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bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • Get a grip, talk to a therapist or trusted friend. It's OK to not be plugged in 24/7. "If it bleeds it leads" is true and being inundated with horror constantly absolutely wears you down.

  • Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • A restaurant that doesn't have milk is a probably a shitty restaurant anyway.

    What kind of kitchen doesn't have milk in it? Even the hardest-core vegan cafe would have some kind of passable milk substitute right?

    Next thing you know they'll be saying they don't have salt.

  • Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China
  • I'm the only one that's posted any links to any data or "observational evidence" (tips fedora lol neckbeard). All you've done is vaguely hint at Chinese prisons being preferable to Aussie ones.

    I've never really gotten to see one of you in the wild.

  • Therapy
  • They're speaking about their experience and you just completely dismissed it as "women don't do things like that, the wrong type of women do."

    I recall a man/bear hypothetical being posted recently and any man that said "not all men" was shouted down and called a misogynistic rape apologist or worse.

    When someone speaks about their lived experiences it's best to just listen and acknowledge, not try to defend shitty people.

  • Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China
  • The one I saw was in Las Vegas but every single body was Chinese.

    The reality is I'd rather sit in a Aussie prison in 46/115 heat than in a Chinese prison at a nice balmy 25/77.

    Do you think the Chinese prison system is a better place than the Australian prison system?

  • Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout
  • Posting publicly on the internet means people can respond to you.

    Responding to a relatively well-formed statement and rationalized statement with a 1 sentence meme-response is lazy and braindead and contributes nothing but go off if it makes you feel like you're doing something I guess. Certainly easier than actually engaging with a topic.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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