Libs of TikTok is a handle for various far-right[a] and anti-LGBT[b] social-media accounts operated by Chaya Raichik (/ˈxɑːjə ˈraɪtʃɪk/ KHAH-yə RY-chik),[10] a former real estate agent.[11][12][13] Raichik uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary.
“Chaya Raichik” isn’t a good aryan name. It sounds foreign. I say this cause who she is as a person and who she associates with seems to support fascist and ethno-nationalist ideals.
Honestly it’s good for the MAGA crowd to see that normal people in America are armed too. They see themselves as wolves among sheep, while the masses are armed only with their useless empathy and critical thinking skills.
Ive legit met a couple who were surprised I like blades and that I collect them. My three favorite ones are my 1942 Machete made for the US Army, my modern Ka-bar I bought at the Army surplus warehouse in Idaho Falls, and an M3 knife replica I bought from a local dealer.
Now imagine how theyd react if I had a gun, though if shit goes down ill just jack it from one of their still warm corpses.
Got my CCW after trump won in 2016, didn't end up needing it
Got plates after this one, I'm not going to be a protest without it and a rifle.
It sounds like an escalation, but a show of force prevents a lot of violence, and it works especially well on the people we're protesting. Like, that's not a dig. Due to brain differences it's harder to win over the right by appealing to empathy or facts and logic.
Everyone that works on is already mostly on our side.
What works on conservatives is fear of immediate consequences. You think a trumpet would drive into protesters when a dozen would actually open fire and make them legit "fear for their lives"?
Hell, they overrun the Capitol because cops just had Glocks and riot gear...
These days a protest ain't safe unless people are posted up.
I always believed in the 2A, though up to now i never owned one, don’t hunt game, and owning a gun is an extra responsibility i didn’t feel the need to take on. Though this has changed recently as i am a proud yet reluctant owner of an SFAR. I also got my gas mask with NATO cartridges.
That's a very modern interpretation of the second amendment popularized by conservatives. What it means 'literally' is hotly debated but only relatively recently did conservative pundents push this definition away from the arguably more 'literal' concept of organized state militias.
If you think an arms race between liberal activists and right wing racist hillbillies (ie. Most of America) is going to end with the armed liberals winning, you need to check out the gun cabinets and gun sheds of the conservative homes in my town.
Every time I see a ridiculous call to arms post like this on Lemmy I put some money aside to donate to one of my favorite gun control charities.
Just because people don't put them in a literal showcase and make it their entire personality doesn't mean they don't own as many they just don't want to get robbed as badly.
The rulings testing the militia part of the clause go back a long way establishing it is not a necessary part (and certainly it doesn't read that way).
Also Everytown's ideas are not based on evidence or even common sense. They can fuck right off.
I find it kinda amazing that they act shocked that Transpeople are arming and antifa is showing up armed when these motherfuckers have been brandishing firearms at their gatherings since literally forever.
To conservative white mean, tyranny means having to pay an income tax to support social programs, not being allowed to marry 13 year olds, or the government pushing renewable energy over coal.
To other groups, tyranny has a slightly more real meaning.
I have historically been pretty pro gun control because my life had seen the US generally becoming more socially progressive and supportive of marginalized groups (whether that was truly the case is another question), but the last 5-10 years have me seriously walking back on that stance.
I haven't met many pro-2A peeps that are against the left or minorities owning firearms. Most seem to loudly support it, actually. Taking responsibility for your own safety is generally a good idea.
According to the Behind the Bastards about Guthrie (they always do a Christmas episode about a non-bastard), it was a standard thing to put on machines used to build stuff for the war.
this is what we need. Parity. Like guns or not, you need them at this point or you're just going to be under the boot without ever having the tools you needed to fight back.
That's basically every metropolitan city in the US.
45 minutes outside of DC you'll find plenty of MAGA mouthbreathers who directly benefit from their proximity, but who never see the irony of their opinions.
Marginalized groups should bring more weapons to protests, then maybe we could get some god damn gun regulations like back when the NRA was against the black panthers brandishing them in public.
Now, as an average libsoftiktok follower, where do I call in the bomb threat? The gun owners house for owning the transgender gun? The gun manufacturer for making a transgender gun? The NRA for not making transgender guns illegal? The state capitol for allowing the transgender gun on their grounds? Or nowhere because there's evidence of the thing actually happening?
People: please do not carry an AK. Just get an AR. ARs have interchangeable parts, ammunition is cheap, and aside from Bear Creek Arsenal, they're going to just work. AKs require significant hand fitting and there's no single standard, ammunition prices have risen sharply since the cheap milsurp ammo flow got cut off, and at the cheaper end they tend to be dangerous to the user. Yes, I know that AKs have a reputation got working in adverse conditions, but that reputation dates to the Vietnam war, when the AR was a new platform; modern ARs are far, far more reliable and accurate than an AK.
