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jawa21 jawa21
Posts 108
Comments 643
  • Measurements
  • Sadly, at that point, you need to know the decimal equivalent (this happpens often with precision measurement) for instance 1/4 is 0.25 etc. I agree that it is horrible for a tape measure style measurement, but it isn't so bad once you're used to seeing the fractional equivalent as a decimal.

  • Measurements
  • That was also part of my point. I am tired of people trying to impose one unit or series of units being superior when they are all just made up.

  • Measurements
  • I may get a lot of flack for this, but here is my perspective as someone with over 20 years experience as a machinist in the US. Over the course of my career, I have become more than comfortable using metric, imperial, and us custimary units.

    For science? Metric is fantastic. For literally everything else - us customary is faster, easier, more understandable, and actually more approachable in terms of trying to actually build something.

    Let's start with simply building something as the first example. Fractions, (and angles relative to fractions) are more intuitive to work with, faster, and overall easier to work with than decimal equivalents. One could easily spend more time trying to measure 1.905 cm vs very quickly dividing 1 into 3/4".

    Furthermore, units are just that. An arbitrarily agreed upon measurement. None of them make any "more sense" than any other. If the Royal Society had agreed on a hogs head as a standard unit of volume, we'd likely still be using it.

    I may be rambling at thus point. However, my entire point here is that there is objectively no such thing as a superior unit of measure. They are all made up and have uses that they are best suited for.

  • It's an effective jump scare technique
  • I interpret it as Kirk running away smiling from a pissed off Spock. Hilarious in it's own right.

  • The Sales Will Continue
  • I tend to agree for most things, but modern Blizzard titles are near unplayable without SSD because of they way that they load assets. You'd be technically in the game, but half of the models take 5 minutes to load in.

    The are other games that load in things like this, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

  • Just... a little...... farther
  • Roll back over, put the phone in your right hand and use the phone to get the little bit of distance. Being truly lazy requires ingenuity.

  • nv robo rule
  • Anon receives some news about his park
  • They both hit the welcome center, so obviously you wouldn't see them.

  • NO-SHA rule
  • It took witnessing exactly one lathe accident to make me start really giving a fuck about safety.

  • Stop use docker
  • It also has the superior theme song.

  • pls
  • I hate the idiots that decide that they should do 50 mph on an on ramp simply because they're just going to the next exit and not merging into traffic .

  • Our rusty lathe
  • Did you have to rebuild the chuck? I'd imagine that was in a nightmare state.

  • It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!) [OC Edit]
  • The kids love this one!

  • It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!) [OC Edit]
  • Thanks :D And yeah, he probably had the Special and needed that sonic shower love.

  • It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!) [OC Edit]
  • I messed up the catbox link when editing the post. It's on peeertube now only. Sorry if that's a problem.

  • It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!) [OC Edit]
  • The one thing I wanted to change was the winnebago shot going full screen instead of black bars. And thanks!

  • It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!) [OC Edit]
  • If I had another hour before I wanted to sleep, it'd be better - maybe later.

  • It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!) [OC Edit]

    When two of my favorite things get memed together, I tend to put in some effort. Now with audio!

    Thanks to @[email protected] for the initial idea/ croossover.

    High Quality GIFS jawa21

    Cake Day [OC Edit]

    cross-posted from:

    > Alternate PeerTube link:


    Cake Day [OC Edit]

    Alternate PeerTube link:


    Hitting Creative Burnout

    Ever since I made this post, I have tried my best to follow through and "be the change you want to see." I've made a lot of mediocre stuff, some bad, and a few I am proud of in those 6 months. I have spent most of my free time trying to make new OC specific to Lemmy.

    However, I think that with the attempts to try to encourage others in this kind of creative endeavor, I have run out of steam. I will often sit down with a plan for a project, half finish it and then just delete it.

    I am a musician and have never experienced creative burnout there, despite having done that for most of my life so this is a new feeling to me. I picked up a new creative hobby and I feel burned out in less than a year.

