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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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y'all keep floating me to the political left. is this how MAGA folks feel?
  • I don't know of elected officials, however, on lemmy, there are a lot of authoritarian left wing groups. There are a lot of anti-authoritarian ones too, but the authoritarians are very loud, and abrasive, because authoritarians operate via force.

  • 'I got death threats when men thought I put feminist gesture in video game'
  • I just looked a bit more into this. There is a whole history of scrutinizing Nexon's material and then screen capping single frames of animation to "prove" they are sneaking in this "misandrist" hand gesture. Looking at a back log of these this is on the level of those people presenting a single frame of someone like Beyonce on stage, and claiming what they captured clearly shows she is making satanic hand gestures.

  • Doggo had a good day
  • Yeah, years ago I was living in a house with a room mate. behind/below the stairs that ended at the front door was a small hall between a general room and the kitchen. We watched his his sister's dogs for a few days, a great dane and a bernese. Big, but well trained, lovable, lunks.

    One day I am on my way home and he calls to ask if I can swing by his work and pick him up. We get home and enter the house. It looked like something out of a horror movie. Large streaks of blood splattered on EVERYTHING. The dogs are already greeting us and seem fine. We see his cat at the top of the stairs, looks just fine. We walk all over the house looking for what the fuck happened. Eventually we have to stop to let the dog out, on their way out the door my room mate noticed the dark gray fur on the dane's tail was matted with something. It was scabbing.

    We checked out cameras and he spent almost 3 hours walking back, and forth, through that hall just wailing on the walls with his damned tail. It began bleeding and he was just slinging blood everywhere he went.

  • Geneva Suggestions
  • I agree to a point. However there are groups that are all bad, and everyone associated is bad. They are cultural cancer. Also, a lot of countries, organizations, ideological groupings, etc. may not be all bad, the mundanity of evil and all, but their bad actions are such that any good they did was nullified.

  • And they're rolling dumpsters.
  • I mean the guy may have been at the end of his rope for multiple reasons. I mean fort bragg/liberty has really high levels of lead in their water, mold in their facilities, etc., plus whatever PTSD he may have had. Who knows. However, being trained, he should have known this wasn't going to be some massive explosion, that it was mostly just going to set the truck on fire.