You can still get an AK for fun, but don't don't treat it like your serious gun.
I have a buddy who did gun repairs, he fucking hates AR-15s. If you want a gun that ticks all the boxes, get a 12 gauge shotgun. It's a cheap, widely available platform that has cheap and widely available ammo, it just fucking works, it's easy to care for, easy to use, pretty standard maintenance, and will kill what you need it to. They're lethal much further out than video games imply, because otherwise they'd completely wreck the balance of the game.
Edit: I asked him for his specific beef with ARs, this was his response.
They're a bitch to clean. There's lots of places that need to be cleaned that can't be reached easily, tons of little pockets and grooves you can't get into; requires a dental pick, star shaped cleaning patches, and a shit load of cotton swabs to get through.
If it's locked up, you can't knock on the charging handle or emergency kick the charging handle to clear it. You will not be able to field strip this rifle if it's jammed out of battery.
Aluminum gas blocks are apparently very popular, and they will corrode to failure at the gas tube port.
The extractor pin will often shatter in place, which causes intermittent failure while not looking wrong unless you know what you're looking for.
Your buddy may have an unfounded bias against them, as AR-15's are in general extremely reliable, and don't require much maintainence or cleaning for the most part, especially since most people don't practice all that much.
A shotgun is a great choice for defense though, and often is a better choice than an AR.
If you want a gun that ticks all the boxes, get a 12 gauge shotgun. It's a cheap, widely available platform that has cheap and widely available ammo, it just fucking works, it's easy to care for, easy to use, pretty standard maintenance, and will kill what you need it to. They're lethal much further out than video games imply, because otherwise they'd completely wreck the balance of the game.
Yeah, with a 12 gauge shell of 00 buckshot, every pull of the trigger is almost like mag dumping a 9mm handgun in that direction. Very destructive very quickly at indoor distances, a little bit of wiggle room with the aiming m, and less risk of overpenetration than something like a rifle or a big caliber handgun.
A 12 gauge pump shotgun is actually the only firearm in my house(in the US), and I got it over 30 years ago. I kind of want to get a 9mm handgun, but it doesn’t feel like an immediate need given the shotgun.
If you want a gun that ticks all the boxes, get a 12 gauge shotgun
First, ammo starts at a minimum of 44cpr for 00 buck. Second, unless you get mag fed shotguns--which have their own problems--you're getting a maximum of about 7 rounds. Third, if you're talking about pump guns, it's pretty easy to short stroke one in a high-stress situation. Gas guns are a different matter, but they're pickier about ammo. Fourth--again, unless you have a mag fed shotgun--reloading is not nearly as quick and easy as it is with any firearm with a magazine.
If it’s locked up, you can’t knock on the charging handle or emergency kick the charging handle to clear it.
You mortar them; that usually gets it. I've had to do that a few times.
Yeah, a detail strip and clean is a bastard. But you don't really need to do those very often. A field strip and clean is sufficient most of the time.
A couple things I have to note, also as someone that used to do gun repairs and basic gunsmithing for a shop back in the day:
They are a bitch to clean, but the right tools can make it a lot easier. Get a boresnake, proper cleaning solvent and lube, patches and brushes, both brass and regular brush. Watch a youtube video and learn how to properly clean it. Pop out the two push pins and field strip it and cleaning it is rather easy. For the upper run boresnake through with solvent and patches until clean, then run it through again with lube. EZ.
(Also learn to clean or at least do a half-ass clean if time is a problem after every range visit, we got so many firearms that looked like they hadn't been cleaned in years and were always a real bitch to take care of. My personal favorite was someone upset that we couldn't magically restore his "5 years in a garage in Florida humidity in a duffel bag never fired or cleaned" that was rusted and pitted to hell, and that it couldn't be brought back to factory new for 30 bucks 😂)
I haven't personally had this happen to me, but also range use will vary wildly from combat use so I can't speak on this too much.
They are because aluminum is very popular for manufacturing. If taken care of properly, this won't be an issue. See above that most people don't clean and maintain theirs properly lmao
Skill issue. Memes aside a good quality BCG is important for this reason. More people need to learn how the parts work on their build and change out parts as necessary if they are having issues with certain parts of it.
I understand some people might look away from the AR-15 because it's the gun everyone has which takes away from the cool factor, or maybe you just dislike its connotation due to high use among right-wing folk, but this person speaks the truth.
AR-15s are common because they work. Customizations and spare parts are cheap, effective, and widely available. So are good magazines, which are typically a shockingly difficult part to design well and the place where many otherwise decent guns fail. .223 Remington has one of most varied supplies of ammunition on the market, beaten only by things like 12 gauge.
