Don't forget they are going to intentionally force us back to coal and oil, and stifle all transitions to cleaner energy. So really how bad could it be
It’s going to be interesting when climate refugees start overwhelming the habitable regions (like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin), driving housing costs even higher. People who think housing prices are high now will rudely awaken when the influx of people from the coastal regions – who have not only been displaced by climate disasters but have also lost their savings, and insurance will not bail them out – are competing for already limited affordable housing and local jobs.
But of course more drilling will totally fix that, right?
Maybe a lot of Democrats also dislike women in power and black people. Maybe the American people, regardless of the party they say they support, are still very conservative. This is not an unpopular opinion outside the USA.
Yes. That is the ultimate conclusion for me as well. The American people voted for racism and sexism, because they are racist and sexist. America can’t do better because this is the best we have. Trump represents conservatives. It’s really confusing because his actions aren’t conservative… but here we are.
Nah. Trump got fewer votes (when you account for the ~4% population growth since the 2020 election) than last time, while Dems lost a fuckton of votes, compared to 2020.
Trump won, both the election, and the popular vote, not because he got Dems to vote for him, but because a dozen million Dems decided not to vote at all.
Americans didn’t even bother to show up and now we have a Republicans in control of all three branches again.>
Absolutely. Trump did not have a significant bump in votes, 10 million voters did not turn out, or so early figures show. Of them, it's largely white suburban males. Apathy leads to populism. Dr. King had something to say about white liberals...
Sure but at the same time Blacks and Latinos made significant bumps to the Trump vote here too. I would have to imagine that Dr. Kind would have some choice words for them too.
Don't feel bad man, your family isn't you and you can't control when your family does something stupid. Heck my immigrant family that can vote was going on about not voting this year because of both sides bullshit and I had to talk them that yeah, you need to vote regardless. Not that it mattered because native born Americans are such a lost cause at this point.
When the world gets dark, new lights often appear. It's a funny thing, but good people tend to be quiet and reserved. It's the anger of the patient person, and the good people pushed too far, that often can incite the most change. As Mr. Rogers' mother famously told him - look for the helpers when you see scary things unfold.
It's time for the helpers.
I hope everyone reading this understands what this means. We must help now. Don't look for the helpers, because we aren't children, as Fred Roger's once was...
Protect the people around you, especially the vulnerable and those at the most risk. Do it at the cost of your safety and well-being.
Cruelty has won a great battle today, but it can't win the war without a fight.
I volunteered at county Dem HQ and was tasked with texting Dem voters who hadn't shown up at the polls by noon. Each page had maybe 50 names on it. And only 3 or 4 voters typically voted. It was a disaster.
Maybe now the party will learn that guilting and harassing people doesn't work. If I get an unsolicited text from a campaign, it makes me significantly less likely to vote for that candidate. I'm not going to reward that sort of tactic.
In addition to what you said, I wonder how Biden and then Harris deciddd to become the nominee. What the methodology was. The dems could have hired a psychologist who could have guided them on the kind of candidate that would have won the American people over. They could have hired a pr team to help manage their campaign. The dems essentially took a bigger risk than it did in 2016 and it backfired on them again… except this time less people voted.
Yeah I have zero fucks left. I am done with this bullshit. I canvassed for the first and last time this election as it's quite clear it did jack shit. I'm withdrawing from being a concerned citizen. The idiots voting for this shit can have it. I'm going full libertarian in my lifestyle. My family matters and nothing else. I am truly sorry for those who didn't vote for this and will suffer greatly. I just can't do it anymore.
Yeah it's never the fault of the party, it's all those stupid people exercizing their right to choose. Maybe if dems didn't put all their worth in being "the least worst option" and actually tried to be a good party this wouldn't have happened.
End of the day, Americans voted for a proven rapist, a convicted felon, and a white supremacist to the oval office over someone who isn't so yeah, stupid people exercising their right to vote are to blame. Enjoy your tariffs.
I’ll continue to deny claims that Kamala was “least worst”. She seemed like a pretty good option to me, and the only criticisms I’ve heard of her were that she was not quite perfect on every issue they cared about.
Considering voter turnout for the Democrats was abysmal compared to 2020, yes: it is the fault of those stupid people choosing to abstain from voting because good enough wasn't good enough.
Whatever you do, don't blame voters though. The only people who could possibly be at fault here are Democrats. Because voters are perfect little angels. Who can blame them for their strong desire for fascism? That's just human nature after all
I get it, everyone is upset that Trump won (including myself). But the voters are not solely to blame here.
Democrats put forward a candidate who lost to fascism. What does that say about your policies, your messaging, how the voters feel about you when you tell them "You have to vote for me because I'm not the other guy!"
Y'all need to accept that 1. The Democrats can grasp defeat from the jaws of victory like no one else, and 2. The American people want change, they want progress, they have had enough of the status quo system that isn't working for them anymore.
They spent the last four years living under Biden, and despite all the screeching about how well the economy was doing, Americans don't feel it. And instead of addressing that, or doing anything about it, Biden and the Democrat establishment would just point the finger at Republicans and say, "No, no, they're worse, trust us, they're worse, they're worse."
