The only time I've even seen drive temp sensor alarms is on server raid arrays and other similar hard drives/SSDs.... Never in my life have I seen one available on a consumer device, nor have I seen any alarm for and drive temp, go off. It just doesn't happen.
IMO, this is one of those language barriers where people call their computer chassis (and everything in it) the "hard drive".
Applying that assumption, their updated statement is: His computer over heated.
Idk what kind of shit system he's running on that 60k rows would cause overheating, but ok.
As another IT guy here, it could also be a shitty method of analysis that he got from ChaptGPT. As an amateur coder/script writer, the kinds of code I've seen people use from these bots is disturbing. One of my coworkers asked me for help after trying to cobble together something from bots. There were variables declared and never used, variables that were never assigned values but that were used in expressions... it was like it attempted to do that ransom note made from magazine letters but they couldn't spell coherently.
Unless I'm misreading it which is possible it's awfully late, he said he processed 60,000 rows didn't find what he was looking for but his hard drive overheated on the full pass.
Discs don't overheat because there was load. Even if he f***** up and didn't index the data correctly (I assume it's a relational database since he's talking about rows) The disc isn't just going to overheat because the job is big. It's going to be lack of air flow or lack of heatsink.
I guarantee you he was running on an external NVMe, and one of those little shitty-ass Chinese enclosures. Or maybe one of those self immolating SanDisk enclosures. Hell, maybe he's on a desktop and he slept a raw NVMe on his motherboard without a heatsink
There are times when you want a brilliant college student on your team, But you need seasoned professionals to help them through the things they've never seen before and never done before.
yes but also why say 60K when you could have literally said anything? I mean surely the fact that he thinks 60K rows a big number is already explaining alot lol.
They probably have an explanation tweet at the ready to make more sense of it. They just want enough 'hurr durr these idiot" comments before they reverse Uno card this with more context.
There are times when you want a brilliant college student on your team, But you need seasoned professionals to help them through the things they’ve never seen before and never done before.
Honestly, any sweet, white-haired old lady who keeps pictures of her dogs and grandkids on her desk who's been doing data entry for 15 years could do circles around these clowns.
But she might also have the wisdom and perception to know we're not supposed to be doing this "work" at all, which is why he recruits naive teenagers and college kids who are still emotionally immature to think that this is going to be their "destiny" or their opportunity to get into the big leagues of business.
I keep hearing things about these hires he has, I don't think they're naive, At least not as such. They seem to be more power hungry trust fund babies.
But yeah, people with a few years in them would be a moral liability in that line of work.
I think my Pi could process 60k rows without overheating. And the poor thing is dangling behind my bookshelf from its power cord with a fine layer of dust coating every inch of it.
Either she knows something novel, where processing data using voice coils is somehow beneficial, or is someone who calls their computer a ‘hard drive’, which summarily negates any legitimacy of technical competence.
I'm a data engineer that processes 2 billion row 3000 column datasets every day, and I open shit in Excel with more than 60k rows. What the hell is this chick talking about?
It sounds like Hollywood tech lingo. Like when you're watching a movie or a TV show and the designated techy character starts just saying computer words that make no actual sense in the real world, but I guess in CSI: Idiottown the hard drives have severe overheating issues.
If you work for a boss that fundamentally misunderstands what you are doing, then misleading them into thinking you're 'hard at work, making decisions with consequences' is the theatre you put up to keep the cash flowing.
It's one of the fundamental flows of autocracy, people try and represent what you want them to
It completely screws up numbers if the column is a number and the number is over 15 digits long.
I work in insurance in Brazil, by standards of our regulatory body, claims numbers must be a string of 20 numbers (zfill(20) if needed). You can't imagine the amount of times excel had fucked me up rounding down the claim numbers, this is one of the first things I teach to my interns and juniors when they're working with the claims databases.
The row limitation seems, to me, like an actually-good thing. Excel is for data where you might conceivably scroll up and down looking at it and 1M is definitely beyond the ability of a human even to just skim looking for something different.
An older version of Excel could only handle 64k rows and I had a client who wanted large amounts of data in Excel format. "Oh sorry, it's a Microsoft limitation," I was thrilled to say. "I have no choice but to give you a useful summarization of the data instead of 800k rows (each 1000 columns wide) of raw data."
Doesn't actually say that 60k overheated his drive. He says that he ran a run on 60k, and that he couldn't do the whole database due to overheating. Two unrelated statements except that 60k is the lower bound for what he could process.
