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exu exu
Posts 21
Comments 493
FUTO Keyboard - Offline, privacy respecting, and speech to text
  • Switched after Louis' video about it. Haven't tried the voice yet, but just having swipe typing and suggestions again is a definite improvement.

  • /media or /mnt or anywhere ? Discussion.
  • Yeah, but you need root anyways to mount disks (most of the time), so doing a quick chown isn't that much effort.

    Edit: chown > chmod

  • /media or /mnt or anywhere ? Discussion.
  • I use multiple subdirectories under /mnt for my fstab/systemd-mount managed disks. That includes local and network locations.

  • 1st Family Hurricane.
  • If enough people die, we wouldn't be polluting the earth as much anymore, leading to a natural reduction in greenhouse gases.

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • Without docker you still just copy your files from Windows to Linux, though you have to find the right directories for that. Jellyfin can be installed directly on Debian. Just add their repo and go

  • Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • You can't really install packages or modify configs on the host without root. Containers can only do some parts.

  • Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • Maybe, but now I still need to remember the alias or distribute it to any machine I'm working on.
    Not that difficult if you have everything managed with Ansible or similar anyways, but lots of people likely don't have that setup.

  • Truly independent web browser
  • As someone who speaks a language with gendered pronouns but no neutral option, this is very awkward to deal with.

  • Shoko Server not recognizing any anime
  • Never used Shopify unfortunately, so I can't help you with that.

    The way I tag media is using MediaElch. It requires manually going through each series and identifying it, but with your proper naming it should give decent suggestions already.
    If some metadata is missing for single episodes, try changing the metadata provider, sometimes one or the other just has bad/incomplete data.

  • Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • As someone who writes bash scripts, fuck no, this is a terrible language and it shouldn't be used for anything more complex than sticking two programs together.

    Also, parallelism goes right out of the window.

    Maybe you'd convince me with a real programming language.

  • Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • I might try run0 for fun, but I don't think it'll replace sudo any time soon.
    The biggest issue I see is run0 purposely not copying any environment variables except for TERM.
    You'd have to specify which editor to use, the current directory, stuff like PATH and HOME every time you run a command.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I think hate is really too strong of a word, dislike at most for me.
    My biggest issue with Microsoft is a lack of trust. Apart from that, I just like my Linux setup more and find it easier to use.
    Stuff I want to do works how I want to do it and how I'm (now) used to it.
    Regardless, I use Windows at work, manage Windows Servers and Azure. It's just how it is.

  • Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go?
  • If you only need file syncing, there are better options than Nextcloud. But Nextcloud is the only real option if you want to create a full suite of replacements for office365 or google thanks to the large plugin ecosystem.

  • Started learning Perl
  • I've been brainwashed into finding Elixir interesting due to how it handles parallelism and how good it's supposed to be for live debugging. (According to ~3 talks I found on youtube)

    Edit: Syntax error

  • Oklahoma is Now Required to Teach Students About the Bible and The Ten Commandments in All Public Schools
  • So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

    Try to imagine how God must look if they are creating both man and woman in their image.

  • Problematic computer
  • You could download stressapptest and run that memory benchmark in the normal system.

    I'm not sure how well the current version of Memtest does, but when I was overclocking I was told not to use it as it couldn't reliably get memory to crash. (Funny problem to have). The two recommended tools are Windows only, so I found stressapptest as the best alternative.

  • what's the best python libraries for beginners to download and learn with?
  • In that case, maybe get a good textbook and follow the examples.

  • Play stupid games, win stupid prize
  • You hacked too hard

  • How to view Intune-managed firewall rules

    Just a quick fyi for anyone using Intune to distribute firewall rules with the "Endpoint Protection > Windows Firewall" profile for the first time. Any rules you set won't be visible in the wf.msc GUI or using PowerShell's Get-NetFirewallRule.

    The only place you can see those rules is the registry under this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\Mdm\FirewallRules


    LLM spitting fire (Custom "Judy Alvarez"-based character card)

    I know where Linux, but this was too good not to share. Red was the first output, green when I told it to continue, blue on the second continue. It really didn't want to talk about Microsoft.

    Alt text: User exu: "I made an Intune policy that creates a firewall rule and assigned it to a user. Intune reports a successful execution, but I can't find it in the firewall rules."

    Bot Judy response 1: "Ugh, typical Microsoft shit. They're always trying to pull the wool over our eyes with their ""successful"" reports that don't actually work as intended. Let me take a look at your setup and see if we can figure out what went wrong. It might just need some manual intervention."

    User prompts to continue

    Bot Judy response 2: she rolls her eyes

    User prompts to continue

    Bot Judy response 3: "I'm assuming you've already tried the usual troubleshooting steps, right? Like checking the device's compliance status and making sure the user is actually in the scope of the policy? If not, let's start there."

