Yeah I can't vouch for the whole list, but it is how I found this place.
I dunno... I grew up in southern Arizona, and getting pulled over for Driving While Brown has kind of always been a thing. Latinos have always been harassed by cops, going all the way back to the Zoot Suit Riots and Marijuana prohibition and long before. This country has never been nice to Latinos. Though it does seem to be getting much worse.
There is no machine or drug or anything else that can "detect" a lie or signs of deception. Polygraph results are purely interpretive, and anything that's given to interpretation is given to the bias of the interpreter. Polygraph results are also wildly inconsistent. That's why they are generally not admissible in court.
If you're going to rely on pseudo-scoentific bullshit, you might as well bring in some palm readers and voodoo priests instead. At least that'll be entertaining.
EDIT - Just want to add this - Never, under any circumstances, should you take a polygraph test. If you are a suspect (legally or otherwise), they will not use the results to exonerate you. If they suspect you did it, but the polygraph doesn't detect any deception, they will throw out the results as "unreadable" and pursue other means of investigating you. But if the results detect deception, they will treat it like the fucking Oracle at Delphi.
It breaks my heart. I have a few Ukrainian coworkers (working remotely), and when we jump in Slack and I chat with them now compared to when we first started working together, all I hear is the weariness, the sadness, the loss. This woman designed all of our proprietary software, and she was always such an upbeat, motivated badass. That cliche of a person "lighting up the room" when they walk in? That's her. Now though? She's had to move three times to avoid bombs, and even though she's safe now, she's lost something that I don't know if she will ever get back.
What I see in this picture of Zelenskyy is what I hear in her voice every time I talk with her. And it makes me fucking furious.
Liberalism isn't going to save us. Way I see it, if we want a better country, we have three options:
Violent revolution. This should be a last resort, and I don't think we are quite there yet.
Wait for Fascism to collapse. It will. Problem is, A FUCKING LOT of people will suffer and die in the mean time.
Mobilize a viable third party. No, not the Greens. They are just as corrupt as the rest, and they pal around with Fascist traitors. I'm talking about a real grass roots Leftist movement, starting from the ground up. Basically, use the exact same playbook that MAGA used. They spent the past decade taking over social media with their Manosphere bullshit, and suddenly Gen Z shifted hard to the Right, which younger generations almost never do. We need to take back that online space. Take over town hall meetings, take over school boards, take over city councils, show up in huge numbers to vote for actual good (or as good as we can get) judges and DA's. This also means volunteering, phone banking, door knocking, and most importantly of all, some of you need to run for office. Even something local can make a difference in your community. That's how MAGA won. They didn't even have the numbers. They just had the right strategy, and in their hubris, Democrats ignored it.
The third option is obviously what I prefer to happen. It'll take a few years, and we may not even win the White House in 2028. But this isn't about you or me. It's about the future of civilization. If they did it, so can we. Let's not be outsmarted by a bunch of people who worship a man who can't fucking read.
I found this place because someone on Reddit posted this picture.
I'm not even a centrist. I'm a full blown Leftist. It's just a historical fact that religious assholes have spent the last thousands or so years going around the world trying to make everyone as miserable as them. I wasn't even talking about the average religious person. There are plenty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists who don't go around trying to make everyone live the same as them. I was specifically talking about the whacko zealots, and I thought that was pretty clear in my comment. Apparently, talking about crazy religious people is a no-no on... [checks notes]... INSANE PEOPLE FACEBOOK.
So I had an account under a similar name to this one, but it got perma-banned a few months back. Not even Luigi related. Remember when that Nazi incel Nick Fuentes got doxxed? I made a comment that basically said "he should be happy now that women know where he lives so they can come share a cocktail with him", with a gif of a Molotov cocktail. I thought it was pretty funny. Banned for glorifying/promoting violence. Against a Nazi.
More recently, my other account got perma-banned from r/insanepeoplefacebook for "hate speech" because of this comment:
So yeah. Fuck Reddit. Fuck Spez. Free Luigi.