You only need money now. A propaganda apparatus, preferably social media, and being a billionaire also helps. Keep up.
I'm guessing someone explained stagflation and told him when shit goes south he'll have someone to blame.
I always explained that precum lubed the tubes and if there's sperms in those tubes... it's coming out.
Cousin of my wife was in a serious relationship with a JW. I told her it was basically a cult, will isolate you from your fam, and make you dress and behave a certain way( wife said she already changed her dress style to what he wanted). Two years later we get invited to the wedding. No music or booze, we split after eating and congratulating the couple. I haven't heard mention or news from them. Parents never talk about it so I assume the worst.
Hope they keep the kid away!
The united healthcare motto
First term, it was speculated it was an early sign of dementia or some shit. This image and this video of him walking down a slope. His handlers making him take a cognitive test that gave us "person, woman, camera, tv"
Reply all. Take me off this email chain.
I hope he can't walk in public because the secret service says it's dangerous due to people outside being pissed.
Seems they're expecting a while lot of: "He's made his decision; now let him enforce it."
No, post nut clarity makes you realize you wasted a bunch of water when you could have done it before you went into the shower.
Interestingly, there were rumors that during those meetings in the article putin asked the oligarchs for half, but would provide protection, government subsidies,etc. So 50%, but more money then ever possible. Those that balked got thrown out a window.
Trump says US, but might really mean himself.
I cant find it, but when Obama was sworn in, the justice fucked up the words and later on redid it at the white house. Fox news talked about it non stop saying that they didn't know what that was and that it meant Obama wasn't president.
Keep posting that photo and say trump ain't president because he didn't swear on the Bible and that musk is in control.
2g vape for $40 in Texas. I think my guy is getting it from OK. I don't ask, but I also don't smoke as much as I did.
Being fat in hot climates is miserable. Had to take a shower after going to get the mail in the summer. In the mid 40s(5-8C?) and I'd be going around in a long sleeve shirt. By the time I should start to get cold, my body's warmed up or I'm in a conditioned place.
I had too many customers get confused when I asked, "and that is pudenda spelled P as in Papa, U as in Uniform..." customer interrupts, "why are you talking like a radio?"
Had a regular that would spell it in NATO, and said he served in artillery. Heard just fine on his good ear, tinittus was just a low hum.
Nah, that's just his current pet. Once he doesn't find a use or loses interest he'll move on. Maybe he'll stay close to usurp the cult once Trump croaks.
Looked it up thinking it was sarcasm, my god that dash. I love everything about it.
They got laws on 80% lowers too. Can't get them shipped directly to you. Wonder what they'll do with buying pipes after some rich guy get hit with the Abe special
Uneven load shifted as I was about halfway out. Too afraid to try to shift the forks over to try and balance it as it was up about 8m up. The most experienced operator passed by 10 seconds later and said yeah hold up and pushed the load towards the center. After it was safely on the ground, he asked if I got scared. Told him I needed to check my pants. He laughed and said," good! You'll always remember and it will never happen to you again."
I changed my oil today.
I only got oil on my fingers. I also drove to market for some veggies and it's time for a nap.
YSK Richard Jewell - Wikipedia
A security guard that found a bomb and saved many lives at Olympic Park in Atlanta during the Olympics in 1996. After an FBI leak, the media effectively claimed him as the culprit.
> A Justice Department investigation of the FBI's conduct found that the FBI had tried to cause Jewell to waive his constitutional rights by telling him he was participating with a training movie about bomb detection, although the report concluded "no intentional violation of Mr. Jewell's civil rights and no criminal misconduct" had occurred.
> At a press conference in July 1997, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno expressed personal regret concerning the leak that resulted in intense media scrutiny of Jewell. She said, "I'm very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak.
It's something we should be aware of due to current events and major newspapers owned by billionaires.