US president said his horrific blow-up would make ‘great television’ – the White House has never seen anything like it
Trump just presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history, with flared tempers, raised voices, and shredded protocol.
Never before has a U.S. president bullied and berated an adversary, never mind an ally, in such a public way.
During a tense Oval Office meeting, Trump and JD Vance attacked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, demanding he accept a peace deal with Russia or lose U.S. support.
The conversation devolved into shouting, with Trump accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful and “gambling with World War III.”
The meeting ended in chaos, with no agreement reached.
Congrats Never Genocide people posing as Progressives. We fucking warned you that exactly this was going to happen. Trump and his cult would side with Russia and throw Ukraine under the bus.
Great fucking job.
And great fucking job, Mods, for protecting those fucks in the name of civility.
We are the baddies now. And we got here because you'd rather protect Nazis from being punched in the mouth for their words and actions in the name of civility.
I’m glad we get to see this shameful display. I wouldn’t talk to a dog like that, much less the democratically elected leader of another sovereign nation that’s an ally. The US used to be a beacon of freedom and diplomacy, but clearly we shouldn’t expect that from the current regime.
Europe will keep supporting Ukraine regardless, but it really is in the US’ interests to stay involved in this conflict. It’s disconcerting that Trump can’t seem to grasp that basic fact.
Not that macho'ism should be a major point or even desirable trait for a world leader IMO, but so many people like Trump because he's allegedly strong. Yet when I watch the above clip I just keep thinking "he's so weak and soft and overly sensitive to essentially everything." Like how can you want a tough leader, then watch that exchange and think "Trump is tough." What?
That's my main takeaway. If you want to appear stronk leedr, this isn't it. This just makes you seem desperate because your russian money givers are getting impatient.
Trump sucks, I hope Ukraine wins,and I hope Putin is judged by history for his aggression and the general incompetence of his government.
But very few Russian embassies were ever closed, and rightly so. Some were downsized and suspected spies were given the boot. If Europe wants to do that with Americans, yeah smart.
Outright closing embassies would be a massive misstep, completely (edit: unwarranted, I mean) warranted, and miss the entire point of diplomacy.
This is the weakness of modern democracies... You, as Putin, can just wait for 4 years and there will maybe be an idiot in power, who.ruins everything done before.
It's the whole paradox of tolerance, on a slightly different level.
A democratic society cannot allow non-democractic elements such as Trump to use the democratic process. By it's very nature. People will then say "but it's democracy, I should be able to choose whatever I want", yes, except choosing against democracy. Which is by definition not a choice that can be available.
Democracy is just one word and a set of ideas connected to it.
Other than democracy there are meekness, dignity, wisdom and rationality, by the way, none of these contradicts any other, and a few even more important - faith and bravery and choice.
So, I see nothing wrong with democracy dying in any kind of public setting when the 7 things I've listed stop being even tolerated.
I just saw an ad for G20, a fiction where some terrorists kidnap all the leaders of the G20 at the meeting. But don't worry, the US president frees herself, and she's going full Liam Neeson to free everyone and get revenge.
LOL completely unbelievable
What would instead happen with the US president that is in charge now: if you free me I will help you with all your requests and I will personally execute the hostages
I've heard shows like Madam Secretary and The West Wing be considered, akin to Star Trek, "competence porn."
The idea, the fantasy, that the people making the critical decisions that affect so many people are consulting experts, weighing heavy costs, consulting the law, and are kept up at night because they care so deeply for making the best call they can so they don't let down all those who depend on them. These characters have been role models for leadership for generations at this point.
And here we are, in a complete fever dream of a failed state: With a convicted felon and failed reality show TV personality, his foreign billionaire handler, and a weak spineless, loud little dweeb we all forgot was even vice... burning the last vestiges of peace and goodwill all around themselves, handing us and our allies over in a competition with other fascists to be the world's worst enemies, screaming at world leaders, destroying the environment out of spite, and heck, shilling beans from the oval office. Because why not.
