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Psaldorn Psaldorn

I'm a Streamer and Software Dev in Liverpool, UK.

Stop by if you fancy a chat or whatever,

Posts 5
Comments 475
Hexagonal basalt columns at Svartifoss, Iceland [OC]
  • So beautiful, thanks for sharing

  • Anachronistic
  • Toss me!

  • What is the best way to reinstall Windows after a MoBo/CPU upgrade while maximizing app/file/configuration retention?
  • I did this the other day, using same SSD, it worked fine up until login.

    It detected new hardware, asked me to log in, I did, it sent an email verification code.. I took too long getting it, my screen locked, then when I unlocked the screen it would their an exception and/or flash up the confirmation box for a millisecond. It wasn't hidden it anything, just give and I couldn't proceed.

    Then I tried making a win 11 boot disk on another machine, protip: if the c: drive fills up while you do this (because it only downloads to c and you don't get to choose) then it will crash the app but leave a mostly functional boot usb. No messages.

    After 4 attempts I made a win 10 boot, which worked and then upgraded.

    Suffice to say my levels of Microsoft hatred are at Window Vista era rates.

    I hope your transplant goes a lot smoother

  • Finally a useful feature (no)
  • I ain't givin' no AI shortcut button no tree fiddy!

  • Finally a useful feature (no)
  • I'd love to know how much time and money was wasted on this.

  • Why Draw or Doodle in an Age of Photography?
  • If I could take a photo of spaceships in orbit around ringed gas giants, I would. But the imagination is far more diverse than reality

  • The mask ban shit is unreal.
  • Your personal right to not spread germs is being taken away.

    And the idiots cheer for it. It really is unfathomable.

  • GTA: Vice City Remastered
  • They're infamous for fragility, or so I hear. Something to do with the pump/semi toggle ability?

  • Name this cut
  • Blender artists know this as the loop cut

  • The Beast Within (2024, dir Alexander J. Farrell)
  • Feel like it gave a bit too much away..

  • Microsoft removes Copilot app ‘incorrectly’ added on Windows PCs
  • The same Microsoft that wants too take a low FPS screen recording of everything you do and will definitely keep it safe (until.. whoopsie doodle! It's all been uploaded to your onecloud and now as well as being over storage, your hentai viewing sessions are on the cloud, if you're lucky in your account, but seeing as Microsoft just released software accidentally who can really say?)

  • And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • But "hyperbolic" is exactly like you expect.

  • Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?
  • Ever seen ants disassemble a much larger animals carcass?

    Imagine trying to keep millions of angry ants out of your house, not imagine they have support from spiders, racoons, birds.

    Throw in dropping snakes down chimneys.

    Bees stop pollinating our crops, larger animals could take our dead and drop them in our reservoirs. Cities are done.

    You might like the TV show called "Zoo", it looks at some of this and gets pretty crazy

  • Alex Jones cries after agreeing to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families | CNN
  • Open question..

    Why did these types focus on sandy hook when there are so many school shootings. What made it different?

  • Chose One Rule
  • Not a flared base in sight

  • the original one
  • First of her class.

  • Sofle RGB LED question

    Hi, I'm in the process of soldering up a left and right sofle v2.1 deck, but for both after following the wiring guide I get to the final led and it doesn't work (indicator, backlights and all per key lights work, bar the final per key light)

    Is this expected? Solder looks good but I was thinking there might need to be something else done to complete the last led in the chain? Or just unlucky that this has happened at the end of both. I've replaced the LEDs twice and used same process as all the other LEDs. I don't want to add all the diodes and sockets only to have to start again. Now I've replaced and resoldered a few times I'm worried about PCB integrity. These are my 5th and 6th boards 😖😔


    Post delays

    Has anyone else had trouble with their post this year?

    I thought it was weird that I stopped getting letters a while ago, and recently ordered some new bank cards but 3 weeks later they aren't here.

    I checked with bank and they were sent weeks ago.

    I also got a letter and a follow-on letter from a solicitor at the same time, like they'd been bunched up somewhere.

    Maybe I annoyed my postie? 😬


    King Biz

    His name's Bismuth but we call him biz for short. Or Bizzywiz. Or Bumbleboobs