Don't buy weird shit until you own one of these (or at least a pump-action 12 gauge ffs).
it's the gun everyone has...they work. Customizations and spare parts are cheap, effective, and widely available. So are good magazines, which are typically a shockingly difficult part to design well and the place where many otherwise decent guns fail. .223 Remington has one of most varied supplies of ammunition on the market, ...also easier to work on than most guns.
Of course lol. This "the right wingers like it so boo" mentality some (not you ykwim) have is bonkos, they also like water y'know?
I think that I originally paid about $550 for my S&W M&P 15 Sport 2 (although not many parts are original anymore); you can get a perfectly serviceable Palmetto State Armory AR-15 for $450. An AK is likely going to start at around $700.
As someone much more clever than I said, the real transgender AK is the AR that's chambered in7.62x39mm.
This is such a weird take. AKs also 'just work', most people will never have to hand-fit anything on an AK, and ammo prices for AK are at parity with ammo prices for AR. The cheapest end of anything can be dangerous to the user, so again that's another non-point. The majority of people aren't going to see a major functional difference between the two, it comes down to personal preference.
Wut? AR-10s have different competing standards, and tend to be strangely finicky. (I've got an AR-10 in 6.5CM; it's really picky about ammunition.) The AR-10 was never adopted by the military; I think that you're thinking of the M-14.
AKs also ‘just work’, most people will never have to hand-fit anything on an AK
That's because it's going to come assembled (hopefully). But if you ever need to replace a part? Good luck, because you're going to need it. OTOH, when I replaced the barrel, hand guard, trigger, BCG, etc. on my rifle, it was all very much plug-n-play.
ammo prices for AK are at parity with ammo prices for AR
They most definitely are not. Ammo prices for 5.56x45mm NATO start as low as 23.7cpr, if you're willing to shoot reman; if you want new, then 30.5cpr. Ammunition for 7.62x39mm starts at 38.9cpr, and that's steel case bi-metal bullets. If you want brass cases, they start at 45cpr. That means that a single 30 round magazine costs about $9.15 for an AR, and $11.67-$13 for an AK.
The majority of people aren’t going to see a major functional difference between the two
If you mean the majority of people that buy a rifle and then never use it, sure. If you're talking about people that actually go out and shoot, you're definitely wrong.
An easy example is ballistics. I have a 50/200y zero. I have to aim low and 100y by about 2", and at 500y I'll have about a 45" holdover. My LPVO has hash marks for ranges, and it's mostly right. An AK variant usually has a 25y zero; at 500y, your holdover is at least 80", and as much as 120", depending on the ammunition. You aren't likely going to find too many LPVOs that have holdover marks calibrated for an AK, so you'll probably be eyeballing it with a red dot and a magnifier. You can make hits out to 500y with an AK, but it's going to be a lot harder.
I completely agree with everything except the bit about Bear Creek, I can't talk shit when my 300blk upper from them runs well 😂
I mean, nobody wants to admit that they ate 9 cans of ravioli own a BCA, but I do and it's actually been surprisingly nice.
Okay memes aside, if buying BCA/PSA tier bottom bin parts know how to inspect them and make sure that they're good quality. With any firearm purchase actually give it a good look over, clean and prep it, know how to do little things like sanding down a feed ramp with a little bit of time and sandpaper (youtube is great for this). Don't just buy something planning to just shove it in the closet and not do any sort of work or prep or testing it at the range because if you do that, it's going to be a lot worse if you need it to work and it doesn't :)
Ugh. I still hate guns. Guns kill people and the US obsession with them will never make sense to me.
But at this point it's probably good that it's not only the supporters if the lunatic fascist oligarchy that are armed. It hurts to admit, but I'd rather see a Nazi shot dead than a decent human being. Heck, if I were in the US I might learn how to shoot a gun at this point.
Marx died around the time that automatic firearms became a thing. For fighting tyranny bolt actions are solid. For mass murdering defenseless children, automatic weapons are more suited.
On the other hand if Marx had witnessed modern surveillance capitalism, he might had advocated for everyone to own automatic grenade launchers...
Ugh. I still hate guns. Guns kill people and the US obsession with them will never make sense to me.
I hate it too, but not because I don't understand it, but because I do.
Americans are children, they are ruled by their action hero fantasies more than practicality. You can tell that they have such a mindset because they fear going without a weapon more than going without a medic. Only Barbarians and Children do that.
I say this as an American who has to deal with these kinds of people on a daily basis.
They're for gun rights within the scope of their interpretation of the constitution. It's starts out "We the people" and when you don't consider someone a person, you don't consider them to have those same rights.
