a crazed nazi I want nothing to do with.
While money would be important to end world hunger, there also needs to be the political will for that to happen. It’s just not there in many parts of the world. And just throwing money, especially the way musk does, won’t solve every problem. He wouldn’t be able to do it. So he doesn’t try. He just lies and says he could.
Bill Gates had been trying to eradicate malaria and while great strides have been made, it’s not gone. And what does he have for his efforts? Getting blamed for microchipping people and trying to take over the world. If it’s just an ego trip to do good for musk, what’s the point. You just become the enemy by doing good.
The movie a Bronx tale has the gangster asked if he’d rather be feared or respected. He say feared because respect goes away. That is the attitude of many who gain power it seems.
This is the difference between the ultra-wealthy of the gilded age and today. Those of the gilded age built things with their wealth for the public, so they wouldn't turn against them. Today they think they're untouchable. They hoard their wealth and don't try to do anything with it.
Yet, the gilded age came to an end with regulations, because they were amassing too much wealth. They only had a small fraction of what the ultra-wealthy today have. Something needs to be done about them, and the government isn't taking action...
Narcissism, ego, and wealth create one hell of a combination.
He wants to be worshipped by the masses, but he's also the kind of person who needs to appear powerful and can't stand being in any position but first. He has to be the richest person while also being the most adored, and he isn't willing to sacrifice anything to achieve the latter.
Like at one point musk said if there was a plan to end world hunger in 6 billion dollars he would do it, and of course he didn’t… But if he did, a small fraction of his infinite wealth would be gone, but people would have loved him.
Not just that, but an NGO said we could do it in that budget and he bought Twitter with the money instead
For him it was his parents and South Africa. Drugs + environmental influence is the guaranteed way to create a monster.
Basically his entire childhood he understood that there are two classes of people: the people who earned something, and the other is the rest of us. People who look different, have to work, or talk funny.
We were just having a similar discussion, though not about Enya. My position was if I had a billion dollars, you know what I would do? I'd recreate Hogwarts Castle. I'm not even a huge Harry Potter fan and hate what's-her-name, but how cool would it be to live in a beautiful movie set house the size of a small town?
unlike jk rowling using her wealth and fame to become a "terf", i think shes buddy buddy with musk too. she must be constantly depressed and stressed from that too. and many pointed out her books are actually low-key her prejudices. also family guy has pointed this issue out 2 different cutscenes too.
Not to defend Musk, but there are plenty of examples of money destroying someone’s life. I’m thinking primarily lottery winners. Just because one person successfully adjusted to it doesn’t mean it’s easy and everyone can.
Of course Musk is a special case where he ruins other people’s lives with his wealth but that’s not my point.
I must imagine it is quite stressful to be the single most hated person on the planet. Then again, I think that would be easy to remedy by simply not being a fascist fuckwit.
Jaggedy for his pleasure. Better add diy reaming lube...mix hot pepper powder in lemon juice and vinegar. Mix with honey for a pasty texture that sticks.
Finding the right therapist is somewhere between doing job interviews and going on tinder dates with the intention of an LTR. It's hard work and it sucks and most people will not be the right person. I think people get the idea that therapists are this magical authority figure who represents "therapy" as a whole. There are so many styles of therapy to choose from and people with in those styles. They are humans with a skill to share, you need the right human with the right skill.
Given how this douche canoe acts, and the damage he's done lately, I just hope he finds himself in a very slow, painful decline and maybe he'll snap while in the oval office with first lady Trump.
If he could decline in such a way that utterly destroys the United States empire, Israel, and Russia while causing minimal harm to the working class and oppressed minorities that would be great.
No no no... we want a very RAPID decline to minimize the damage. If he were on his own, it'd be different but this is a time I'd rather minimize the suffering for everyone.
It's not the most important reason by a long shot, but it's yet another reason why extreme wealth hoarding, aka billionaires and centimillionaires, should have been taxed out of existence and legislated from existing going forward:
Even they aren't happy, even sitting in the complete victory of their coup. They could have a dozen space station mansions each and they still wouldn't be satiated or satisfied. They can't be satisfied. That is their defining character deficit. Literally everybody loses so long as the avarice diseased capitalists remain in charge, even them. The intensity of their cringeworthy attempts at social media flexes betrays their intent and blasts us all with their screaming insecurities day in and day out.
They're mentally ill with an obsession/compulsion related disorder that they've manipulated civilization into enabling at literally every possible expense, including mass human murder and seriously risking human extinction for short term private profit.
They should be in mental health facilities receiving inpatient treatment for their extremely destructive antisocial behaviors for both their and everyone else's safety and wellbeing, too bad at least in the US they defunded mental healthcare into utter ruin (and education, and common infrastructure, etc) to cut their own taxes through their captured government.
The inmates are truly running the asylum our society.
How could they be happy? It's like a person that weighs a full ton feeling full. You don't find yourself in that position if you can possibly feel sated.
Like honestly the man probably needs to commit himself to a Buddhist monetary or something where he can learn to humble himself, live with himself, and learn to be sated. Without drastic internal change he will live a life of misery
A good way to think about it, how would society percieve them if they were hoarding anything else at this scale?
Imagine the guy having warehouses all over the world filled with toilet paper, private security around the compound, and campaign ads to reduce real estate taxes for storage units.
Or somebody having the largest lego collection in the world, constant buying out and threatening other collectors.
