God isn't dead he never existed. Anything put on him is your wishful thinking.
Uhhhh, whaaaat?
You don't have to light a swasticar on fire, they do that themselves.
Damn, thise face eating leopards sure are looking a little fat.
This is a shit meme because it relies on the social concept of virginity, which has no real basis in biology.
What a dumb bitch. Fuck of Marlaina.
The trucker probably didn't get to choose their load.
You can buy those at an office supply store, look for one with a fire rating.
Love the Daesh dildo flag.
Just start arresting the rich fucks they way they do us non-rich people.
Short answer: No.
Sweet potatoes are good, but no food is perfect.
The main problem with excess fertilizer is how it poisons water.
The problem with insecticides are they are fairly indiscriminate.
That said we have been using a version of each going back as far as we understood that certain things made the crops grow better, and certain things kept pests away.
There are other issues, but if you wash your produce and the treatments/fertilization were done at the correct time/way, should be fine.
That's like saying you have 100000¥, sounds big.
Then you're in for a hell of a fight to stop them.
Put the fire out , cut it apart, clean the pieces. You can make something out of the scraps.
Go read the fucking article. Or do you see the word immigrant and just assume they are illegal?
Huh, the article doesn't specify which ones they are protesting for. You seem to have added the illegal part. Pretty sus.
Cue defensive statement
"Don’t protest that way"
The Mod of this community defends rape (Admins removed them)
Nothing else to say, I expect them to take this down.
Curious about your thoughts.
As I go around the world, there are many rock formations that look suspiciously like stinger bodies. This is something I noticed from the first time I played but now with the story added it has made me think more about it.
What if the alien entity that ADA is talking to is a massive stinger? Like as big as the rock formations?
So I Got rocket fuel in my advent calendar.
As the title says. This is my first time having it. HOLY SHIT!
The Christmas cassette.
How are we not talking about it? Yes, you know, the FICMAS-bord Leftovers tape.
What are your opinions?
Misery Index - Ruling Class cancelled
Class is cancelled!
Counter-hegemonics Multitudes in swarm On nations at the centre Who watch their world deform
This global insurrection was given birth by the ruling class
And the children of empire -whose world this is to take Open up the Seventh Seal and watch the West decay…decay! x 2
Apocalyptic riders, above black horse's hooves Have come to reap their harvest, to taste their labour's fruits
O' begotten Caesar! You can't deny what is theirs... And quickly you forget Just how YOUR West was won...
...then lost
What other document apps other than Microsoft for documents on android?
I bought a new android phone, now it wants me to download Microsoft 365 for certain file types. My question is: Are there other apps that are better than Microsoft for documents on Android.?
Edit: Thanks for the quick responses. Currently trying Collabora.
Had a 2000km goal for this year

Now that I have beat it, I am just going to focus on getting my first century ride in before the weather gets shitty.