They've spent a year telling Americans, despite everything they're seeing and hearing from Palestine, that Israel needs this unconditional support, while the world votes to hold Israel accountable and the US vetos it, under a Democrat administration. Multiple times, while refusing to let any Palestinians on stage at the DNC to speak, but parading Republican after Republican because they finished licking Trump's ass and decided to give Kamala's a go. Arab and Muslim Americans organized a protest vote, over 100,000 strong in Michigan alone (which she's projected to lose, btw), and the Democrats sent Bill Clinton to lecture them on how Israel is only doing what's necessary to defend themselves.
So we've had four years of milquetoast progress at best from a candidate the Democrat's constituency already didn't like. He dropped out but didn't leave enough time for a new primary, so the Democrat Party pushed Kamala on us, and then had her run on a centrist, return-to-the-status-quo platform, while refusing to take any meaningful stand on Palestine, with their biggest policy being, "Hey, you have to vote for us because we're not fascist."
If the American people, people in general, don't feel like they're being represented, why would the feel like voting? This is a failure on the Democrats, 100%, for running platform policies and candidates that don't drive people to the polls. Say what you want about Trump, and there's plenty to say about the absolute piece of shit of a human being he is.
But he makes his voters feel listened to and heard, and Democrats may consider it regression, but Republicans get their policies done, and they show progress to their constituents. Democrats get nothing done, usually due to Republican fuckery, but the Republicans don't face similar fuckery, so the average voter doesn't care, they just see one wide getting their agenda accomplished and the other not.
So now I pose this question to you, and I'm genuinely asking, this isn't an "I gotcha, I am so smart!"
If a person doesn't feel represented by their government regardless of who's in power, and your life doesn't drastically improve under either candidate, well... What difference does it make which form of government is fucking you over?
You can say this but when a republican policy is "drill for more oil" and a democratic policy is "focus on clean energy," one is easier, cheapens prices, and has readily apparent effects. Many democrat policies are long term goals that people won't notice, and might even hurt them in the short term, but they need to be done. Medicare will increase taxes, supporting Ukraine and not taking Russian oil increases prices, and most people agree these policies are good things. Yet what is the biggest complaint under Biden? Skyrocketing inflation, because the average voter doesn't care about policy they just care how it affects their lives.
You're asking for an impossible solution if you want the party of "this is a hard decision but will benefit us all in the future" to have the same draw as "here's cheaper prices NOW, we'll ignore the future." Not to mention as you already said republicans will block any and all attempts at real change. It's completely unfair that even if 90% of a democrat candidate's platform is beneficial, that's not good enough since they don't have the short-term effects to wow people with. If democratic policies reduced prices and republican policies increased them (say, swap the stances on oil and climate), we could have a literal potato as the candidate and people would run to vote for it.
What difference does it make which form of government is fucking you over?
Democrats wanted to incrementally improve things. Republicans wanted to round us up into camps.
Voters had an opportunity to prevent a christo-fascist dictatorship and they didn't take it. Moving things to the left in this country has always involved voting. Losing our democracy doesn't improve the Democratic Party. If there is another election, which we can't count on, Democrats are going to learn that they need to move further to the right to pick up votes. They've done it before, and they will do it again. They will look at the conservatives who voted and tailor a party platform for them.
Democrats could not care less about appealing to nonvoters or third party voters. They only care about winning, which is probably part of why they suck at it.
Voting should be a mechanical choice during elections. If people want better candidates, organize, and do the work to get grassroots movements off the ground between elections.
Instead of picking a strategy based on a subjective morality people should consider analyzing strategies based on their utility.
If a strategy advances a goal it's useful. If it doesn't, it's not. Voting for the Democrats demonstrates a wider voting base for them to move to the left. Moving Democrats to the left is the goal so this strategy is useful. Protest voting takes votes away from the Democrats so they look for voters on the right. This accomplishes the opposite of the goal so this strategy is not useful.
It's of the upmost importance that we don't hold power to account and assure them they've done nothing wrong. They are powerful after all. What wrong could they have done?
Right?! My whole philosophy is why do more than one thing? That's bad. What we need to do is scream into the void on lemmy about democrats and swat away any hint of voter responsibility. That'll teach the voters the right lesson: they could never possibly have done no wrong no matter what!
I am sure that if Trump has his way, you will no longer have rights to fight for. It comes to a point where you can no longer just fight the symptoms, you need to fight the disease. Americans just voted for the disease.
I'm cutting out everyone in my life who voted Trump or 3rd party. This includes my parents, all of my siblings, and my in-laws. They don't realize the damage they've done. I can't even stand to look at them anymore, so I won't.
Though once Trump comes up with some new logo that may or not be a swastika and it becomes draped with that logo that may not be a good thing. Though I see him going more the Mussolini route and putting his face on shit
We're going to get our shit rammed in by climate collapse. It was going to happen either way, but I am old enough that I was hoping to be able to delay it enough to run down the clock.
We in Europe need to focus on our own security and military future without being to dependant on our unstable partner overseas.
He won fair and square, which means that this was not just some fluke. It can and probably will happen again in the future.