I've read a load of academic articles on psychopaths recently. Narcissism is linked to all sorts of terrible behaviours, and cos they don't accept they're wrong, they don't tend to change their behaviour even when they're hurting themselves
I’m sure there are some that are happy but you never hear about them. A secure, well-adjusted individual with boat-loads of money doesn’t need to stir shit up. They can relax.
The insecure, maladjusted individuals will constantly be defending themselves against perceived threats despite having the means to offload all of that to paid professionals.
The best evidence of this is the creator of Tumblr. He sold it and got a payout of like a hundred million dollars or something and completely disappeared from public life. He only ever appears in the news when he makes some big donation to a charity.
Just to pointlessly clarify, this is article is a paraphrasing of tweets by a journalist who calls himself a Musk biographer. The quoted journalist is not, as the possessive apostrophe in the headline implies, a biographer hired by Musk.
I didn't realize it was the guy behind the Proof series, but I like his work. His book on Elon is apparently upcoming.
Some zippy quotes from that article include:
Musk “was sued for stealing the idea for Zip2—which fired him as soon as investors got involved” and “was going to run PayPal into the ground after his company merged with it—again he was fired.” He then “invested in Tesla when it was distressed and quickly began running it into the ground.”
Musk founded Zip2, described as “a sort of digital Yellowpages” by Belmont Hill School’s The Panel Online, with his brother. The outlet reported that in an attempt to impress investors in the company, Musk “created a large, fake casing around the Zip2 computer to make it seem like an extremely advanced supercomputer” — a move that worked, but investors who put $3 million into the company did so only after Musk agreed to step down so “someone more experienced to take his place.”
The code used by the program, which Musk taught himself, “was soon exposed to be so scrambled that a majority of the program had to be rewritten by more advanced programmers.”
Musk ultimately returned to the company as CEO and benefitted financially when it was sold to COMPAQ in 1999. He used the $22 million his 7% share brought in to an “internet bank” at X.com — the same company he merged with the founders of Paypal. He was named CEO after the merger in April 2000 but was removed from the position six months later.
SpaceX, Abramson continued, is Musk’s only “truly successful and novel company” and a chunk of its success was owed to President Obama, who Musk “successfully lobbied” after “Russians had laughed Musk out of Moscow.”
True, hence why the grammar used in the headline implied to me that these were the words of a biographer either hired, or at least sanctioned, by Musk himself. So I just wanted to point it out in case other people were having the same interpretation as me.
Nailed it!
Just like in nature and agriculture, monocultures are vulnerable. One disease can wipe out an entire population. Same principal can be applied to almost anything.
Name someone more misunderstood historically than Brutus… The man was raised to know his family's place was king killing and when his friend chose to try to be a king he did what was required
That's the exact thesis proposed in The Dictator's Handbook by Bueno de Mesquita and Smith for making a government good for its constituents. Coalition size is THE most important feature.
Elon? Going mad? How is that possible, the guy's been mad since the beginning. He's a narcicitic asshole who can't handle that not everyone loves him and believes his lies so he turns super evil. I know OD on ketamine is hard, but I hope he'll try, and if he succeeds, it will be his first accomplishment which is actually good for this world.
From the moment I've heard his name for the first time, I could clearly see he's a nascicistic scam artist. Nothing good can come from someone like that. He didn't hide anything, people were just too dumb to see. There's a shit load of red flags every time he speaks or does anything. Don't say he was better at hiding it, people were just too ignorant to see and now they try to find reasons to hide their own incompetence.
OMG, Trump is already providing such an epic show, and Elon is clearly doing his part too. Are you saying that Elon could knock it up a notch? I thought 2020 was crazy, but apparently we aren't even in full-on crazy mode yet. This is already proving to be a popcorn heavy season, but this could only be the teaser trailer?
That people will use him or hurt him for his wealth. It's almost like people are that desperate to have a tiny fraction of his money.... if only there was a solution.
I do think he has stress, but it's self-induced. He's clearly mentally unwell. Honestly, makes me think of that BoJack Horseman episode where you hear his inner monologue throughout the show and it's just things comments directed at himself like, "you piece of shit.", "You're so fat", etc.
Not an excuse at all for his actions, but I do really think that's what's going on. He hates himself. Needs constant validation. But no amount of validation is going to soothe his inner monologue. So he's spiraling while his stress continues to grow.
Something that gets me giddy is the knowledge that I'll be able to live through the deaths of Trump and Musk - they're two insane, incredibly unhealthy wackos that will either kill themselves with addiction or be killed by a hero with a gun.
Either way, I'm going out and celebrating when they kick the bucket 🎉🎉🎉
Better for Musk to be evil and in mental decline, than for him to be evil and stable. The latter implies that he would be around long enough to see his plans through.
Another great display of the harm the patriarchy does to men. Asking for help when it comes to human emotions and mental health should be normalized. Dude has the power and money to bring us all down with him.
I'm team-going completely offline and taking rehab\therapy. I'm not convinced he'd drop his liquidated actives into charity or get involved some other stuff to undo the damage. But I do enjoy the prospects of such future when the most rich person on Earth unintentionally promotes mental health and at least stops his razor-swinging run around every institution.
Besides taking multiple meetings with Putin, campaigning for and funding Trump, purchasing Twitter to promote Russian propaganda, actually buying votes, calling a US Navy Captain with 25 years of service and now Senator Mark Kelly a traitor— for supporting our longstanding ally Ukraine; and now the wrecking ball destruction of the US government, no proof. Strong theorem however.
As a Musk biographer, I told you all he was going mad—the cause being a combination of depression, stress, med misuse and illicit use of illegal drugs.
But here's an article from two months ago about it