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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

Posts 44
Comments 590
“May have just legalized murder by one individual”: Experts alarmed at “stunning” SCOTUS ruling
  • I once made up an idea for an action thriller, called "President Psycho", where a serial killer gets elected as the president, and immediately legalizes murder involving brutal torture for himself and his friends, if committed to the "right target". God my ideas are becoming reality before even realizing them, and the worst is that I had an idea for an edgy magical girl metroidvania that set in a dystopian world which has been completely overthrown by fascists, all while I just started to take more seriously a much more simpler and smaller game idea (Arkanoid clone that is basically a hacking minigame but bigger).

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • The precedent shouldn't be "they go low, we go high", but "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". He probably wouldn't do anything because the aforementioned issue, but should just send an assassination squad on the 6 supreme court judges alongside with other politicians.

  • It's exhausting...
  • Okay, get your guns! If I remember correctly from Project 2025, Trump wants to dispatch the military on the streets to stop the people from revolting against the christofascist dystopia he and his friends want to impose on others. Maybe you can be just like in the FPS games, and survive from health, weapon, and ammunition drops from the soldiers.

  • It's exhausting...
  • To my American friends: Please don't give up hope yet! As the GOP is very closely communicating with Fidesz, they're banking on activist burnout. They want to break you, so you not only won't do anymore activism, but to maybe even join them finally in the hopes of getting something from them finally. After the next Trump victory, they'll likely also copy one another thing from Hungary, namely the firing of leftists, to force them to convert to conservatism.

  • Context
  • I remember that time...

    The propaganda was so strong some liberal black content creators called "socialists" as "having anti-black and misogynistic biases" because we could just fix capitalism to be not bigoted. Fortunately, they got better on this front.

  • Protestation
  • What metric would AES states have to pass to be considered a genuine and authentic movement that isn’t completely arbitrary and vibes-based?

    Did the workers own their means of production? No. In fact, a lot of worker's cooperatives were not only nationalized, but turned into the same kind of exploitative enterprises they were made to escape the corporate world, but this time it was in the hands of the state, and the factory had "this factory belongs to the workers" written on it.

    Does a drastic improvement in life expectancy, literacy rates, housing rates, educational access, healthcare access, diminishing wealth disparity, and decreasing hours worked not count as “true and authentic?

    Those are often done under more "human-faced" capitalist states. These states are just social-autocracies: all the social benefits of social democracies, without any democracy, unless you call liking a dictator and their pet projects at gunpoint a "democracy".

    Would my far-right government be considered a socialist country, because it boasts about record-high employment boosted by emmigration and the humiliating public employment program (work full 8+ hours at a state institute or street cleaner for half the minimum wage, so car makers don't have to pay taxes), and about higher and higher wages that are nearly completely offset by inflation? Is stuffing the prime minister's childhood friend with so much money he became a billionaire at the cost of smaller businesses going bankrupt a socialist move, just because he happens to be Hungarian (and also doesn't have "berg" in his family name, nor has a "suspiciously large nose" as some insiders told me why a Hungarian business needed to go)? I guess critical support for Viktor Orbán then, since he hates the west and its human rights...

  • Context
  • Plus one of the former applicants was accused of both communism and antisemitism, the latter just due to not being 1000% pro-Israel and despite being Jewish himself. One another had "bad vibes", people called her a "warhawk", and called the former guy's fans misogynist bros.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • And you have all the reasons to be terrified, the US in case of a Trump victory will either:

    a) Go isolationist, dissolve the NATO, then let the power vacuum to be filled by Russia and China (one is better than the other), all while a big ultranationalist movement will claim to fix the issues.

    b) Make whatever insanity Trump's christofascist call "morals" into the global standards for human rights, heavily censor the internet, etc.

    A second Trump victory will have dire consequences for the rest of the world.

  • What's stopping him?
  • They still have Ron DeSantis. There's a good chance he will run in 2028, if either Trump wins but the GOP won't make it so that he can be re-elected indefinitely, or Trump loses and the cognitive decline will also be shown on him even more...

