✍️ Hobbyist Writer, 🎲 Role player, 🧩 Game master, 🚀 Sci-Fi enthusiast, 💫 Star Citizen 🇪🇺 EU Citizen, 🐧🦊 Linux user, 🧑💻 Professional Software Developer, 🏳️🌈 they/them
Es waren wieder diese Furries schuld, oder?
It's getting hot. Can't wait getting ganked in Pyro!
Get on top of one of those four pillars and then pray that your quiver has enough arrows. Good luck Grand Champion.
Alternatively, also send in your adoring fan as a diversion.
I mean Brodie is a meme sure, but watching a video about it? Nah.
Die Kommentarfunktion ist dann aber auch nur zwischen 7 bis 15 Uhr freigeschaltet?
And that is bad, how?
Innen? Das muss dann ja heißen, dass es ein Außen und eine... Rückseite hat?
Cool. Bahnhöfe will KI-gestützte Überwachung aller CDU Mitarbeitys einführen.
John von Neumann,
John and Adrian Carmack,
Chris Sawyer,
Maddy Thorson and Lena Raine,
Jeremy Soule
Perhaps we could shutdown all AI farms, they consume a lot of power which generates a whole lot of co2?
They don't look like golfers.
Did you get that special venue?
Oh, yeah that would make way more sense. My bad.
Uh okay, but why would he want to do that?
And this is a good thing, as otherwise the Lynch Mob could go after the ones who convicted him of dozens of felonies?
As an US outsider, what does that actually mean?
Crusader Intrepid Nocturne Paintjob
So CIG decided to gift everyone who bought the Intrepid for Black Friday this very snazzy looking Paintjob.
I don't know if you can get it when you buy the interpid over this entire friday, but I just wanted to share this one.
Cutlass Black 2950 BIS can be equipped on other Variants now?
So I don't know since when we can equip the beautiful White+Gold Paintjob we got for the Cutlass Black in 2950 as part of the Best-in-Show Promotion, but we can now in 4.0.0 for sure.
And damn does it look beautiful, even the Rescue Label from the RED is gold embossed!
IAE Academy
I think its a pretty cool idea by CIG to give newcomers a guide to check out various facets of this game with the IAE Academy. Even Freeflyers can use this to test if this game could be something for them.
Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/20284-IAE-Academy-2954#77fdbbe3
Als Antwort auf den Naziaufmarsch nur in diesem Fall allerdings nicht gegen die demonstrierenden Faschos (wir haben ja schließlich auch das Demonstrationsrecht) sondern gegen die Gegendemonstration.
Polizeieinsatzkräfte können mit Resourcen (Förderung, Waffen, Ausrüstung,...) verstärkt werden
oder sie können Verstärkung in Form einer Kopie rufen.
Sammelkarten_iel: Heizkraftwerk
Da die schwarze und blaue Fraktion so gegen Fernwärme bzw. Wärmepumpen sind, können die sich eventuell daran verbrennen.
Sammelkarten: Sammelliste
Dies soll ein Sammelthread sein um alle Magie die Versammlung Karten die wir gemeinschaftlich entwickeln zu verlinken.
Verlinkt gerne eure Kreationen die ihr zu dieser Sammlung beitragen möchtet hier. In jedemfall versuche ich dann den Index aktuell zu halten.
Kartenanzahl: 43
- Atomkraftwerk (!, !)
- Gaskraftwerk (!, !)
- Kohlekraftwerk (!, !)
- Windkraftanlage (!, !)
- Staudamm (!, !)
- Photovoltaikanlage (!, !)
- (!, !)
- Biogaskraftwerk (!, !)
- Geothermiekraftwerk (!, !)
- Heizkraftwerk (!, !)
Halbe-Zyklen: Keine
Geothermiekraftwerk, ein Kraftwerk was eine längere Vorlaufzeit hat, aber dafür doppelt so effektiv ist wie andere Kraftwerke.
Ich hätte sonst nicht gewusst wie Wind mechanisch dargestellt wird als Kreaturen die Fliegen können.
Als Antwort auf das Biogaskraftwerk (https://feddit.org/post/4867358)
Dieses Sojafeld kann das Kraftwerk mit Treibstoff versorgen.
Geschmacktext passte leider nicht mehr auf die Karte: "Niemand nimmt mir mein Schnitzel weg."
So I was just banned from [email protected] for no apparent reason?
So I try to make heads or tails of this situation. I got randomly banned from a community where I posted a youtube video showing something from a Convention. Then I wanted to post a question today but realised that I couldn't since I was banned. That community is sadly the biggest of all Star Citizen communities (the next one would be from lemmy.world)
I took a look at the Mod log and see the following line in it:
So no clean up of violating comments or posts, just a strict out ban.
The community has a pretty standard ruleset:
further, the moderator @[email protected] hasn't posted anything since a year, so what gives here, or was it some other mod that was able to declare the ban?
Would a Mirai Fury fit in the Starlancer Garage?
I've heard that Crewe said, that (it was either the TAC or the MAX) could fit a ursa inside the rear garage of the Starlancer.
So given the Dimensions of an Ursa (8.75x6x3.5) and a Fury (5.5x7x3), could a Fury fit?
This would allow the Starlancer TAC to have atleast two Fury-class Snub Fighter and the Starlancer MAX to have one in the rear.
I would love to be able to pursue my racing career and have my MAX carry me to the destination.
CitizenCon Player Space Station Supercut StarCitizen 4K
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
A supercut of all Player Space Station cutscenes shown during CitizenCon 2954. Provided by RedJay
Running Jade Regent in 2E, what to consider?
Hey there GM here,
i polled my group and we landed on Jade Regent as the next campaign we want to tackle (it would be the first in that constellation of 6 players).
Those Campaign Traits, seem rather important, and every playercharacter should have one to have stakes in the Adventure and relationships to the main non-player characters, right?
What about the Caravan Submodule, is it worth it to use/transplant from 1e to 2e?
Also the Calender Year, I haven't found anything (or skimmed over it), when does the Adventure starts (year and month/season)?
About the play:
We are 6 players + me as the GM, and play roughly monthly in person. We have access to Herolab.online and a FoundryVTT server. My notes and conversion I keep in a Obsidian Vault with TTRPG plugins.
Would love to hear your input!