I don't even know what to think about this one. I'm not angry, more confused than anything. There's only one mod there so i asked them, and they said "It's against policy. It's the abbreviations policy."
I see no such policy anywhere, so who knows what's going on. Is it only the NYT that can't be abbreviated? What about the US? Is LOL forbidden too? And if so, why are we forbidden from laughing there!
They didn't even remove the comment.
The mod is user qrstuv. Maybe the only abbreviation allowed is when they say one? That's a power trip!
Not American, but NYT is a media source acknowledged internationally. Most people would know the acronym, even if they are not americans, and for those who don't, it's the first result on Google.
yea I don't know what's going on with that comm and/or moderation. In general sdf seems to be one of the lightest-touch-moderated instances out there so this is really surprising
And before that, weren’t they having problems with some white supremacist running coms over there and then they couldn’t find an admin available to instance ban them? smh
I recall commenting last time this community came up that it was weird that NYT was allowed when other abbreviations were not. I guess their mod caught up. It’s a dumb rule, but even ignoring that, it’s not listed in the community!
Having been inspired by the Core Wars at an impressionable age, I just thought of a truly perverted version that could be enacted on a dedicated Lemmy "shitpost" community. The community would have a committee-designed list of moderation rules (including that nonsense, irrelevant or data-flooding posts/comments are ban-worthy), and teams would develop LLM-based agents as the Lemmy-bot equivalent of Core War "redcode". The two bots would be simultaneously unleashed on the channel as the only posters, commenters, and mods, armed with internet-access to find links for posting and commenting on. Every time a bot does a ban on the opposing bot the game is paused for the human adjudicators to decide if the ban is valid based on conversational context. A bot wins a round when it achieves 3 valid bans, or when the opposing bot reaches 3 invalid bans. A yearly tournament could be held. The winning team's bot would have to be exceptionally good at finding & posting links, and reading & commenting on them, and replying to opposition comments in ways that induce the opposing bot into footgunning in bannable ways. I think it would be critically important to not give the bots access to the Dark Web when finding links to post, otherwise things would get harrowingly nasty really fast.
Honestly, SDF is becoming the home of the bad weirdos. There's constant examples like this one coming from them, not to mention CSAM staying up for way too long without them handling it etc. They really need to get their shit together before the threadiverse has enough and just summarily defeds them.
Being a pedant is fun but you need to get your shit straight. Abbreviation is an umbrella term that includes shortening of words or phrases in various ways including acronyms and initialisms.
Also, since the rules aren't written down, I wonder if they would object to defined acronyms. Like if I wrote "laughing out loud (lol)" in a comment, could I use the acronym later in the same comment? Could I use it in a subsequent comment? Could other people?
Sounds like the mod had some kinda mental episode where they imagined some non existent rules. Maybe they were sleep walking and happened to open their phone lol.
This person is a PTB for sure, I mean seriously? Banning people for abbreviations? That's outright petty.
This person strikes me as one of the biggest losers I've seen on here in a while.
Oh and before some whiny asshole who's probably an alt of the mod comes here whining about how they're allowed to make whatever rules they want, they didn't actually. I mean make any rule about it.
The sidebar of their community literally says:
News Stories
So this person is a power tripper because they are banning people for something that isn't actually a rule, nor is it a common decency violation. It's just purely and simply banning for spite.
I've straight blocked that News channel for this reason for some time. If the content is going to be filtered through the hands of mods this obnoxious, its not worth following.
This is kind of my favorite thing on Lemmy right now.
I used to be part of forums where like one forum, the mod was a person who demanded sources with every comment. So you'd write everything like you're submitting it to a college professor.
Then another forum, the mod wants everyone to roleplay as their forest animals.
If they had simply said at any point "I'm messing around" or taking a piss, I'd have 180'd and laughed. But they won't say anything useful. So it's whatever.
news@sdf is ran by a crazy right wing lunatic. I am banned from there and I do not recall posting on it. SDF is nice because it federates with everything but the communities here are wild west.
That explains a lot actually.
Yeah i read a post about wanting SDF at large to put effort into the lemmy and mastodon branches. I see the pain you guys are going though.
I do not take the local front page very seriously but we do have some funny smaller communities like bun_alert. My favorite post was a stupid rant by the admin on the rant community.
Make up bullshit reasons when people post from or about a certain thing, and people will only think you are nutty instead of actively suppressing content. The fun benefit of doing this is that you can even do it when a community has more members of the type you want to suppress, you just do it occasionally and statistics slowly allow the content to be herded to where you are leading it. Troll factories love this one trick, as it is indistinguishable from actual power tripping mods.
A very common technique back on Reddit. The political subs loved to ban for petty or "humorous" reasons whenever a particular account got too popular. I remember /r/Libertarian banning an account for having too much accumulated karma. /r/neoliberal had all sorts of "joke" moderation rules they referenced to as posting monetary policy. It was all childish bullshit intended to filter who participated and narrow content down to whatever mods preferred.
Are they having a psychotic break into bipolar or are they extremely autistic? Focusing on what would appear to be odd details and reacting beyond what everyone else does, does occur, but it’s not typical behavior for people outside certain diagnosable zones. This feels almost arbitrary, otherwise.
Unless it’s a weird Elon thing to try to never say USAID on social media and using a broad rule to do it and hide it at the same time. Even that idea is stretching and should belong in the tinfoil hat club. Maybe not on this timeline, it’s hard to say.
It doesn't really matter what they are, it's downright petty, and shows a certain level of incompetency to moderate a community properly and fairly.
At the end of the day a person like this should not be moderating a community.
Community only has one mod and their account is not marked as a bot. If they are using scripts as a bot they're violating rules and etiquette about automated accounts needing to be marked as bots.
Do they also make people spell out diversity, equity, and inclusion? I might get behind that, because it changes it back from a meme rally point into a meaningful set of moral ideas.
Sounds like crazy-making with the way they've got you questioning the obvious... does the sun really rise in the east, will it really hurt if I jump off this bridge, can fish really survive under water 🤪
Thank you for informing me, as someone who tends to use acronyms quite frequently (usually adding the meaning in parenthesis for the first instance), I've gone ahead and blocked that community. I have zero interest in a news community that is enforcing rules that they are not publicly displaying, especially ones that don't go under "common sense" principles.