Who's close enough to this to do something about it? Where are the competent ones who will regain control of the bridge from these terrorists? Yeah, where's our "G20 president"?
Well, I just remembered, we need to support people like Governor Janet Mills of Maine , and empower anyone any everyone who will stand up against this bullying.
I really like The West Wing. I’m currently going through it again.
It was always a hopeful show, but these days even the ‘bad guys’ in it start to look pretty appealing compared to what’s actually in the White House. At least the ones on the West Wing had fairly mundane motives and could be worked with to some extent.
If they made a current show inspired the actual White House, it would look more like Idiocracy than competency porn…
Fucking Idiocracy is competence porn at this point, Camacho was an idiot but damn was he actually really competent if you think about the events of the movie.
I think "tried to bully Zelensky" would have been a little more accurate. Of course Trump and Vance failed at that too. All they're good at is manipulating the most stupid people on the planet. If I was morally depraved, I bet I could do it pretty easily too.
Imagine calling a world leader, who's kinda busy leading his nation through a brutal war against his nation, halfway across the planet, just to yell at him on camera like they're on some Fox News shouting-heads hitpiece, for not selling out his country and giving in to the butchers.
Seriously, even for the world's stupidest people, where is the "Okay, wow, you just don't do that, sir." Line?
When does "Defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC." come into play? Seriously, someone please tell me, what do these chodes gotta do to get treated as the terrorists they are?
When do the sworn-in armed forces say "Alright, that's it." and draw down on this gang of heinous criminals and execute them for treason to prevent the world from slipping any further into chaos?
Do we gotta hope for (a successful) Op: Valkyrie 2025??
I don't know what it can be, but every ounce of me hates both of these men. I don't even want to call them men. I can't think of a possible way that they could suffer and feel the emotion of helplessness and sorrow. Whatever would happen, I don't think they'd care. They literally wouldn't care - because they have the mindset that they are invincible and can have whatever they want.
I'm ready to protest this shit. Tell me when and where to show up, my local big city or state capital. This is some bullshit. Trump and Vance are egotistical dickheads. Ukraine are our allies! Imagine George Washington doing this with Marquis de Lafayette, or FDR with Churchill!! Unspeakable!
Why would any nation that does not have nukes not start making nukes right now?
The USA has shown over and over, it's the only thing we take seriously. We don't give a fuck until you have nukes. We don't care about treaties, alliances, deals. We only care if you can start the nuke wars. Anything else is just "how can we take advantage of you?"
Also .. World, I understand you're not reading this, but for the three of ya that do, boycott us. Tariff the shit out of us. You got this, and thanks for all the fish.
Unfortunately Ukraine was part of the Budapest Memorandum. With this they gave up their nuclear armament in an agreement that "prohibited Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."
So they gave up their nukes with the agreement that they would be safe from these 4 groups. However that didn't do shit for them, thus a huge reason why any SeasFire would have to have some big security backing. As Russia has ignored all prior agreements.
It's too hard. Yeah, we understand the required specs, but the precision machines and rare ores are internationally monitored. Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears was eye opening as to what the terrorists had to go through to make a single bomb. And it fizzled into a "normal" atom bomb.
And I'm not even talking about the experts involved, a physics degree ain't gonna get it. The precision machining for the tooling alone is mind blowing, then you gotta fab the actual parts. Again, you're not getting people like that in a room with a LinkedIn ad, and it would be noticed, very noticed, if you tried.
Now if you want to skip 3-stage hydrogen bombs and just roll an atom bomb, still tough, but much more doable.
tl;dr: The nuclear powers would come down on you like a ton of bricks if a country even tried starting a program. See: Iran.
I really need to check out Sum of All Fears again.
That truly is mind blowing to think about, the level of expertise you mentioned and the tooling. Imagine, just think about it, if it were put to use for something other than the potential to obliterate millions in an instant...