Doesn't mean he knows what he's doing though, as pretty huge datasets are processable on quite modest hardware if you do it right.
a "data analyst" couldn't cut up the work into a parallel processes and run them synchronously? what the actual fuck?
"sorry, I can only do 60k at a time."
just fucking split them up into 6 parallel batch processes running 10k at a time. it's fucking math, not rocket science. I'm not even an analyst and I could fucking do that much.
From the same group that doesn't understand joins and thinks nobody uses SQL this is hardly surprising .
Probably got an LLM running locally and asking it to get data which is then running 10 level deep sub queries to achieve what 2 inner joins would in a fraction of the time.
You're giving this person a lot of credit. It's probably all in the same table and this idiot is probably doing something like a for-loop over an integer range (the length of the table) where it pulls the entire table down every iteration of the loop, dumps it to a local file, and then uses plain text search or some really bad regex's to find the data they're looking for.
Considering that is nearly exactly some of the answers I've received during the technical part of interviews for jr data eng, you're probably not far off.
Shit I've seen solutions done up that look like that, fighting the optimiser every step (amongst other things)
I think you're still giving them too much credit with the for loop and regex and everything. I'm thinking they exported something to Excel, got 60k rows, then tried to add a lookup formula to them. Since you know, they don't use SQL. I've done ridiculous things like that in Excel, and it can get so busy that it slows down your whole computer, which I can imagine someone could interpret as their "hard drive overheating".
I have to admit I still have some legacy code that does that.
Then I found pandas. Life changed for the better.
Now I have lots if old code that I'll update, "one day".
However, even my old code, terrible as it is, does not overheat anything, and can process massively larger sets of data than 60,000 rows without any issue except poor efficiency.
I've been processing a couple of billion rows of data on my machine, the fans didn't even come on. WTF are they teaching "experts" these days, or has Elmo only hired people who claim that they can "wrangle data" and say "yes" ?
Even if querying data was processing-heavy and even if somehow the ‘hard drive’ got warm during this, then there still would need to be a hardware defect in order for the drive to overheat.
Yes, but this may be a symptom of an issue I've been seeing with younger programmers; they've siloed themselves so specifically into whatever programming they "specialize" in, that they become absolutely useless at dealing with absolutely anything else related to their job. And exasperating this issue is the fact that they've grown up with systems that "just work". Windows, iOS, and android are all at the point where fucking around with hardware issues is very uncommon for the average person.
Asking this guy to solve a hardware problem is like asking hime to tune a carburetor. He likely has not the slightest clue how to start.
has Elmo only hired people who claim that they can "wrangle data" and say "yes" ?
There's two issues going on:
Elmo's sociopathic approach to laying people off is public knowledge, and top experts have the luxury of not even applying for his jobs.
Elmo's ability to judge engineering talent has likely been wildly exaggerated thanks to how he has successfully bought organizations full of talented people, in the past.
I've read a story on the forbidden website where a "database" was a single table with a single column holding a single row that contained the actual data as a CSV blob. I'm willing to bet the muskies are not beyond such acts of genius.
You have to understand that the average Trump voter probably knows everything they know about computers from watching the 'wacky-zaney hacker with personality issues/quirks' "hack" into things by tippity tapping their fingies on a keyboard in your average copaganda performance.
This is something those types of people will believe.
You're on the mark. I'm like Help Desk Level 2, I wouldnt even consider myself an actual wizard. The average person in my office thinks I'm Gandalf. Its scary how much these people dont know. And each one of them is out there on the internet.
So, this means they either have a local copy on disk of whatever database they're querying, or they're dumping a remote db to disk at some point before/during/after their query, right?
So yeah, she's apparently toting around an external hard drive with a copy of the "multiple terabytes" large US spending database, running queries against it, then dumping the 60k-row result set to CSV for further processing.
I'm still confused at what point the external drive overheats, even if she is doing all this in a "hot humid" hotel room that she can't run any fans I guess because her kids were asleep?
But like, all of that just adds more questions, and doesn't really answer the first one - why?
You've got it all wrong, in traditional computer terminology the "hard drive" is the box that sits under the desk that collects cat fluff and cigarette tar.
I don't think I've seen a brand new computer in the past decade that even had a mechanical hard drive at all unless it was purpose-built for storing multiple terabytes, and 60K rows wouldn't even take multiple gigabytes.