    If anyone can offer some advice here, I would greatly appreciate it.

    High Quality GIFS jawa21

    Rules change. No longer OC only.

    When I made this community, I wanted it to be a place where gif makers and editors could show off their work. After a lot of thought, there is no reason that this community can't be that as well as a place to share HQ stuff. So, as long as the gif meets the requirements and the rules, go ham and credit when you can.

    Trans Voice Help jawa21

    Finding Your Female Voice - YouTube Playlist


    McCoy Was Right: Don't trust the transporter [OC Edit]

    PeerTube link:

    I've been off learning the big girl editing stuff. Harder than it sounds.


    Odd Wifi Issues specific to EverQuest (maybe udp)

    I know this is more of a general discussion community and not for tech support, but I'm at the end of my technical ability here and that is the primary game I play.

    I've been running the live version of EverQuest for months now. Yesterday, I encountered a really strange issue where if I connect to the game, DNS would completely fail. I've tried this over 2 distros: Garuda (Arch based) and Linux Mint. I've done a few 50+ gb Steam downloads as tests with no issues. However, as soon as I run the game for more than 10 minutes, DNS just completel drops until a full reboot (on both distros) which is really odd. It's only affecting the PC, which is what lead me to attempting to load up another distro and test things.

    I've changed DNS servers around on all but the router (which I unfortunately don't have ready access to). I know the software firewall rules are good. Is there a way to reliably see if for some reason the router is kicking me off if I use UDP packets (I know that EverQuest uses some)?

    During the DNS outage, I an use the same network on mobile without any kind of issue, which is what made me curious if this is a UDP issue since web browsing shouldn't be spraying those out.

    I'd be more than willing to provide any pastes of files etc. Also, if anyone has a way to kind of stress test my wifi hardware to see if that is the issue, it'd be really helpful.

    Editing to add: I've turned wifi power saving off and will continue to test. Odd that it would be turned on over 2 installs randomly, though (if it was ever off)

    Adding again. This may be happening when I swap to the dedicated GPU on the laptop. The odd thing is that it started yesterday. This is why I turned off wifi power saving, and it doesn't seem to have an effect.

    Trans Voice Help jawa21

    Voice Masculinization Playlist for our FTM Bros How to Masculinize Your Voice Easily with Darth Vader Breathing(Part 1)

    We hope you liked our video! If you enjoyed our content please share it with others so we can reach the most amount of people!(also subscribe if you would li...

    How to Masculinize Your Voice  Easily with Darth Vader Breathing(Part 1)
    Trans Voice Help jawa21

    Voice Feminization Playlist Voice Feminization for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS | How to Get Started Now

    ► Support the Creation of Free Trans Voice Lessons:► Want to take lessons?►INSTA...

    Voice Feminization for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS | How to Get Started Now

    This is focused on mtf voice training, and is a great start in my opinion. FTM resources are much harder to find, because the assumption is that testosterone will thicken your vocal chords. I'll keep trying to find resources for our FTM bros <3

    High Quality GIFS jawa21

    Never Give Spock a Cat [OC Edit]



    Never Give Spock a Cat [OC Edit]



    Trans Voice Help community is here!

    Hi! My biggest struggle being trans has always been that my voice has taken a decade of training to get anywhere near I'd like it to be. I knew there were likely others out there like me, so I made this community for us to share tips/tricks/progress etc. I've made myself mod on this account (though it seems to be slow through federation) and would love it if others are willing to help out for this cause.

    My hope is that through this community people can learn to use their voice in the way that makes them feel most comfortable, because that can be extremely difficult (trust me, I know). It can take years, with a lot of dedication to overcome voice dysphoria. Hopefully, we can cut that time down.

    Here's the link: [email protected]

    Trans Voice Help jawa21


    This is the new home for help with trans voice training. I'm excited to go on this journey with all of you <3