As much as this makes me hate Donald Trump more than I already did, which was already more than I hate almost anyone, the really horrific thing is that a decent fraction of Americans will look at this and think Trump made the right decision, or at least a brave, or reasonable, decision.
True, but I don't think it matters any more what they think. They are a cult, and we cannot salvage this situation by swaying them. We have to act accordingly. They just need to be mowed down if they get in the way.
I‘m trying to think of ways other than a civil war to salvage this situation but I’m coming up blank. Maybe someone more optimistic than me can chime in.
I doubt he thought it would go differently. But he did an amazing job showing the world how utterly depraved Trump and Vance are. There can be no question now that they are Putin stooges. The United States lost the cold war, Putin won without firing a single bullet. It is out in the open.
So word is that the more the US mistreats Z, the more the European people like him, and want to support him. So this was probably a great outcome fir them. The deal offered was very one sided. Had Z just not taken it, people would blame him. But now, everyone knows who to blame.
I understand you mean Zelenskyy, but you are using Russian dog whistles, by referring to him as Z. Z = the Russian version of calling people Nazis because they opposed Putin.
Tagged, and watching to see who you are. Especially with that extremely sus UN.
Finally a f**king actual headline. That was a disaster and a disgrace for all Americans. I can’t take these meek be “explosive White House meeting, where maybe Trump was possibly speaking angrily, but please Mr. Trump don’t sue us, if you disagree!”
This is disgraceful and would've never happen in the old days. On the other hand, I even appreciate the public show of arguing before plainly betraying an ally. Like what we did with Gaddafi or Hussein. That was some cold -blooded bully shit.
Wrote up a summary months ago (with reputable sources!) about this stuff, and was permabanned from Lemmy news and politics for it.
Idk man, you can tell people stuff, but it’s so hard for them to access what’s real right now. There’s a concerted online effort to suppress factual info.
That sucks and permabans really shouldn't be a thing except in extreme causes of threatening to like harm/dox some one and stuff like that. Not seeing where you did anything to get banned at all, but especially not permabanned.
If Lemmy just ends up being another reddit that's going to suck so bad.
The trouble is that this was probably intentional, you can see the vp is literally an attack dog in this case, but I still think it's likely that if zelensky stroked trumps ego it wouldn't have ended that way. It's like trump is pro Russia but also narcissistic and they are sometimes at odds.
I just can't understand why Vance would interpret Zelenskyy as being disrespectful for politely, calmly, and carefully articulating his point of view on how diplomacy has failed him and his country. Vance seems like the type of person I would basically laugh at and walk away from if I were in a situation to have to hear him be "alpha and in-charge".
It was like watching a scene from an episode of a reality TV show from the early 2000s.
Love how the guy who said "I'll make up whatever stories I need to" told Zelenskyy, after being asked if he's seen what Ukraine is going through: "Oh I haven't personally been there but I've seen stories."
Because they went in wanting to find a way to make Zelenskyy seem unreasonable. They have no intention of helping Ukraine at all and now it's going to be because he didn't immediately kiss Trumps feet.
I don't know exactly how to put this, but I feel personally embarrassed by this.
I think this is going to shift world order more than expected. Every country now must be nuclear. Trump is going to try to install himself as a dictator. I think violence will have to be the answer. Man it's depressing.
I'm pissed. There was always a simple answer. Freeze the front line and make it clear to Putin that Ukraine is now their version of Taiwan. They could keep trying to attack but the Ukrainians are now backed by the full might of the American military. They can keep what they already have but anything else is a step too far.
Yeah it's possible Zelensky doesn't go for that deal but damn, they didn't even try for the simplest option that stops the fighting, gets the payments Trump so desperately wants and guarantees Ukraine's security. They literally just presented an extortion scheme as the only option, with "trust me bro" as the guarantee.
i bet their plan is to go into places already ravaged by the war, look for valuable mining opportunities, if not, trump branded fuckin cesspools. they don't even care if there ARE valuable mining deposits.
They love Trump, because their oligarchs and their puppets have regularly praised him on Russian state TV since 2016.
