very relatable. especially after my “neurotypical” friends started getting diagnoses. there’s nothing quite as simultaneously affirming and alienating as realizing all your friends are ALSO autismos!
she’s one of the few people i would classify as literally evil
it’d be a neat idea if cars actually regularly had to interact with projectiles! y’know what cars DO have to interact ALL THE TIME?
do folks do pc builds inside of old CRT cases? that seems like a niche that should exist.
there’s something so funny about them both being apple products, but the offending party getting the disrespect of “this stupid antique computer”
anytime a stellar product is released there’s a glut of shittier alternatives and replacements, sometimes from the same company even. higher ups notice REAL QUICK when they shorten their average upgrade cycle from 1-3 years to something like 5-10.
shit always loops back around to planned obsolescence. if you don’t do it, you will not succeed.
babe all i know is folks in china who protest their own government use whinnie the pooh as a derogatory representation for that man. are THEY being racist? or is it possible that the color of the cartoon plush bear isn’t the point?
maybe it’s more to do with whinnie the pooh being a dopey idiot liable to get his head stuck in a honey jar. i reckon THAT’S the insult. it seems pretty obvious against something so literally stupid as “haha bc he’s yellow”.
i didn’t think people SERIOUSLY still used this garbage as a gotcha. you’ve genuinely impressed me with your willingness to so boldly plow into a bad faith argument. please do something better with your time 💖
reply to the person who’s actually arguing with you, coward!
yeah it’s censored because of racism, that’s an amazingly insightful and smart take! you sure showed that dirty racist what-for, i bet they’ll think twice before posting a picture of a cartoon next time. you’re a really good spokesperson for your political beliefs, and you DEFINITELY aren’t coming across like a child right now!
maybe he’d be more apt to agree if you suggested buying an older console, like an n64 even?
i think that’s just robins, at least in america!
always so silly to watch em skitter around.
very hyped. i got my time 2 running with rebble a while ago and it’s STILL fucking great. maybe needs a new battery, but it still lasts DAYS.
i wish it wasn’t true bc i usually get along so well with em, but yeah just recently i’ve been seeing some whack opinions from .ml communities 😬
from my experience with dads, as long as you give more than zero fucks about your own health you’ll probably be fine. my own pops is currently dying from an entirely treatable condition bc he thought the monthly blood tests his doctor ordered were some kind of conspiracy to get his blood! :3
i’ve known of dogs who hate men and are totally cool with trans women. sometimes even really eggy ones or folks who might not even know themselves yet. it’s wild how well animals can catch a vibe.