Great game
Mind boggling.
All those billionaires in office and still needing other billionaires to pay for shit.
Doesn’t look corrupt at all
What the fuck is an inaugural fund
The man that lied about it for years
It’s nice to mock the unhinged trumpets. I approve
I mean..yeah. One in my has to look remotely in americas direction to see that. Especially now.
Imagine if smoking made you healthy.
Come on then if you think you’re hard enough
It is quite windy
I think…and I could be wrong… that the Supreme Court has to agree with said official act.
When they’re all corrupt, they won’t agree unless you’re their sugar daddy.
I think this is the least egregious of all the cabinet picks.
It was good. Until it wasn’t.
They’ll ruin all the good work Pete did
How much money we talking about
Trumps knowledge of the EU is solely what Farage tells him. Or should I say, whispers to him after rubbing his belly.
Fucker negotiated with the Taliban (terrorist organisation) and did not include the Afghanistan Government in said negotiations.
Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay
If you can point in a map where NATO is in Ukraine, that would be great.