So no, no confusion. They know Trump works for them.
I checked a few parts for a few minutes. It was too painful to watch.
Troomp and JD couch showed the worst traits leaders could have. The obvious ones are the American superiority complexes and the toxic need to escalate and talk down upon others.
In all of the bits I saw when skipping trough it, Zelenksy deescalated the situation multiple times while Trump and especially Vance escalated and started talking like some pretentious teenager bullies that gotten themselves a country.
I know the main thing here is Vance and Trump backstabbing and bullying Zelenskyy, but I just want to point out that Trump repeatedly talked about "raw earth" instead of "rare earths". We're truly fucked.
Trump is America's Boris Johnson turned up 100. The act of stupidity is intentionally, to provide a thin veneer of plausible deniability in case the rule of law comes back swinging it's prejudice cock to only smack either Vance in the face as he Pardons Trump and Musk.
I disagree. Trump is neurodiverse and has dementia. He’s also an absolute monster of a human being, one of the worst that ever rose to power. So don’t think I’m making excuses for him here, but the guy legit has brainrot.
BoJo is a smart man hiding behind his bumbling facade. It’s very obvious when you hear him talk for example in a court of law instead of in front of a camera. With Trump you don’t have that distinction. He is always the same.
If Trump's stupidity is an act then boy is he committed to the bit - because he's been dumb as a bag of rocks since grade school, through high school, college, and in every encounter with people close to him. Doesn't even turn it off for the wives or friends behind closed doors. Truly the greatest method actor of our times.
Honestly fuck it we know appeasment doesn't work, I'd rather have WW3 now when Ruzzia is still just a middle power with a ton of second hand equipment than let them take half of eastern europe and build up some serious strength before finally having WW3 anyway.
Trump wants zelenaky to take peace at any cost.... Zelenaky won't take that offer and wants assurances. Trump insults him as a war monger who wants ww3??
God what an example of political double speak. Trump is a lying idiot and he's the one gambling with ww3
Anyone who thought this would work out differently was simply not paying attention or was being willfully ignorant.
US provided a deal Zelinsky simply could not sign and they knew it. Chump set Zelinsky up for this shit show cause, in his world, Chump either gets the deal he wants or he gets to act/look tough.
And how masculine/tough to have Couchie there backing him up cause Chump isn't brave enough to do it all on his own.
And, of course, all concludes with disastrous results all around.
Brings up memories of the South Park episode of the CIA or FBI where the boys found out the organization was trying to project themselves to be more powerful than they actually are, and intentionally wanting people to believe scary rumors about them.
My take on it is if that's what we can find out about these clandestine orgs then the truth is almost certainly at least slightly more incriminating. I dont trust them to tell or record the truth when they can't even pass an audit.
I feel like no one who could have a sway (aside from the mass who is not organized and still devided at the moment) would benefit from trump not being in power. That's a lot of negatives, let me rephrase: I feel that no one with the power to influence—aside from the masses, who, if organized, could have significant sway—has much incentive to act, as they benefit from Trump being in power.
Any links to the moment or moments? Or did they bury this already? I was busy when it happened and then several of my engineering and science friends came into my lab and they were all talking about it.
There are those of us that feel it. We have felt it. We pleaded for people to vote for Harris. We tried to tell people how serious the situation was. It didn't matter.
As an American, We felt it the first time he was in office. And Bush, and so many other times before. This time is different. It’s unhinged and there’s no end in sight. And the scary part is that a large portion of people here apparently WANTED this. Some of them are silent now, some are attempting to amp it up further and no one I know that voted for this feels any thing is wrong.
There are changes being made on a whim with an axe that will take decades or longer to be rectified and lots that never could be. I’ve never felt as disappointed and ashamed of the country I live in as I do now and I know it will get worse… much worse. Buckle up folks, it’s going to be a bump ride and Disney didn’t write this tale so there’s no happily ever after.
Transgender Americans and other minority groups are feeling it for sure. It's just not the white suburban traditional family Americans who have felt the pinch yet (aside from the price of eggs).
