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Lucidlethargy Lucidlethargy
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Take a gander at this
  • Yeah, this person's logic makes no sense. This is a solid argument for men retiring earlier.

    Personally, I'd say it's probably best if it's just the same for everyone.

  • Take a gander at this
  • Yeah, this seems backwards... Women tend to live longer than men.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • I mean, most of us will vote for ANYTHING over Biden. I said thing, not person. I'll vote for a cantaloupe over Trump.

    So this idea does, in fact, have merit.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • It is, and it isn't... People love drama, and nothing about Trump's stance is based on tradition or stability.

    The right replacement could theoretically sweep the election. I just don't trust the DNC with this... So I guess I agree with you in the end.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Honestly... An unknown challenger from EITHER side may actually sweep this election. Both candidates are hated by their constituents more than any other president I've seen in living memory.

    Trump has the Republicans by the balls, but Biden doesn't. I fully support this, if the right candidate can be found. The DNC won't choose the right candidate, though... They are incompetent idiots.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Her lack of oversight is one of the only things many of us will ever remember her for. She set all women back 50 years by not stepping down. That's part of her legacy now, and it always will be.

    Her decision is a lesson for all those who will listen. We need to stop gambling with the future of our country. The best decision for everyone always needs to be put forward, and even the best people need to step down, if needed, to preserve and secure progress.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Seriously, they are so far behind their conservative counterparts is not even funny. They need to hire better PR specialists, and marketing teams.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • It's almost like it was a stupid fucking decision in the first place to make Biden, Obama's embarrassing baggage, run for president.

    So many of us fought this, and so many of us now hate the democratic party for this. They get zero sympathy from me at this stage.

    I'm voting against Trump in this election just like I did in the last election, but after the conservatives retire the narcissistic criminal, all bets are off.

  • Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • Corrupt doesn't even begin to describe it these days. They ruled recently that they are legally allowed to accept bribes, so long as the bribe comes after the decision is made.

    The laws of the United States of America are literally for sale by conservative judges. This breach of justice is actively dismantling a cornerstone of our countries successful history.

    Oh, the irony, that the "conservative" party is the one radically destroying the highest court in America. Their supporters can wave all the flags they want this week, but what they represent is actively destroying this country.

    It's FOR the people BY the people, not for the highest bidder. at least, that's how it used to be before Trump's presidency.

  • The Sales Will Continue
  • ::laughs in Ark: Survival Evolved::

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • Yeah, that's about right. Not voting is just as bad as voting for the wrong person. There's this giant chunk of America that's sleepwalking everyone else into chaos.

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • There are few large countries in the world where this isn't the case. Nationalism, in general, is absolutely a cult.

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • This isn't even a joke... Like, I keep hearing my conservative family members express that they can't vote for "someone with dementia". Glossing past Trump's many, many, many senior moments, it comes down to the fact the president is supported by an entire cabinet.

    If Biden gets poo brain, he's going to rely on his cabinet. If Trump continues down his poo brain path, he will never rely on a cabinet (especially since it's full of yes-men). He will just let the dimentia drive him, just like he did in his first term.

    E.g. Airports in the 1700s, convincing everyone covid isn't that bad prior to a vaccine, posting "white power" to his Twitter, tear gassing protesters for a Photo OP where he holds a Bible upside-down. I could go on, and on, and on...

    But sure, let's all pretend Biden's old man brain is a real serious problem. Because sometimes he... ::checks notes:: falls on stairs, and fumbles words.

    These clowns voted for fucking George W. Bush, by the way.

  • Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers
  • Yup, I agree. That's a really big "just", though. I'd rather watch a poorly edited video that's honest, than a high end video that glosses over major defects and difficiencies. I mean, let's call it what it is, Marques makes ads.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • This isn't totally true, but it's partially true. If Trump wins the American election, he will double down support for Israel and completely write off all those who oppose them as terrorists.

    Biden is just kind of apologetically supporting them because he's a weak leader that can't afford to rock the boat. He does weakly push back often, it's just nowhere near what we want or need.

    If Biden actually wins the election, he may actually end American support. I'm of the opinion he's afraid of offending democrats and independents that support Israel, thus losing him the election (since he's barely ahead in the polls.) Most of us are still going to vote for him despite this, because Trump is far worse... You can't say that about the people who support Isreal.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • I've never actually seen an ad in Windows... Like, literally ever. The worst I've seen is Windows trying to trick me into making edge my default browser.

    If I believed all the articles on Lemmy, every part of the OS now has embedded ads, and the OS itself is recording everything I ever do against my will and without my knowledge.

  • Bill Gates says not to worry about AI's energy draw
  • Can I worry about the fact the most serious AI's are owned by large companies, and that they are being taught to replace artists, writers and creatives?

    What a sad fucking dystopia we live in.

  • Life comes at you fast Jeff...
  • Only an idiot would think this ever could have gone differently. I fucking hate the democrats. The fact I have to keep voting for them is really pissing me off.

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • Oh hey, I have one for you! I was taught that the Christian flag was the oldest flag in the history of the world.

  • Apparently, Google's new AI-based search is quite honest.

    For those not aware, Google is rolling out their new AI-based "Generative AI" search, which seems to mesh Bard with the standard experience.

    I asked it today why Google no longer follows their "don't be evil" motto... The results are pretty hilarious.


    Why am I not seeing the correct comments and vote tallies for certain communities from other instances?

    I hope it's alright to ask a question here, because I'm very curious about an important facet of this instance:

    I noticed this morning that when I visit some of the communities hosted on other instances, I'm seeing an incorrect vote count, and few to no comments. Is this due to the recent breach, and does it relate to defederating from other instances temporarily?

    Example: 85 total comments[email protected] 12 total comments