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Homer Simpson meme "Democracies all around the world!"

    If Trump wins, the US will likely conduct an isolationist policy on the way forward, creating a power vacuum on the world stage, which will be likely filled in the likes of Russia and China, but that'll be the good impe... sorry, the good great power protecting smaller nations!

  • Casual reminder
  • They're concealing their true nature, and get a bunch of naïve moderates to clean their image. Jobbik did it in Hungary first, it even lead to the radicals splitting out the party under Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement - technically a satellite party and the "bad cops" of Fidesz), and the moderates rebranding as more boring conservatives. Fidesz learned this tactic, and used it to make Trianon Revisionism seem like a "common cause". Gamergate also did it the first round, the second round was just a literal reaction against any kind of inclusivity. The republicans are also doing it of course: Their average voter isn't as evil as it seems, they're just the naïve loyal voters, who think even if things go bad, they can just be removed from legislation. Which is true, but it will be hard if democracy is dismantled like in Hungary, and even then you can't unlegislate ruined lives, the dead from their graves, the lost years people had to endure because of bad laws and no worker's protections.

  • Casual reminder
  • I think Trump will declare a state of emergency as soon as people will riot against his unjust laws. Project 2025 has something about deploying the military against the population to force through deeply unpopular laws.

  • Moderate conservatives be like
  • Conservatives are the good cops to the fascists' bad cops.

    "You know people with age usually grow out of liberalism. Oh, you're soon to be 33? Great age to convert to Christianity, I'm giving you my pastor's phone number!" vs "I'm going to throw you out of a helicopter you godless communist heathen!"

    "Just work harder, then maybe you get a promotion or something, so you won't be living under poverty line, otherwise those who suffer more will enter God's kingdom." vs "Oh, you're just like [currently hated minority] for not wanting to work you communist, welfare queen, leech!"

    "What if you regret your lifestyle choices? What if at 35 you realize you wanted a lot of children, and so you instead want a heterosexual relationship? What if you influence a young child to do so? I'm not hating you, I'm just concerned about your and others' mental well being." vs "Die $!@" proceeds to beat you up

  • Looking for a free pitch shifter plugin with low latency

    I'm getting back into playing guitar, but I want to skip on constantly changing tunings and strings for them, also I would like some octaver effect or something like that.


    Is this an issue in my code or in my Linux distro?

    Display of OpenGL context works fine on Windows, no issues with resizing. Function glViewport works as intended.

    It only has issues with X11 on Linux (no plans yet to implement Wayland due to lack of free time). Resizing breaks everything, and it doesn't really work the way you expect (point of triangle moves down if you make it taller, etc). I cannot find anything on if I should call anything else besides glViewport, only that "you should use [insert already existing library], which will take care of this behavior". Others are suggesting me that it's an issue with my distro, but I cannot find any OpenGL testcase that is small enough to test on my VM or my Raspberry Pi to actually test whether that's the case.


    X11 + OpenGL window resizing issues

    When resizing an X11 window with OpenGL content, the image becomes garbled and certain parts of the window, usually at the parts that wasn't originally part of the initial framebuffer.

    I couldn't find any documentation on if I supposed to call some extra functions when the window is being resized or not. I otherwise process that even as a system event, so it can be further processed by the program using my API.


    Distro has some quite outdated packages, how to deal with it?

    I started to use Linux Mint on my VM, however it seems like it uses a different channel for packages, which means I get some outdated packages such as D compilers, which makes me unable to compile my programs.

    While the D compilers have some userspace installer scripts, they're userspace only, meaning they need initialization scripts, which only work until the end of the given shell instance, which makes it particularly hard to use in certain contexts.

    Is there some "untested" or similar branch to get some newer stuff? The compilers don't seem to interfere with anything system level, so it should be fine.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! ZILtoid1991

    Need some easy-to-use Linux distro that doesn immedately go bad on a VM

    So far, Ubuntu 24.04 was an absolute nightmare for me. While upgrading to it in a VM, it randomly crashed, which broke the GUI. I had to go to the tty, and finish the upgrade that way to get back into GNOME. Then every time I launched its default file manager or its screen settings app (which became mandatory as it just randomly switched to 1280x800, thus making work a nightmare), it crashed so hard it took the VM host with itself.