Coming from YouTube, all the comments were saying Trump put Zelenksy in his place.. are people actually that stupid, or is the whole internet edgy rightwing bots?
A good chunk of the comments will be straight up Russian propaganda. Another good chunk will be Americans who have bought into that propaganda wholeheartedly.
Zelenskyj had every right to question Vance the way he did, but it wasn't the right time to do so if he wanted their respect.
It was disrespectful. It hurts me to concede this point. I didn't want it to be true but I had to see the cause for the fight breaking out, and I hate to admit that it was Zelenskyj who put Vance on the spot in front of everyone like he was on trial, and put him to shame. That's not something you want to do when you're trying to make a deal for your people.
Zelenskyj has too much of a backbone, unfortunately. Respect to him, for standing up against bullshit, but it was definitely a case of picking your battles.
Wtf? Are you that cooked you just can't swallow your US pride even when your leaders are this foul? Uncanny. Where is the line for you? What do you need before you are willing to write off something USA?
I said Zelenskyj is in the right. He is fully in the right to question Vance with valid questions. But I'm also saying that if you want to negotiate with monsters, you might not want to embarrass and anger them in front of their own people, live on TV. 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ Feels like politics 101.
I'm not American... Not even on the same continent. 😆 Nice assumption.
Has a VP ever sat with the president while meeting with a foreign president like this? Maybe Biden in Obama's first term? Cheney and Bush the 2nd behind closed doors but never in front of the cameras
This really is the end of the US era. Nobody will count on them for things like this from now on. War was the one thing the US was good at, now they have nothing of value left for the rest of the world.
Its a political stech in a newspaper, not a link to a video. You can either go to the guardian's front page to see the it or type anything even slightly relatred to it into a search engine to see the video.
I'm already seeing the memes about Trump and Vance dominating zelenski or flat out turning this event into a joke rather than keeping it as the shit show it is. They move fast
Yeah, accuse someone who just wants his country to survive a constant and ongoing aggression of "gambling with World War III", and kiss the ass of the aggressor despot who constantly threatens to nuke the world if someone looks at him wrong.
Trump accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful and “gambling with World War III.”
Unlike KrasnovTrump, who is responsibly destroying the US Government and undermining the USA's alliances and foreign influence while doing everything he can to hand Ukraine and Europe to Russia. That's just responsible statesmanship.
Right? You can see how full of themselves they are. And how JD Vance is just a Trump enabler and ass kisser. Fucking sycophant.
The way Trump acts and the way he talks, how he's so condescending to a man who's fighting for the lives and freedom of his country. Then goes off to talk about the previous leader as being stupid and not smart. Disgusting. Absolutely vile.
Meanwhile Zelenskyy is trying to call them out on their lies and their bullshit and they get in his face. Outrageous.
I don't know how Zelenskyy was able to keep calm and not rip Donald's head off, honestly.
It is not our place to fund their war and their country any longer. Americans need help and those hundreds of billions could be helping our people. If Ukraine wants to continue fighting then do it without US support.
Yes it is because keeping Ukraine out of Putin's hands is essential to Western prosperity. Do you understand Ukraine's role in global wheat production? Do you understand the value of naval ports in the Black Sea? Do you understand the danger of having a Russian border even further in Europe and NATO? Plus, do you think you're going to see any of the savings? The maybe 1.5% of the federal budget that went to if you miraculously got those $20 of your federal income tax back, they are gonna turn your life around?
People should have the right to vote outside the two party system without a spoiler effect. Its a inalienable right actually.
There are more representative electoral systems that can accomplish this. Are you working to pass electoral reform in your state so those that are unrepresented by First-past-the-post voting can participate in democracy?
"Why are women so obsessed with suffrage" - you, if you lived during the early 20th century
I dunno how you can draw a false equivalence between women fighting for their right to vote, and refusing to vote against an avowed fascist (who then won office), and keep a straight face.