If the GOP asks Ukraine to surrender what they have lost, I hope both Zelensky and we as Europe collectively give him a fat middle finger in return.
Russia must lose!
Looking around in my European neighborhood and even my own country, it seems we have the same fucking problem here
Will be nice to see, when Europe freezes because of climate change and we need to move to the then green Sahara, how Africans will handle us immigrants.
Probably they'll do as nicely, as we do, and will let us drown on our way there, or put us into camps, to protect their own country.
Yeah, I get a bit of a chuckle when an anti-abortion zealot uses the threat "what if your mother had aborted you?" That isn't the threat that they think it is.
To be honest, I'm surprised nobody has proposed getting rid of the billionaires that control the politicians instead of getting rid of specific politicians. It seems to me that eliminating billionaires would be a solution.
Remember to vote in all local elections. The more sensible people you get into office the more change you create. Look up all the candidates, even for things like education, water treatment, family court judges.
These are all offices that we vote (or not) into office.
When I went to look at who to vote for in the shitty midwest state I am from, (I am an expat. ) sometimes the choice wasn't clear. Some had no party affiliation, but those who seek positions of power often move on to other positions of power. Starting at the bottom we must vote in good people.
So I looked up their campaign websites or facebook pages, and made my choice from there. Do I want the girl with little background in the subject who has republican affiliations supporting her campaign for the office?
Or maybe the guy who runs free name change clinics for people who need it and works at the local food bank.
The choice was clear to me.
I am sorry fellow Americans. This was an outcome I had greatly feared.
Yeah, we all know people like this... People who should care, but they don't. Most are older folks in my experience.
On the bright side, Trump is very old and unhealthy. I'm not sure he can make it another 4 years. His mind is already going, it's very clear to anyone not drinking the Kool Aid.
Belief can be a source of hope during dark times but the Nazis weren't stopped with good intentions and a pat on the shoulder. They were fought back with blood, steel and a fuckton of bombs.
Just winning would be bad, but with the popular vote that is a mandate.
Having a clear mandate would be very bad but the house/senate would both need to go red to be able to execute the sort of mandate promised. You know that thing that also happened.
Same in my state. I voted against the amendment that banned it but I actually didn’t fully realize it was about ranked choice voting until I checked results. I hate that shit. It makes me so angry.
The elites have been studying for decades. They now know exactly how far they can push us before we fight back. That's why inequality is worse now than before the French revolution, but nothing has changed. They've learned how to prevent us from revolting.
Surely all of the revolutionaries online dissuading people from voting Harris will kick into gear and get everyone motivated to change the constitution, fix the electoral system, eliminate capitalism, and obtain gay space communism for all.
(I know this is from a different account, but I'm OP) - I'm familiar with biblical parables, I don't have too much time to read these days, can you give me summary?
They're not really biblical in the sense that they're about the Christian Bible, although they're certainly religious (in the sense that the main character is developing a new religion focused on long term survival of humanity). They're sci-fi books set in the near future of the US, basically during end stage capitalism. It's hard to give an exact summary because those books are about a lot, but I would say primarily they're about the importance of empathy and community.
stolen election, fake news, time to throw a hissy fit and storm the capital and then blame the feds like a pussy… I mean is there any other way to handle this?
My family is trying to sort out which European country to move too and it seems like so many of them are electing some sort of Trump.
For me Europe is still a better option than the US for two primary reasons.
First, most countries are so far ahead of America in terms of social progress even if a PM/president/whatever leader takes a country back 30 years it'll still be way ahead of the US.
Second, most European countries have a much better voting system that will make it easier to oust the Trumpian leader and fix the stuff they messed up in the future.
This is what believing in elections does. Complacent on victory, depressed in defeat. Disregard elections and take direct action. Nobody can take that away from you.
Elections are how we achieve a peaceful transfer of power. Hopefully fascist incompetence will so fully debilitate this Trump administration that we manage to hold another one. We can't count on it though. We need to organize in the meantime.
I know this is from a different account, but fml. I'm sure you are aware of how depressing things are as a fellow anarchist. I have to go vote, because I try to give a shit.
It's because I give a shit that I try to point people should not give up hope because the electoral system didn't go "their way". If you're already doing direct action, just keep doing it. Nothing changes and your direct actions actually changes things. If you're not doing it, why not?
People keep insisting how little time it takes them when the argument against electoralism is toward the massive amount of volunteer work wasted around it and the show of support to the concept itself.
How old is that fuck again? Ah 78. So 82 when he's done fucking us all over.
Like I said before. I gotta get my old engine oil and start feeding it to the bunnies and the eagles that eat the bunnies. Do whales eat eagles? If not, I gotta start drinking beer so I can strangle more turtles and then feed the turtles to the whales so they all choke each other.
I've been thinking this for a while now. Nothing gets people more excited than a celebrity, and Trump is proof of that. Dems definitely need to fight back with a classically "alpha" seeming white male celebrity to fight back.
While I highly disagree with the concept of turning the office of president into even more of a joke by purposefully electing more celebrities, someone like Nick Offerman or Robert Downey Jr. Would easily be able to defeat just about any Republican candidate just on popularity alone.