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The World of Darkness gets fun
  • They aren't really incompatible in game. For Vampires, a Lupine should be an OH FUCK OH SHIT OH FUCK tier enemy to most parties, either a run (smart) or fight as a team (good luck) encounter.

    Did your Toreador solo a lupine by themselves? Were they a powerful Elder, or the world's luckiest roller?

  • What if, instead of a decade of intrigue, we just hire some people to burn down their hideout at noon?
  • Elders? They've got a ton of ghouls and are probably primogen so you're looking at a real quick Blood Hunt. Especially since their resting place is fireproofed or likely not where you think it is. It'll be dark by the time they emerge from a burning wreckage or definitely by the time they emerge from their actual Haven. Then they interrogate witnesses/ the local Nosferatu and appear a few nights later outside your Haven and ask who torched their house.

    Nosferatu? Likely own the homeless population and have bolt holes in a dozen rooms to get out. Then every underworld person in the city has a fat bounty on your head.

    But the big reason arson in a city is bad is that when you have a dense city of buildings so crammed together, arson can quickly become a mass murder. The Prince probably isn't going to care if you killed 400 people in the process, just that you killed a vampire without his blessing. Your Humanity however...

  • Kim's sister denies North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia
  • Russia

    Greatest military power in the world

    Lmfao Russia isn't even the greatest military power in Ukraine.

    I dont blame Russia though, I'd also buy anything vaguely pointy from North Korea if local farmers towed away half my tanks with their tractors

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Yes, I think I understand your thought process. We seem to have sadly irreconcilable views on how the world works.

    For your sake, I really hope my view is wrong and your plan works out for you long term. Good luck, fair winds, and following seas.

  • "Don't Be Weak and Gay," a Missouri GOP Candidate Tells Voters in a New Campaign Ad
  • "Love thy neighbor" gets responses.

    So does "What would Jesus do" about immigrants, homeless, etc.

    "I love how you ask yourself 'what would Jesus do' and then do the opposite" is a break the glass response for genuinely monstrous statements.

  • Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • Yeah! I want my news media to imply that Trump specifically left out only ammendments 13 and 19 when he left out 11 through 27! It might make me less informed, but more importantly, it makes me more angry!

    Fuck everyone who wants accuracy, they're the real issue!

  • Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • What do you think the Bill of Rights is, not part of the constitution?

    You really read "includes the Constitution and Bill of Rights" and are genuinely puzzled that ammendments 11-27 aren't part of the Constitution bit? Cmon now

  • Political Memes Godric
    Single Issue Voters will save the world!
    Political Memes Godric
    Ya gotta do what ya gotta do
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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