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kn0wmad1c kn0wmad1c
Posts 5
Comments 132
Ye Employees Sue, Allege Black Employees Called ‘Slaves,’ Denied Pay
  • It's the second syllable of his first name. Kind of like how people call Jessica "Jess" or Thomas "Tom".

  • Rule (Penance 6/100)
  • A popular internet meme suggests that Amelia Earhart crash-landed on Nikumaroro and her remains were rapidly consumed by coconut crabs on the island.[63][64][65] However, as no evidence of Earhart's plane has been found on or near Nikumaroro, this theory is generally discredited by historians.[66][67]

  • Trump dodges climate issues, saying, ‘We had H2O, we had the best.’
  • Maybe he's going to use climate change to explain why the swamps are so hard to drain

  • Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
  • The connection from Assange to Russia was laid out in the OP. Russia had a vested interest in skewing and interfering with US politics in 2016.

    There's the relevancy you failed to see.

  • Academia to Industry
  • Translation: GPT-5 will (most likely illegally) be fed academic papers that are currently behind a paywall

  • Texas Republican vows to pass bill on Ten Commandments in public schools
  • Oh boy I can't wait to see which commandments he broke. My bet is on the coveting. He seems like a coveter.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family."

    The piece of shit is being a total piece of shit? shocked pikachu

  • Martha-Ann Alito Condemns Pride Flags, the Left, and the Media
  • Mrs. Alito has a long memory: She complains at length about a Washington Post style section item from two decades ago that critiqued her attire.

    That's not a long memory. That's a spiteful grudge.

  • Microsoft makes Recall ["Recall" is the name of the product] an optional feature on Copilot+ PCs after it 'heard a clear signal' from the public
  • More like after they realized how much legal shit they'd be in if Recall data were compromised

  • Price gouging
  • "Supply and demand" refers to the two-way street of scarcity wherein the less "supply" there is, and the more "demand" for the product, the higher the price will be. The point is, if you want to attribute it to "supply and demand", you need both ends - the scarcity of supply, and a rise in demand. If you have one or the other, but not both, and prices increase, it's due to other causes.

  • Price gouging
  • No, it's greed. They aren't hurting for supply, so there's no other reason to raise costs other than greed.

  • Spotify is raising the cost of Premium subscriptions, again
  • I use YouTube Music and it's pretty good, but the best feature is no more youtube ads.

  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Is Getting Official Modding Support
  • I just want 6 player multi like older Baldur's Gate games

  • It just keeps going
  • Why doesn't the bigger asshole simply eat the other, smaller asshole?

  • It's been around a year since a lot of us quit Reddit, myself included. I'm happy with Lemmy, but I still feel a bit lost online since leaving the old site. Discussion?
  • I left reddit for good a year ago as well and I haven't looked back.

    The only thing I miss are the creepy askreddit threads, but I found that a lot of youtubers love curating and making videos on them, so that's filled that hole pretty nicely.

  • 196 kn0wmad1c



    Is there a way to set "All" as the default view instead of "Subscribed"?

    Installed yesterday and immediately went ad-free. It's such a beautiful app.

    Anyway, question is in the title.


    Lose weight by (shower)thinking.

    1. Thoughts are energy.
    2. Einstein proved that energy is mass.
    3. Expend mass every time you think about stuff in the shower.