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10 October 2024
  • I am immortal

  • Trickery rule
  • We're in 196,what do you think?

  • Well...


    Seriously guys... You can lemme out now.

  • It's all in the #

  • uWu
  • UwU :3

  • Fever rule
  • 😂 You're not wrong there! That was a fun game.

  • Fever rule
  • I'ma be real, when you are sick, do you get more horny? I'ma be real, my mind wanders like crazy!

  • Man standing on a statue of Ramses II, Egypt, ~1856
  • Not so fun fact : the guy in the photo would go on to die some years later. 😢

  • Just a typo rule
  • It happens to the best of us !

  • Fashion Friday!
  • I don't know a lot, but this website has some guides that seem useful

    This particular one may be focused on transfemmes but a lot of their articles address transmasc concerns too.

  • NES
  • Nintendo 1

  • Instead of Ignoring Trans Rights at DNC, Dems Should’ve Vowed to Protect Them
  • I know this is probably a (relatively) unpopular opinion, but at this point, I'll gladly take passive acceptance over flat out, literally express genocide against trans people.

    Straight up, it suck not being positively supported, but it's a hell of a lot better than being threatened with prison time-definitely in the wrong one! 😱

  • You're allowed to exist. We need you here.

    Not me, but an amazing pep talk I didn't know I needed! 🏳️‍⚧️

    Something's fishy
  • Is it more probable that nature should go out of her course or that a man should tell a lie? We have never seen, in our time, nature go out of her course. But we have good reason to believe that millions of lies have been told in the same time. It is therefore at least millions to one that the reporter of a miracle tells a lie.

    Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

  • Transgender Blahaj_Blast

    ✨💔 Gender Envy 💚✨

    I've been starting to notice recently that I've most likely had gender envy at some point(s) in my past.

    I guess the big question is, have you had any particularly notable instances of gender envy, or your first noticeable insurance of gender envy?



    How do you all look so pretty?

    OMG! I follow so many trans groups on here, fb, yt, reddit wherever and there are so many of you that if I didn't see where it was posted I'd assume you were just a rediculously attractive cis woman and I'm so jealous!


    Shapewear advice please?!

    Hi all!

    I've been looking into shapewear a lot recently and looking for any input/advice. I think I'm between rectangle and inverted triangle shape and looking to do some tummy squeezing, waist cinching trying to get more of waist and hip pads or something to make a more hourglass shape. A lot of hip stuff also has butt pads, which I already have enough butt I think 😅 is there one garment that could do all of these any kind of decent, or is it easier/better to get a couple of things more focused on doing one thing good?

    Also been thinking about breastforms, so any advice there would be appreciated there too!


    When did you feel comfy changing pronouns?

    I've figured out Iwas trans around a year ago. I've more accepted it 6-8 months ago, and fully embraced the identity a few months ago.

    I feel like I'm able to see myself as a woman more often(presenting or not; probably the longer hair) but I find it hard to consciously switch names and pronouns since I feel like I still very much present masc¿and don't look so femme, even if I want to.

    It's like, it feels somewhat in-genuine, you know? Deep, deep down, I want to be her, but also I don't want the confrontation of, "you don't look like a 'her'."

    I just need some advice/encouragement. My therapist has asked multiple times if they should switch name/pronouns, but it's so difficult face-to-face and not socially out.

    Help plz?

    Edit: I'm not sure how this ended up in the meme community 😅 I posted it late at night, but I thought I got /c/mtf instead


    sips tea


    How we doing?

    I've been lurking here more lately, but I haven't been completely absent. It's been around a year since I joined lemmy, and just over a year since I came to the conclusion that I am indeed trans.

    It took a while, I've had a few big steps up in feeling comfortable with being trans. I spent 6+ months on a kick of "I'm not cis/I might be trans" and a bit later to "I'm trans, but embarrassed about it" but in the last couple of months keep getting more, almost, proud to be trans. A couple months back I finally accepted calling myself a trans-woman. Still a bit of a shock to me 😅

    I finally started pulling the trigger and started buying some stuff from the women's dept, mostly just lounge and sleep wear. But feel somewhat less uncomfortable about even looking at it.

    I told my therapist a couple months back I had started more seriously researching hrt and she asked how it felt. I said something like, "nervous, but a little excited.." more recently, it's been more like "excited, with a little bit of nervous. Like waiting in line on a new roller-coaster"

    My spouse had some struggles at first, and is still also figuring things out with me, but sounds super accepting and has talked about hrt and other ideas as if it's any other typical big relationship topic.

    Also, lately, euphoria-wise, I realized, I fucking love sleep shirts and sleep dresses! It's been just over a year since I cut my hair and occasionally, it sits around my face just right I can see a woman beginning to appear! ☺️ Its getting long enough to be able to do the little head shake/flip to get the hair out of my eye and it's kind of euphoric to be able to do that.