I have when a misconfigured spark job I was debugging was filling hard drives with tb of error logs and killing the drives.
That was a pretty weird edge case though, and I don’t think the drives were melting, plus this was closer to 10 years ago when SSD write lifetimes were crappy and we bought a bad batch of drives.
Same as Elon when he confidently told off engineers during his takeover of Twitter or gestures broadly at the Mr. Dunning Kruger himself
Wonder if it’s an SQL DB
Elon probably hired confident right wingers whose parents bought and paid their way through prestigious schools. If he hired anyone truly skilled and knowledgeable, they’d call him out on his bullshit. So the people gutting government programs and passing around private data like candy are just confidently incorrect
What the hell are you doing that your hard drives are overheating? How do you even know it's overheating as I'm like 90% certain hard drives (except NVMe if we're being liberal with the meaning of hard drive) don't even have temperature sensors?
The only conclusion I can come to is that everything he's saying is just bullshit.
Unless they actually mean the hard drive, and not the computer. I've definitely had a cheap enclosure overheat and drop out on me before when trying to seek the drive a bunch, although it's more likely the enclosure's own electronics overheating. Unless their query was rubbish, a simple database scan/search like that should be fast, and not demanding in the slightest. Doubly so if it's dedicated, and not using some embedded thing like SQLite. A few dozen thousand queries should be basically nothing.
60k isn't that much, I frequently run scripts against multiple hundreds of thousands at work. Wtf is he doing? Did he duplicate the government database onto his 2015 MacBook Air?
Don't know what Elmos minions are doing, but I've written code at least equally unefficient. It was quite a few years ago (the code was in written in perl) and I at least want to think that I'm better now (but I'm not paid to code anymore). The task was to pull in data from a CSV (or something like that, as I mentioned, it's been a while) and it needed conversion to XML (or something similar).
The idea behind my code was that you could just configure which fields you want from arbitary source data and on where to place them on the whatever supported destination format. I still think that the basic idea behind that project is pretty neat, just throw in whatever you happen to have and have something completely else out of the other end. And it worked as it should. It was just stupidly hungry for memory. 20k entries would eat up several gigabytes of memory from a workstation (and back then it was premium to have even 16G around) and it was also freaking slow to run (like 0.2 - 0.5 seconds per entry).
But even then I didn't need to tweet that my hard drive is overheating. I well understood that my code is just bad and I even improved it a bit here and there, but it was still so very slow and used ridiculous amounts of RAM. The project was pretty neat and when you had few hundred items to process at a time it was even pretty good, there was companies who relied on that code and paid for support. It just totally broke down with even a slightly bigger datasets.
But, as I already mentioned, my hard drive didn't overheat on that load.
Seriously - I can parse multiple tables of 5+ million row each... in EXCEL... on a 10 year old desktop and not have the fan even speed up. Even the legacy Access database I work with handles multiple million+ row tables better than that.
Sounds like the kid was running his AI hamsters too hard and they died of exhaustion.
I mean if we were to sort of steelman this thing, there sure can be database relations and queries that hit only 60k rows but are still hteavy as fuck.
I've been told violence isn't the answer and we shouldn't just shoot nazis and nazi enablers dead.
The way most people change their mind isn't based on facts or figures, but emotions. Specifically, in-group belonging. For most people, and this certainly includes me and you some of the time, what our in-group believes is more compelling than an out-groups supposed facts.
They see that guy as someone in their group so they believe him. They see you as a bad outside bad bad bad liar, so nothing you say is likely to get through. (This comic is worth reading on this topic: )
If you want to change someone's mind, they have to see you as in-group. Not necessarily the same group as what you're arguing with. We all belong to many groups. American, new yorker, white guy, middle aged, yankees fan, etc etc there are many such slices. Like how you can't get a republican to recycle by appealing to environmental concerns (because environmentalists are out-group, so fuck them), but you might be able to get them to recycle via something like "only american ingenuity can turn trash into bridges and tanks!"
This takes a lot of time and effort, and if you don't get them to stop hanging out with the other group, you won't make any lasting changes.
So I think you'd need a multi prong approach:
Get them off bad media. Facebook, fox news, etc. This is reinforcing their bad beliefs. Because they see this stuff as trustworthy in-group, it goes right into the worldview.
Get them to stop hanging out with their shitty maga-hat friends. This is the social in-group that's reinforcing bad beliefs.
