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joel_feila joel_feila
Posts 24
Comments 1.1K
It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • That why we should adopt my ipv12. Its three levels of addresses rach 512 bit longs. One for host one for network and one what ever the heel else need. Planet that's it we asogn each planet a 512 bit address

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • Oh god that brings back memories. Reallying dumb ones of people but memories none the less

  • Farmagia – Announcement Trailer
  • I'm actually interested in this game. Pikmen crossed with pokemon. Ill olay that

  • Man who calls women "females" hopes to one day be allowed within 500 meters of one
  • In some that's true for everyone. Even with in the same language milliseconds can change if you're precived as rude or not. Many people aren't aware of this. We Just internalize a rythm and a bunch of rules. Then some one breaks them an they come off as rude or mean. Its just something baked into us.

  • Man who calls women "females" hopes to one day be allowed within 500 meters of one
  • But every language has a constant changing lexicon and a difference between offical and actually used.

  • [Animation] Rainy Day
  • So wholesome and cute

  • Help me come up with some doctrine for a small society in my game.
  • Where dies their water cine from, where does their poop go?

    These as silly as they sound are important. Say a river flows into the lap, maybe an old drainage system. Niw they have 1 oltace to get water. Do they need some ti cast purify on it? If yes that person is very very important and would respected.

    That's just 1 option for water, but yoy get the idea. They must havr food water and way to remove waste.

  • Help me come up with some doctrine for a small society in my game.
  • And the original ending in the book and old film

  • Prime Directive, Shmime Directive
  • It started out well enough. Dont start proxy wars don't colonize. It only latter turned into horrible twisted "genocide through neglect is bettet then helping ".

    Ever watch" sci fi and futurism with Issac Arthur ". He goes over all kinds of topics related to sci fi and technology. He made a video about how impossible to infore and how callous it is. It would only take a few people willing to say "my sins saved a planet" to break it even if it lethally enforced

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • Well some llm have been caught wirh cp in their training data

  • How your dog’s breed could ban you from getting home insurance in California
  • Yeah but breed is only loosly associated with dna.

  • The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster.
  • Well there is truth in that. Look at politics. Lots of people what a better workd and know what the end result us , but they don't know how to get that. Or for a simple example. People will reply to survives saying they want dark roasted coffee, but they mostly buy medium roast i the usa.

  • How your dog’s breed could ban you from getting home insurance in California
  • What if your dog is a stray and you have no idea what their breed is?

  • Sam Altman Says OpenAI Would Like to Enable Gore and Erotica for "Personal Use"
  • Chat-fbi will fill in this gap

    Or shpuld just pretend that this won't just turn right lolicon stuff

  • Temperatur
  • See this why we should my balls degree standard.

  • Wavy
  • Modern white supremacists love Israel because it is a useful Jew container

  • Which file system do you recommend for Linux?
  • Umm correct if um wrong but cant you make a snapshot of ant file system

  • Kristi Noem’s dog-killing embodies the cruel phonyness of today’s Republicans
  • No. I grew up in the country. Kiling an old dog quickly with gun when they suffering, thats happens. This is sick shit. Thus killing a puppy that was described as "the embodiment of joy", and why because it did act like a fully trained qdult on its first hunting trip.

  • Solved Kde log in screen not accepting password

    Solved. I was able to run sudo pkcon update and that fixed it. I can log in now but the desktop is rest to system defaults

    I updates my distro, kde neon. The login screen changed and now it will not accept my password. I have checked caplocls, numlock, all that. It is the only password i set for it will not take it. I have no other usera on my pc so i cant just login as someone else.

    What password is looking for, why is the password i used to login this morning not working?

    Summary Distro kde neon Problem logon screen not accepting password


    What happened to my computer

    I now see this when i boot up. I just restarted my pc and now i get this.


    why don't people say mega meters

    How come people say 5,000 km and not 5 Mm? why not just say millions of meters or Mega meters?


    New batch of weapons

    Which of the new weapons are you using.

    Last season i didn't use the new ones much. Now i have a pain brush and undercover brella. Tgevpain brushvis my current favorite and this new kit is better. Im still trying different equipment to balance specail and ink consumption.


    Played star ocean 2 r

    I played so2r this weekend about 12 hours. I also played the original on the ps1 back in the day.

    It does feel like so2, story is the same music great and famillar. The basics are all there.

    The new stuff, Shields on enemies, sp bp split, are welcome. The new graphics are great and really look retro and good. There are several qol improvements, mostly about telling more about skills. I really did love those.

    What dont i like. Well the battles have so many effects coveting up enemies it hard to tell whats going on at times. Also spells not stopping means the battles always have a supet fast pace to them.

    Its great overall not perfect


    Quantum Ogres

    In this video Seth talks about quantum orges, or what I call Schrodinger plot point. He had a mostly positive view. So do I, in fact I wa blinded sided that some people see this thing in a bad way.

    What is everyone's view on this?


    Quantum Ogres

    In this video Seth talks about quantum orges, or what I call Schrodinger plot point. He had a mostly positive view. So do I, in fact I wa blinded sided that some people see this thing in a bad way.

    What is everyone's view on this?


    have to use zoom for my class

    What would be the better option for privacy. Logging into my windows partition and using zoom just for class logging right back out or install zoom on my linux partition?


    I just completed the catalog

    like the title says I just finished this one. wooooooooomy


    Anyone get a look at dagger heart

    I have seen a few videos about it but did any one here get a change to see it or play it?


    about package formats and linglong.

    you don't have to go long on any linux group before flatpack vs snaps comes up. But the people that made Deepin linux also made a new format called linglong.

    Anyone actually use them and compare linglong apps to flatpack versions.


    Best way to test my hardware

    On their web site it mentions that the live usb stick is not for testing your hardware's compatibility So what is best way to test you hardware


    what counts as a distro

    With that recent post about chrome os not counting as a distro of linux. It does bring a good question, what is a distro of linux?

    If Linux is just a kernel then android and chrome os are Linux. Bur no really considers android a distro of linux. So linux is more then a kernel.

    KDE say that neon is not a distro but doesn't really why neon is not but kubuntu is.


    Think penguin

    I have seen lots of talk about tuxedo and system 76. But not any about think penguin brand. Are they any good?


    Splat fest result

    Well Shiver almost swept this one. Bigman got one category stopping her from getting a complete victory.


    Let get this place started

    So this a piece of fan I made a few years ago. I wanted it to look like a pencil sketch that Max would have drawn one day. It took like 5 hours with a mouse and keyboard


    question about app images

    Flat snap and app images. You can't hang out in linux land for long with out hearing about them. Now I get why Snap aren't love by some, they are not fully open souse. But why so little love for app images?


    thumbnails in file picker

    Do any know if the file picker in the new cosmic DE will actually have thumbnails in the file picker?


    fantasy age

    so i got the 2nd ed core book for fantasy age. I do like the rules so far but i haven't had a chance to really play it. Anyone here actually play it? how does it run?


    Linux phones

    Anyone use one of those Linux phones like pine phone or librem.

    I was looking at a few months ago but settled on a deggooled phone. Are there user friendly distros for them?