    ANY-WHOSE how are things going with the rest of you girls? Any new, unexpected euphoria lately? Any tips or tricks? I feel like I'm past so much fear and almost ready to come out to some people

    Oh! BTW, I did actually come out to an old friend and an old coworker who both understood and accepted, which was awesome!

    Edit: also, fun fact! I have red hair. And about as much body hair as is possible. I've been trying to remove it, never really liked it, convinced myself I was fine with it. I'm not anymore. Either way! Found out from an estatician that apparently redheads have deeper rooted hair. 🤷‍♀️ Also! I already knew redheads were less sensitive to anesthetics. So, I have tons of body hair, deeper rooted hair, and numbing stuff doesn't work that well... It fucking *sucks" but I'm trying my damndest to power through.


    Oohhh, I get it now.


    HRT questions?

    Did you have a tipping point between realizing you were trans and you started HRT?

    As in, when you de oded to start, what did that moment look like for you?

    I think I'm a point where I'm more interested in trying, but have a lot of fears holding back, which I think makes it feel like I want it less than I do.

    I was talking to some others about this and it made me realize I think I want it a lot more than I thought.

    Does any of that make sense, or am I just rambling? 😅


    Feels like my exploration is at a crossroads. Again.

    I'm feeling so much more confident in my trans identity, I te s kind of crazy. I'm at a point where I'm getting more confident removing hair and such.

    I'm getting to a point where I'm getting super interested in makeup, especially foundation and contouring to cover my nasty shit and hide my big nose and all..

    Also, I so want to get more feminine clothes. A skirt, a dress, something, but idk what, or how to get something to fit my shape?

    Basically, I want something new, I have a couple avenues, but I strongly don't know how to do either.




    Hail trans people


    ✨Euphoria✨ I guess

    So, I was born(not literally) furry af, a few days ago finally got to "fuck it! Let's do it" and used some depilatory cream to remove basically everything from the hips up.

    It's a bit weird, definitely different, but I love it! Haven't had any comments so far, still a tiny bit nervous about that. But also kind of more of a "who gives a fuck?" mindset. Wifey has definitely admitted to liking my arm freckles being more visible, which feels awesome af too!

    I'm not convinced its100% related, but I've also been feeling better about myself, which is also awesome! I remember the past few(idk) years looking into the mirror some night and just thinking "I really don't like you/the way you look" but never really knowing why. Lately, I don't have that as much, and sometimes think I'm getting small glimpses of a woman in there!

    It's different. It's terrifying. It's awesome.


    Workout help?

    Maybe this isn't the best place for this, maybe it is?

    I've been thinking of changing my workout routine, but I'm not sure how?

    For literally at least half of my life I've focused more on building muscle. Now I'm wondering, how can I workout and keep as much strength as possible, but lose some mass? I mean, I'm not extreme bodybuilder, but I'm nowhere near afab size.

    Is it possible (pre-hormone) to mostly keep streng, but lose mass? I wish a lot of me was smaller, especially neck, shoulders, thighs, and belly. Not totally sure how(or if) I can make changes pre-hrt to get more feminine? I don't want to lose too much strength, but I'm fairly big so I'd like to lose some mass.

    I guess most of my routine is 3 sets of 8-12 reps in various exercises focusing on larger groups of muscles(e.g. Push-up, pull-up, - dips...)

    Edit: not sure if it was clear enough, I'd love to lose some mass/size, but as much as possible, not lose strength. Does that make sense? I totally get there is a tradeoff, but I'm not sure how to switch up working out to lose mass? I think I'd like to be smaller (help me to pass?) but I feel like any strength training at all is inherently somewhat bulky? At least from a feminine pov?


    Interesting week for me...

    I've read more of the gender dysphoria Bible and between thy, my therapist, and some other comments around here, I've finally had a few puzzle pieces finally fit into place and thy finally Feels pretty good. Like, to some extent I've further accepted my transness and just feel more at peace thinking about myself. It's still different and difficult, but to a certain extent, I feel more settled into who I really am and it's kind of nice.

    Definitely, I'm still terrified of how my state and nation is going, but, I do feel better about myself internally, and it does feel good.


    Seems right


    Euphoria, maybe?

    I was at a store earlier today and the woman checking me out was borderline gushing about my nails and how good they looked and how they were between Mardi Gras and St Patrick's day and matched my (leprechaun suit) shirt and it just felt beyond awesome! 🥰 I saw her braided hair on the way in and wanted to say something, but idk how without coming off as creepy since I was still boymoding and all but...


    Still riding that high 🥹


    Just the essentials