Get them to trust you.
Gently introduce the idea that maybe the extreme right doesn't have their interests at heart, etc
All of which takes a lot of time and effort, and your opposite number is basically trying to do the same thing. Except they have fox news, trump, and such in their corner.
And, again, I'm told we definitely shouldn't just shoot extreme right wingers and other nazi sympathizers dead. Nor should we burn their houses down. If we're an emergency responder, we definitely shouldn't let them die while thinking to ourselves "they would let so many die. without a thought, their passing deserves no mourning" or similar.
You should definitely nullify if you're on a jury and someone allegedly did violence to a shitty ceo or red-hat, though, bu that's getting off topic.
Wow, that was an awesome rabbit hole, thank you for the link.
If you want to change someone’s mind, they have to see you as in-group.
Maybe a less manipulative-sounding way to phrase that might be that we should remind people that we're all in it together. The far right media and their billionaire buddies have spent the past decade and a half dividing us, and they succeeded. Idk what it would take to unite this country again, but it at least is a little comforting to have a clear problem statement.
I agree some form of consistent opposition messaging is needed.
The maga world talks in consistent themes and terminology, which creates a psychological advantage. Unfortunately, it's playground psychology, but if that's the game being played you need to find a way to win at it.
Compelling point. I just found that arguing with „these kind of people“ (livibg in europe, so no MAGA‘s here but like-minded, conservative fundamentalists etc.) leads to nowhere. It‘s kind of like the covid-conversations.
And often I heard „you can‘t make them change their minds, so just let them be“.
Still, I think this behaviour leads to isolation and separates us as a people even more.
Long story short: good question. If you found the answer, let me know.
I can only speak from my very limited experience. My father is the very example of a person who has some beliefs and tries to judge whole world through those beliefs. Everyone who doesn’t share those beliefs is an enemy. If you don’t believe in extreme opinion A, you automatically have to believe in extreme opinion B which is the opposite of A. You probably know such people.
Over last years, we yelled at each other lots of times, but that lead to nowhere. What actually helped was that finding the common ground. To make him understand that just because I don’t agree with his side, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m shilling for the other one. Not everything is bipolar.
From my father’s perspective, everyone has to be either pro-Russian or pro-American (which is funny from today’s perspective, but I guess you get my point).
You point out that Russia did something bad? He will tell you “Yeah and USA did <something>! You don’t have an issue with that”. And that’s the thing. To make him understand, that I DO have an issue with that. World is not a football match where you have to take a side and fully commit to it. You don’t have to go “full in” on a topic. Your opinion can be nuanced based on the actual topic, not just dumbed down into “my side thinks that A, so I agree with A. Your side thinks that B, so you have to agree with B”.
Before that I never had much success in having a proper discussion. It always ended up in a screaming match, because he wasn’t listening to arguments. He simply knew, that I had the “other” opinion, so my opinion was automatically wrong.
Now he knows, that I don’t fully agree with anyone. He now somehow understands that my opinions are based on a set of principles, not on a tribalistic “my team” vs “your team”. And by understanding that, he’s more open to actually having a discussion on a topic, not just trying to convert me from “bad side” to “good side”.
And don’t get me wrong. He still believes in what he believes in. But he’s more open to accepting that not everything “his side” says is automatically correct. And that by itself is a small victory for me.
They make nothing. They're compensated for destroying things, and considering it's musk, they're likely given relatively little money in return for their time.
Even if the only thing you do all day is sit on the toilet and yell at the Internet, you're already a bigger net positive on society.
This shit sounds like when your mom tells you that the Facebook printed out her bank statement on the fax machine. I'm not smart enough to even guess how you did something dumb enough to make that happen.
How bad are you at writing queries? How does your hard drive overheat even under 100% load? Do you have it smothered under a blanket? Did you crack it up and expose it to cheeto dust? What does running a query on your, presumably, remote database even have to do with your harddrive in the first place? Are you trying to copy the entire database locally to a laptop? Do you know how to tie your shoes yet, or are you still on the velcro?
This shit sounds like when you’re mom tells you that the Facebook printed out her bank statement on the tax machine.
My dear sweet mother asked me somewhere around 2005-06 "If we can fax paper, why not groceries, or pizza delivery?"
Apparently she had believed, for decades, that fax machines literally transported physical paper over phone lines. She has a college degree, and my family is wealthy.
