I see presidents and PMs. I don't see leaders. Leaders... you know... lead. Leaders have some "vision" and can convince others. These people are just bureaucrats. Most of them are ok. Just not leaders.
personnel who work to prevent wildfires and support firefighters
Trump: It is some kind of communism! Why should the government pay for fires? make your own fires! Buy your own cowfefe!
Eh... Looking as "look like" or as "searching for"?
Nice artillery numbers.
Yeah, you totally can believe this kind of guys. His word is the truth itself. Like Trump's word of honor.
Presidential? Like Biden or Macron? Nothing. But the pardon from the Glorious Emperor of Universum is more weighty.
Russians say this very same thing about Ukraine. Not a real country.
And every night his act's the same
And so it must be all a game of chess he's playing--
But you're wrong, Steve. You see, it's only solitaire
Something from Jethro Tull's song...
Well, if Romans will perchance feed you to the lions... we won't be sad.
Different tools for different jobs. You don't use a horse to lift bricks to the roof. So kids for driving, horses for sausages and billionaires with bureaucrats for the New Year tree toys.
Yeah, AI is infamous for fingers and, I suppose, toes.
Trust a bone to a human? Why? That doesn't make any sense. Stupidest thing ever. No dog would make anything so stupid. Totally unrealistic comic. Boo.