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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Patience is a virtue
  • I agree given the extreme euro-centrism of your claims as well as the fact that they are objectively incorrect it is a waste to continue with you as you know nothing.

    Your racism/Euro-centrism is worth addressing.

  • Patience is a virtue
  • Also if you are going to wikipedia for”conservative” you should note the three guys listed at the top argue for different governmental systems. If this is news to you then it’s best to stop here.

  • End the Imperialist Blockade
  • If giving the Cubans the choice to no longer pursue Marxism resulted in them choosing to no longer follow Marxism why should that be stopped? If that was what the population wanted why should the state force them to adhere to an unwanted ideology?

  • Patience is a virtue
  • The division of political ideologies into left and right derives from the French Parliament which had the monarchists on the right and the liberals on the left.

    Every reference to right and left stems from this so yes in fact Liberalism has always been where the left starts even if liberals are nit leftists because the political left is anti-authoritarian.

    The binary has not changed and I promise you any claim ypu make to the contrary is going to be mired in euro-centric beliefs.

  • End the Imperialist Blockade
  • Im a different poster than the last person and generally unfamiliar with the Cuban electoral structure, are they able to run non-communist/non-Marxist candidates? If they cannot legally do so they do not have free elections using the standard definition of "free elections".

  • Democratic Sen. John Fetterman to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago
  • Fascism is on the rise because Russian intelligence has been pushing it into the mainstream media of the West for decades since the fall of the USSR. As one of my professors who was ex-KGB put it in 1998 "lots of my former colleagues are still very angry that their society was just destroyed and want revenge onthose nations celebrating that fall".

    The wealthy in the USA at least have never not had a fascination with fascism on some level so it was easy to push them towards accepting it.

  • Patience is a virtue
  • Liberalism is literally and historically where the left begins. The right is authoritarianism and the left is liberalism to anarchism. Liberals are not leftists but it is a signof a distinct lack of education in political philosophy to claim liberalism as a right wing ideology.

  • Patience is a virtue
  • No they are not unless if they are conservative Liberals. A conservative Maoist and a conservative libertarian have very different ideologies despite being conservative within their own binaries. This is due to the fact that conservatism is a position in a binary and is not an ideology.

    You can be a conservative and be illiberal.

  • Patience is a virtue
  • Liberalism is an ideology. Conservatism is a position on an ideologic binary. Uf you ascribe to Liberalism you are claiming belief in a very specific form of government and economy. If you claim to be a conservative you need to clarify what kind of conservative you are.