    Switching to VMWare, it was more stable, stable, but after the first restart, I get a lot of graphical glitches and a black background. Tried Kubuntu to see if it's a GNOME-related thing, but similar issues prevail, this time with a tanked performance until I switch to tty.

    I need an easy-to-use and relatively stable distro, for compiling, testing, and rewriting software with GUI, thus I cannot use WSL on Windows 10. I want to spend my time developing, and not resolving bugs, nor with tinkering with the OS. Likely I will have to keep my primary development platform as Windows, and Linux does not offer me anything more, and "deploying/cross compiling to Windows" is not very feasible to me at the moment due to I'm writing my own middleware to interface with OS API, and I also want to test on native Windows rather than in an emulator. Windows 11 might push me in the direction to use a Windows installation inside a VM, but only if disabling telemetry becomes impossible.


    Help me find my new "MIDI Assembly" a new name!

    Design documentation:

    It has some weird solutions due to my limited experience with the subject and the target usage favor preallocation instead of live allocation. I took some inspirations from Music Macro Language, Assembly, and Lua. Due to the lack of a MIDI 2.0 format, I thought I'd come up with my own, adding capabilities to program adaptive soundtracks (emitting MIDI commands with calculated values, conditional emitting of MIDI commands, conditional looping and pattern playback, etc).

    I initially gave it the name .m2 but while M.2 is an entirely different thing, an MML format by the name .m2 does exist on the PC98, thus I'm looking for some new name for mine. The only thing I can come up on the spot is MASM (or MIDI Assembly), but it's close to an already existing MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler).


    Ubuntu crashes VM when Nautilus is opened

    After a crash during an update (which I managed to recover from), the default file manager Nautilus no longer works, and crashes so hard it crashes VirtualBox too.

    I tried by deleting it then reinstalling it, but didn't change this behavior. Also there's a non-zero possibility that the original crash was caused by Nautilus itself.


    How does someone change the Alt-key behavior under Windows?

    d package int poll_win_RawInput(ref InputEvent output) nothrow @nogc { MSG msg; BOOL bret = PeekMessageW(&msg, null, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); if (bret) { ////Some code that supposed to swallow WM_SYSKEY and the likes, but does not work as intended//// DispatchMessageW(&msg);//In the aforementioned block ////Function that optionally gets text input messages//// switch (msg.message & 0xFF_FF) { ////Regular user input handling via RawInput and some legacy stuff + XInput handling in separate function//// Since it's for games, the default Alt key behavior is undesirable for me. It makes my test application hang and make error noises since it doesn't have a menubar. I checked whether my window had a flag that enabled the menubar or not, but couldn't find it.


    Should I worry about referencing other people's code?

    Thanks to the current SEO nightmare, I can no longer use search engines the same reliability as before. Stackoverflow is too toxic and often all I need is to properly look up some more obscure stuff about some API, which "could just be googled". AI, of course, is very unreliable.

    Searching code on Github, then adjusting it in many ways to my needs (like to a different language, renaming variables to make more sense, additional optimizations, etc.) seems way more feasible nowadays. However, while there's a lot of code with very permitting licenses (including public domain licenses), others are not so much, and I don't want to argue against them, often I'm even understanding the reasons behind their decisions. I even try to give credit wherever I can, or look up the original source of an algorithm I find being referenced by someone else.

    Gamedev ZILtoid1991

    Some alternatives to SDL?

    I tried to roll my own alternative, but it's a way bigger undertaking than I initially thought.

    I have a quite decent audio system for Windows/Linux (MacOSX missing due to lack of hardware), so I can just skip that, if it relies on "variable size" buffers or its only audio capability being "function that plays WAV/MP3 directly". DLL/SO preferred. I don't need duplicates of things that are already in any standard library.