You make the fatal flaw of thinking there's reasoning behind their beliefs. They make up reasons to justify their beliefs. These reasons are always narrow-in-scope and context-dependant, but are often presented as generalized statements. They will change their argument to suit their aims.
FYI there's an organization called the Socialist Rifle Association. They're kind of like a very inclusive version of the NRA I suppose. I found out about them through a short documentary on youtube called Arming the Left.
I am all for this wave of "Pink Panthers" arming themselves. Hopefully it will lead to some actual gun control laws, because it scares the cowardly fascists.
I understand what you mean, but unfortunatly they could just make those potential laws only restrict LGBTQ+ gun owners while protecting themselves from any retribution.
Yep maggots would say "sex offenders" should be banned from gun ownership
Let me reiterate. Maggots have attempted to label the entire LGBTQ community as sex offenders against children only because of their orientation. This would be their playbook for grabbing their guns without having to give up theirs
There's are multiple leftist gun associations and they all have my full support (and the SRA has my membership).
Unlike the MAGA lunatics, the left actually has something to protect: those who are under attack and are unable to protect themselves. The women and the LGBTQ+ people in our country NEED to be able to protect themselves because the government is obviously not interested in their safety.
These organizations are not militias. We don't plan attacks, we don't conspire to subvert order. Our purpose is to train and protect those who need protection the most.
I fully support anyone and everyone being armed. It’s a shame we can’t have them here in the Netherlands, but I’m very pro-self defense and self reliance. The government will only protect you so far, if that. And an armed group is much less likely to get fucked with.
I support gays with AK’s, queers with auto sears, transfems with FN’s and everyone else who feels the need to protect themselves and each other.
I'm pretty anti-gun despite being on the left, but I think I've seen this person her at protests before and if anyone's gonna have a gun I'd prefer it be her over anyone else.
I'm in favor of regulating guns, and I feel like keeping one on my person / in my living space actually increases my risk of injury. However, I also think it's a good idea to know how to violently resist if necessary. (I have shot pistols, shotguns, and rifles before.) And, I don't think it's unreasonable for people of any political persuasion to have access to armaments in case they need to "fertilize the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants".
I've read that having a gun in your house does increase your risk of being shot. That being said, I understand that having guns helped groups like the Panthers keep their communities safer. I don't think they'll help us most of the time in resisting a dictatorship, though. If we beat the fascists, I think more of it will come from sabotage, mass strikes, etc, as opposed to shooting.
I'd be armed if my wife wasn't so leery about firearms. She and my father-in-law are part of a ethnic minority that is specifically targeted by white supremacists and my state has active Nazi and Third Position groups. Given the way shit's going, I want to be prepared for anything.
you should have a discussion about it, see if her views have changed since the election.
Shits scary outside right now, wishing you the best of health ❤️
Honestly, a cheap Condor carrier will be fine for most people, they hold up well.
I'd recommend getting plates from Redstar defense, they're extremely good for the money, and they're one of the only leftist makers around (they also sell at-cost first aid kits with high quality NAR gear, and carriers).
I love the irony here but this is 100% meant to bait counter protestors with guns to show up to the next one, especially in Wisconsin, and especially with the current administration that has no problem holding a double-standard (liberal protestors with guns are dangerous, conservative protestors with guns are patriots).
Leftists don't have the same privilege as white conservatives do walking around with an open carry. I hope anyone bringing their firearm to a protest understands the risks involved and is ready/willing to use it if things escalate.
Is it meant to bait counter protestors or is it in anticipation of armed counter protestors to show up to the first one already?
At the end of the day it doesnt matter that much. If there is someone starting to shoot at the crowd, being in a crowd is bad. Being completely defenseless in a crowd is worse.
If this thing goes on for four years as it has gone for the last 2 weeks, there's definitely going to be some mass shootings committed by trans people in USA.
I fully intend (and I'm aware of the risks of saying this online, I don't care), to burn down government buildings if they actually declare war on Canada. Until then, I'll keep to my peaceful protesting and spreading happiness and dissent at my workplace until there's enough wiggle room for a union to show up
Don't say incriminating things on social media just because you're behind a username.
The glowies are watching, and the Fediverse doesn't really protect your anonymity in general while also being run by individuals who can be arrested and their servers seized without having a corporate oligarchy getting upset about it.
its original wood furniture without any of the ris bullshit that makes the gun actually modern and usable, so if anything they're quite impressed by the good taste on display.
It’s impossible to tell because of low resolution image, but the “AK-47” or Type 1/2/3 AK hasn't been made in 70 years, and are very rare nowadays. Due to popular media, what most people think of when they hear AK-47 is the AKM, a cheaper and mass produced variant of the 7.62 AK, which this could be, but its more likely this is not a Russian-made rifle (only ~10-15% of AKs are Russian-made).