    1 NixOS Foundation board: Giving power to the community

    The community is more important than the product. — Pieter Hintjens Dear contributors to the Nix ecosystem, dear users, We recognize that the Nix community keeps growing and changing, and its governance has not been adapting accordingly. While the foundation board was never intended to lead the ...

    NixOS Foundation board: Giving power to the community

    Cross posted from:

    6 NixOS Foundation board: Giving power to the community

    The community is more important than the product. — Pieter Hintjens Dear contributors to the Nix ecosystem, dear users, We recognize that the Nix community keeps growing and changing, and its governance has not been adapting accordingly. While the foundation board was never intended to lead the ...

    NixOS Foundation board: Giving power to the community

    Subscribe to new communities?

    How can I subscribe to new communities with raccoon? I tried the explore feature with the filter set to all, but no communities are found. I tried multiple times to give my server the chance to fetch the remote community. I searched using the full address with a leading !: \[email protected]

    5 Building a fully local LLM voice assistant to control my smart home

    I’ve had my days with Siri and Google Assistant. While they have the ability to control your devices, they cannot be customized and inherently rely on cloud services. In hopes of learning something new and having something cool I could use in my life, I decided I want better. The premises are simple...

    4 A decade long Steam issue, is everyone just too fast for Valve?

    Valve has shown to occasionally not act on community feedback and bug reports. A story about a decade old bug.

    A decade long Steam issue, is everyone just too fast for Valve?

    Analysis of the No user logon issue in Counter Strike 2, and older CS titles.

    2 Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc

    Windows Secure Time Seeding resets clocks months or years off the correct time.

    Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc
    11 Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc

    Windows Secure Time Seeding resets clocks months or years off the correct time.

    Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc
    aviation exu

    Aeroflot Deactivates Brakes on Nine Aircraft, Relies Solely on Reverse Thrust


    Tesla created secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints Tesla’s secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints

    About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard readouts in its electric cars to provide “rosy” projections of how far owners can drive before needing to recharge, a source told Reuters.

    Tesla’s secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints
    aviation exu

    The Rise and Fall of Transaero Airlines and the Reassertion of the Russian State

    Really interesting article about airlines, independent safety inspectors ans Russia


    Documenting commands # or $ before sudo?

    This might be a stupid question, but hear me out. I regularly document steps to install various software for myself on my wiki More recently, I managed to use different custom text in the source markdown to prepend # and $ automatically, so commands can be copied more easily while still clarifying if it should be run as a normal user or as root.

    Run command as user $ some cool command

    Run command as root/superuser with sudo ```

    some dangerous command


    I usually remove and sudo and use the # prefix. However, in some cases, the sudo actually does something different that needs to be highlighted. For example, I might use it to execute a command as the user www-data sudo -u www-data cp /var/www/html/html1 /var/www/html/html2 I often use $ as a prefix, but # would also make sense. How would you prefix that line?


    Gacharic Spin「MindSet」

    Simply a fun song!


    Where do reports go?

    If I report something on a remote community, where does the report go?

    I know that as an instance admin, I'm getting a report. But do the moderators of the community and the server admins it is on also receive a report?

    3 NixOS and my Descent into Insanity

    As I tend to do, I picked a topic to write about that is much larger in scope than I could manage in a reasonable amount of time. Did I learn? Apparently...

    NixOS and my Descent into Insanity

    Office Laptop recommendations 700€ - 900€

    I hope it's alright to post this question here. Please direct me to a more appropriate commuity if not. Anyways, my sister's looking for a new laptop and I decided to lend my expertise. I've got a list of various requirements, but maybe some of them are too strict or I'm missing something.


    • Mostly office & webbrowser
    • Some light gaming (Minecraft, SWTOR, Drakensang)
    • Youtube playback in the background while gaming

    Current laptop

    HP Pavilion x360 - 14-ba070nz

    Hard Requirements

    Stuff that's absolutely required

    • Budget 700€ - 900€
    • 14" screen size
    • <1.6 kG weight
    • min. wifi 5 (802.11ac)
    • \>250cd/m^2 display brightness
    • all-day battery life (>8h)
    • Windows 11 (I won't evangelize Linux to her)

    Soft Requirements

    Additional requirements I thought off, though I'm open to modifying those

    • \>4 core CPU
    • 16GB RAM (Most laptops still come with 8GB. Is that ok for current year multitasking on Windows?)
    • \>480GB storage (I'll have to check her current usage with her, maybe 256GB is fine?)
    • 2x USB-A ports
    • USB-C charging
    • HDMI/DP Port
    • internal GPU only (the games run okish on the old laptop already, so anything newer should also be better)

    Some options

    These are some options I found. I'd like to hear some thoughts/opinions on those. (links are to the UK site for english language, for prices I'm looking at the german site variant)

    Thoughts, comments, experiences?
