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Emmie Emmie

Some say I am ‚biased’ against authoritarian facists. They are 100% right

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Comments 440
AI models face collapse if they overdose on their own output
  • AI needs human content and a lot of it, someone calculated that to be good it needs like some extreme amount of data impossible to even gather now hence all the hallucinations and effort to optimize and get by on scraps of semi forged data. Semi forged, artificial data isn’t anywhere close to random gibberish of garbage ai output

  • YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete
  • On iOS I have to use some niche app that lets me circumvent YouTube asking me for my ID but if it doesn’t want ID vinegar extension and wipr works for ads. Vinegar replaces the whole player I wonder if it will work for server side ads

  • Animals are not gifts.
  • I will remember it if my pet pisses me enough to turn it into a pie. I always joke that this day will come

  • Mary Trump: Kamala Harris terrifies my 'flailing' uncle to the 'point of incoherence'
  • I am so hyped about this guys like there’s no better person than poc woman to crush trump

    It’s like the fate and destiny stuff I can feel the wheels of history converging on this moment.

    And again we barely avoided nuclear extinction in the most human style of weird accidents and random occurrences as if the simulation was merely testing the edge case scenario. Poland, France, USA now go go go.

    There’s still afd left and in Italy that bitch also orban but if Kamala is chosen then that will accelerate things. First fucking woman and poc too left as fuck that will be such a blow to altright worldwide. She also was a frikin prosecutor.

    I have this uneasy feeling that there may be some attempt by desperate rats. if they all feel like trump and there is million of em then some are inevitable to try something. This is my biggest worry

  • Animals are not gifts.
  • Yes but they have hairs everywhere do you have any idea how hard it is to get rid of the fur?? You haven’t thought of the fur you bitch

  • Animals are not gifts.
  • I have a pond where the bigger ones swim I don’t even know their species but they look tasty

  • The Wisdom of Great People
  • Ikr? He had a beef with every crocodile he could laid his hands on.
    They were on a walk with tv crew when Steve saw a crocodile. He said „that motherfucker” and before everyone knew he jumped and got the creature in chokehold until the tv crew managed to separate them. Croc barely made it out alive to his wife and kids.

    Live footage NSFL, graphic

  • Animals are not gifts.
  • I mean you can always make bbq

    That’s the beauty of fish as pets, not only they are fun but also very nutritious

  • Unlike JD Vance whose platform is mountain dew and wokeness
  • Stop or I will vote and I am not American, I am just gonna find some way…

    I need some stamp booklet with legendary elections I voted in and I have a feeling this one is gonna be pretty epic

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • The original phrasing of your comment is bound to evoke such responses, it comes off as a bit culturally blue pilled so to say hence mixed reactions.

    If you were a political candidate it could cost you a lot for example but obviously this is just forum. You will just get some scolding and that’s it. Take it as free of charge friendly advice

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Not really as hair colour unless hair colour is connected to culture and heritage. Diversity isn’t something to be pursued just because of social justice but it is a genuinely good thing for society and exchange of ideas. Homogeneous societies are stale and uncreative. When many cultures work together they are stronger than all of them separately.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Obviously it matters. It’s just that there’s no better or worse race but we are all different. Ignoring the differences is equally discriminating. We are all equal in human rights but we are not clones.

  • I only asked "a photorealistic image of the trolley problem meme". Copilot seems to be plotting something...
  • It doesn’t think, it doesn’t attempt or plot anything, this isn’t an AI but merely complex input->output algorithm. Unless quicksort or k-means can think

  • attacking kamarule
  • That sounds like a compliment then

    Is that really a fucking bad thing for these

  • Here kitty kitty
  • Physics is like shooting balls at the cat and registering the sounds of pain to draw a shape of the creature. Except that it turns out to be also a dog at the same time

  • We unleashed Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms on blank accounts. They served up sexism and misogyny
  • I despite all my lgbt content got served some 1 mil subs catholic lady saying how she loves red pill, pro life or something like this. Such women always have this crazy light in the eyes, it creeps me out.

    You can feel that she is in some kind of state of altered reality, like someone on drugs. High on something.

  • What’s pvp? An sti?
  • Maybe it is but like I can’t decide on the psych to go to since a year or so because there are too many steps involved to find the best one so yeah I won’t know

    Not to mention I would have to skip some major shit and so like I cannot be really honest with any psych. Would have to craft some partial narrative so that kinda defeats the purpose. Last time I went I was crafting stuff left and right pretty hard. I think I wanted autism dx at the time

    I’d get banned so to say if I was truly honest. There were only like 3 people I ever met that could handle it all and we had great fun. Too great and too risky

  • What’s pvp? An sti?
  • I need to avoid competition for my mental health sake. It isn’t even fun I just can’t stand losing so any game that makes me lose will see me pouring countless hours to ‚win’ whatever that means.

    It’s honestly like some kind of disability because once any small amount of competition is involved it ruins everything for me. Let’s say I enroll in drawing course. Someone there is better and now I can’t sleep because I need to win or something. It’s exhausting and like a prison of mind in a way.

    It’s not that bad nowadays thankfully but like few years ago it was all such maddening race to who knows where instead of savouring the meaningful. Frankly it’s still the same but competition now is who is the wisest

  • What fresh hell is this?
  • These puns sure did a number on me

  • Weed and furry rule
  • That O on weed is something isn’t it