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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


Posts 98
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What's a niche Lemmy community you want more people to know about?
  • I think you would get enough though. Lemmy seems to skew older and and based on what I've seen a fair number of people have kids.

    I can think of someone who would probably be game to mod it, but he's a bit notorious for continuing somewhat silly arguments on occasion...

  • Thoughts about electric quad bikes for 'ruralism'?
  • LOL this unlocked a memory. For about six months, my grandma was in assisted living without my grandfather, who staunchly refused to move off the farm, but he was not safe to drive anymore due to being caught driving the wrong way up main street a few too many times so he also had his keys taken away. He started driving his 4 wheeler to HyVee so he could keep having breakfast with the other old farmers. Was it legal? Doesn't matter because nobody was going to say shit.

  • "Stardew Valley's Moms Tea Party" by u/delightfulmochas
  • Marnie is more or less Jas' adoptive parent, Jas is her niece, and Shane is her nephew (but there's some unclear stuff with that family's relationships beyond that).

    The scandal with the mayor and Marnie's relationship seems to be that the mayor is responsible for collecting taxes from the business owners in the town, and he's clearly doing shady shit with the towns money so what's a bit of tax evasion for his hookup?


    There's a golden statue of the mayor you can find behind his house, it's never established where it came from but he gets upset if you put it somewhere visible in town.

  • Is it normal to still like being feminine and doing feminine things as a transmasc?
  • One, like everyone else has said, you're completely valid regardless of how you choose to present or what parts of medical transition you do and don't choose to do.

    Two, the stereotypical medical transition isn't the only option available. For top surgery, the stereotypical double mastectomy with nipple grafts like I had isn't always the only option - you're probably a great candidate for periariolar and keyhole types of top surgery, both of which should leave you with virtually invisible scaring and leave you with full nipple sensation after recovery, and both options are fairly commonly available.

    Also, DHT is the form of testosterone that is responsible for most of the downstairs growth, and it can be made into a topical cream - there's a few surgeons who recommend it before bottom surgery but it's very hard to get in the US and I'm mostly just mentioning this because there may be a way to get just the effects you want in this instance, but for so many reasons this option is a lot less likely.

  • Ruins rule
  • Back in the 80s and before, that extended warranty was incredible. We joke that my parents were the ones responsible for bankrupting Sears because of how much they used the lifetime warranties on things like appliances. As a kid it felt like we had a Sears repairman at the house monthly for the washer or dryer or fridge... Since Sears is long gone, I think I can tell this story. My parents had a betamax player that they really wanted to unrepairably blow up so they'd get a credit towards a new VHS player (they recorded all the shows they watched so they could fast forward through commercials, we had like 100 VHS tapes just to record TV on), so my dad wired up the betamax player to run 240v through it. Sears repaired it.

  • Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this.
  • By the standards of US and Canadian politics, yeah we're to the left of center. But "center" has been dragged to the right so far that it's prompting this whole argument. The Overton window had shifted so far that liberalism - which, in a current context, supports relatively unregulated capitalism and trickle down economics - there's a whole swath of political ideologies that's basically nonexistent within our modern day electoral politics. I'm somewhere in the anarchist range and choose to engage with electoral politics - if they chose to participate within the context of a FPTP voting system with two options, we'd find ourselves voting for the same candidate despite our likely highly differing political beliefs. In many countries that left wing is less smashed, the range of political discourse is much wider.

    Shit just works is to the left side of, but comfortably within, the current Canadian Overton window. In a global sense, the instance is kinda to the right, in the same way that Bernie Sanders is moderate by western European standards.

  • Proof we're living in a simulation
  • Based on a year of French I took in middle school - you put raisins in bread?! Like sure, we have the dessert loaves of cinnamon raisin bread, but this is America - I thought y'all generally had better taste than us? Raisins in bread is an abomination.

  • albino squirrel I saw a while ago


    Professor Oak Rule

    Image description: four panel comic First panel shows hands holding a game boy with Pokemon Professor Oak saying "now tell me. Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?" Second panel shows a masculine presenting individual holding the game boy saying "Haha!, but of course I'm a ..." Third panel has the same person with a shocked expression. Fourth panel has the same person now presenting stereotypically fem in a pink top and a skirt, staring in the mirror with a tear of joy on her face.


    Everyone has probably already seen this, it's worth posting anyway.


    Weird Aldi Pizza


    Because the HOA says so


    Fun fact: Mr. Spock actually had three ears:

    A left ear, a right ear, and a final front ear.

    10 Tim Walz suddenly stops campaign rally after noticing someone needs help

    Walz paused his campaign speech in Wisconsin on Wednesday after a crowd member appeared to be impacted by the heat.

    Tim Walz suddenly stops campaign rally after noticing someone needs help
    Minnesota AlligatorBlizzard

    Minnesotans right now



    TIL the US Department of Defense maintained their own Linux LiveCD distro until 2021


    Sorry, y'all.

    I blame [email protected]'s comment for giving me this idea.


    This was a surprisingly high effort shitpost

    Minnesota AlligatorBlizzard

    Sheriff: Bomb threat to Grand Marais Pride event came from Russia

    1 Lynn Conway, leading computer scientist and transgender pioneer, dies at 85

    Lynn Conway, who died Sunday at 85, was a leader in the development of personal computers and microprocessor technology, and a symbol for generations of transgender individuals.

    Lynn Conway, leading computer scientist and transgender pioneer, dies at 85

    I have mixed feelings on the pronoun use, but having read some of her autobiographical writing I don't think she would have taken much issue with it. This piece is more focused on her work in computer engineering, so I felt it was appropriate to post here.

    Minnesota AlligatorBlizzard

    Website for Minnesota's $1,500 e-bike rebate crashes on first day (Launch postponed)

    The MN Department of Revenue just announced the application won't be available today, BMTN hasn't updated their article as of the time I'm posting this. I've been hitting F5 for almost three hours, I'm going to go take a nap.


    Pride month rule


    Urbanist video about Rethinking I-94

    This is largely fantastic, but I definitely laughed at Ham-line.


    May the 4th be with rule


    What distro should I use on my potato?

    I have an HP Stream 11 that I want to use for word processing and some light web browsing - I'm a writer and it's a lightweight laptop to bring to the library or coffee shop to write on. Right now it's got Windows and it's unusable due to lack of hard drive space for updates. Someone had luck with Xubuntu, but it's been a few years and it seems like Xubuntu is no longer trying to be a lightweight distro for use cases like this.

    My experience with Linux is very limited - I played around with Peppermint Linux a bit back when it was a Lubuntu fork and I used Ubuntu on the lab computers in college. I can follow instructions to make a live boot and I can do an apt-get (so something Debian-based might be best for compatibility and familiarity) but I mostly have no idea what I'm doing, lol. I used to do DOS gaming as a kid so having to do the occasional thing via command line isn't going to scare me off but I'm not going to pretend to have knowledge I don't. I'm probably going to go with Mint on my gaming laptop next year but I suspect it's not the best choice for my blue bezeled potato (although I might try it anyway).


    Chairhop to the summit

    Be prepared to restart your day.

    0 Virtual Boy Emulation Finally Arrives on 3DS

    With the release of Red Viper, a fully stereoscopic Virtual Boy emulator for the Nintendo 3DS, the community has once again proven that Fans Do What Nintendont. The creation of GitHub user skyfloogle, Red Viper finally brings the Virtual Boy's tiny library to the system where it always belonged, per

    Virtual Boy Emulation Finally Arrives on 3DS