Do not underestimate the mind boggling technical and scientific ignorance of old people who should know better.
I remember thinking that when I was a kid and saw a clip on PBS Kids of a kid using their home fax machine to fax their dad a picture they drew at work. I was also like 4 so teleportation was still distinctly possible to my brain
This sounds like trying to do stuff in Excel? The computer isn't overheating but the amount of memory needed is very high which would make it run poorly. They might interpret that as overheating?
I didn't know hard drive overheating was a thing. Should I be worried that my 5 year old hard drive is about to overheat. I mean is this actually a floppy disk or something?
When an HDD works continuously it can heat up to above 60 °C if proper air circulation is not allowed, which can cause a very premature failure. In fact, it should be kept under 40 °C to achieve the intended lifespan. Unfortunately, PC cases are usually not great at removing heat from the HDD by default.
As for your drive, it most likely has a temperature sensor so it can be displayed by various utilities.
I used to perform data analysis of robotics firmware logs which would generate several million log lines per hour and that was my second job out of college.
I don't know how you fuck up 60k lines that bad. Is he nesting 150 for loops and loading a copy of the data set in each one while mining crypto??
What is this, a table for ants? Because that’s the average number of ants in an ant colony and it’s nowhere near an impressive amount of rows to be doing any sort of processing on. It wouldn’t be an impressive amount of rows if your rig was an i386DX-33 running off a 5” floppy.
Exactly, 60k rows is negligible enough in most cases that you can just treat it as free unless you're doing a cross join on it or something, unless he's doing something like using an unordered text file as his database with no ram or cache
What in the fuck is this idiot doing? I've process datasets far larger than that and never once have I run into a hard drive "overheat". I mean what level of incompetence do you have to have to get a hard drive to overheat processing a measley 60K rows of data?
If you're running a pcie nvme ssd, one of the modern ones, and you're doing a SHIT ton of reads, like threadripper level amount of reads, i guess "overheating" isn't unexpected? Shouldn't do much other than slow down the SSD though?
dumbass probably loaded them into memory, and OOM'd, and thought it was the drive.
Out of memory/overheating in 60k rows? I've had a few multi-million row databases that could fit into a few gigs of memory, and most modern machines have that much in RAM. A 60k query that overheats the machine might only happen if you're doing something weird with joins.
Plus a lot of reads is nothing really, for basically all databases, unless you're doing an unsmart thing with how you're reading it (like scanning the whole database over and over). If you're not processing the data, it'd be I/O bottlenecked.
if they wrote good code yeah, evidently they didn't write good code if they're struggling to process 60k lines of a database lmao.
They must either be O(n^10) complexity or something retarded like that for this to be the case. I wouldn't put it past them.
Plus a lot of reads is nothing really, for basically all databases, unless you’re doing an unsmart thing with how you’re reading it (like scanning the whole database over and over). If you’re not processing the data, it’d be I/O bottlenecked.
again, i'm assuming they aren't very smart, since this is an issue in the first place.
NVMEs will throttle if they are inadequately cooled. Pretty much only folks who are new at buiding computers and don't adequately cool their NVMEs experience this.
Either way it shows what a clown show this is. I'm pretty sure they're doing some babuki theatre to distract us and then if the scheme being done here is found, they'll point fingers at the dipshit kid and he'll be punished for whatever the con is.
Either way the billionaires will be better off for it, barring judicial, congressional, or military revolt; which is looking less likely by the day.
Bunch of traitors forgot their oath is to the constitution. The constitution IS the soul of the country and is to be respected. The country was founded by the constitution and it defines the system to be decentralized power giving control to the populace through three different branches of government. Not some false idol king or an evil oligarchy propped up by foreign and domestic robber barrons
NVMEs will throttle if they are inadequately cooled. Pretty much only folks who are new at buiding computers and don’t adequately cool their NVMEs experience this.
yeah, but it shouldn't be that significant though right? You're talking like 10% slower speeds to anywhere probably like 50% of the speed, which for modern NVME ssds is basically perfectly usable in most cases. But i'm not up to speed on pcie 4.0 and 5.0 ssds, so idk the specifics.
Or it's a cheap external nvme chassis with a Samsung 980 Pro. Had to run that when I was copying files from one of my old machines and boy, it will absolutely overheat to the point of failure.
Gave me quite the scare when I started getting read errors and then it dropped off the bus. It shutdown to protect itself but it certainly didn't seem like that at the time.