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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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EU far-right parties rally in Madrid behind slogan 'Make Europe Great Again'
  • Oh Czech's Babiš was in STB (then sort of secret service) and his job was to indict anti state people. His name is in official documents and he lost a trial about being there in Slovakia, so it is 100% confirmed. He was a piece of scum them, he is a piece of scum now. Not talking about all the other shit he did - like being one of the most wealthy people in Czechia and taking European donations for overpriced projects.

  • Historic simultaneous protests against Donald Trump at the capitols of all 50 states on Feb 5
  • Fun fact, this is the first time we get a literal Nazi who is actively working on dismantling any securities we had about a single person having unlimited power (= dictatorship).

    But hey, at least we got rid of those oh so scary Trans and Gay people...

  • What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
  • WC3:

    WhosYourDaddy - invincible units, buildings, and one shot the enemy

    GreedIsGood X - gives X gold and lumber


    HESOYAM - cash, hp, vehicle repair (on top of my head)

    AEZAKMI - locks wanted level

    UZUMYMW - a pack of weapon, IIRC no. 3 of 3

    BAGUVIX - unlimited health

    FULLCLIP - unlimited ammo

  • Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad?
  • Well, it is used mainly to share videos so we don't have to send them or save them directly to file server. I'd say it has many of the features YT has, so I would say it is possible to replace YT with it, but the problem with videos - as opposed to images or text - is that they take fuckton of space.

  • And armchair situated right next to the toilet
