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GOP Lawmakers in Louisiana Reject Adding Rape & Incest Exceptions for Children to Abortion Ban. Again.
  • Imagine being so abhorrent a human you need rape and incest to continue your lineage

    Fascists are literally unfuckable

  • GOP Lawmakers in Louisiana Reject Adding Rape & Incest Exceptions for Children to Abortion Ban. Again.
  • I sometimes suspect the GOPs reason for doing so, is that once they allow abortion in these cases, their voterbase would dwindle even faster...

    (This is a bad joke, but I would not be surprised at all, if some republican knows this is true and makes a logical, but monstrous decision, just to keep his hands a few more years onto power)

  • Innenminister wollen härtere Strafen bei Angriffen auf Politiker
  • Da die meisten Angriffe auf Politiker, von dem was ich jetzt weiß, von Rechten verübt werden, bin ich mal vorsichtig für eine solche Änderung.

    Hab allerdings die Befürchtung das wird am Ende genutzt um linke Protestler zu gängeln.

  • World Bank’s climate plan: Pricier red meat and dairy, cheaper chicken and veggies
  • I cant wait for some conservative idiot to spin this in the worst possible way. Mixed in with some lies, whataubout-isms and straw-mans for a delicious disinformation-coktail!

  • Wahl-O-Mat für die Europawahl ist jetzt verfügbar
  • SPD oder Linke. Damit kann ich leben

  • Politikwissenschaftlerin über CDU: „Da sind noch Diskussionen offen“
  • Und was ist mit den Jungen?

    Ich hab ehrlicherweise keine Ahnung, was eine CDU jungen Menschen im Vergleich realistisch bieten kann.

    Ein großer Teil der progressiven jüngeren Generationen wird sich wohl kaum an eine konservative Partei wenden, die dauernd der AfD in Wahlkampfpunten nachplappert. Und radikale junge Nazis wählen direkt den blauen Abfall.

    Und es macht keine Mut, dass hier Leute auf den Wahlplakaten der CDU abgedruckt sind, die so aussehen, als wüssten sie sehr viel über Eugenik und versuchten krampfhaft nicht davon zu schwadronieren.

  • Tell me what it smells like in the comments!
  • Just like a regular brand one, because this is just an upsell on an otherwise mediocre product.

    Its like an overpriced skin for a hero you never play

  • Nach Angriff im Wahlkampf in Brandenburg: Göring-Eckardt fordert entschlossenere Polizei
  • Es ist echt immer wieder belastend sowas zu lesen.

    Bei progressiven Demos von links wird die gesamte Polizeibelegschaft mobilisiert, aber wenn Nazis Menschen bedrohen sind alle schon wieder umgezogen und haben sich zu ihren pöbelnden Freunden gestellt.

    Ich hoffe echt die Regierung startet schleunigst Untersuchungen in diese Richtung. Das Demonstranten die sehr offen sehr Links sind von der Polizei drangsaliert werden ist jetzt nicht neu. Aber das selbst Politiker auf öffentlichen Veranstaltungen nicht sicher vor den Matschbirnen sind ist ein anderes Ausmaß an Gewalt.

  • Do ya gotta do it? Do you really? Nah.
  • Just a reminder...

  • Debatte über höhere Untergrenze: Wirtschaftsweiser für 14 Euro Mindestlohn
  • Das wäre ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung

    Jetzt noch den Mindestlohn mit einem automatischen Inflationsausgleich versehen, damit das nicht jedes Mal ein Kampf um ein paar Centbeträge wird, oder FDP und Arbeitgeber blockieren können.

  • Debatte über höhere Untergrenze: Wirtschaftsweiser für 14 Euro Mindestlohn
  • Das wäre ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung

    Jetzt noch den Mindestlohn mit einem automatischen Inflationsausgleich versehen, damit das nicht jedes Mal ein Kampf um ein paar Centbeträge wird, oder FDP und Arbeitgeber blockieren können.

  • Florida’s 6-week abortion ban set to take effect this week
  • First the removal of children from the CHIP programm and now this

    I love to be reminded why having republicans in power is danger to humanity...

  • Congress is killing Biden’s cancer moonshot
  • They ARE the cancer, so its just self-preservation

  • EuGH-GA: Meta muss Werbedaten von Nutzern "minimieren"
  • Danke, wusste doch da war was nicht ganz vollständig

  • EuGH-GA: Meta muss Werbedaten von Nutzern "minimieren"
  • Jetzt hoffe ich noch, dass ein Verstoß dagegen mit einer drakonischen Geldstrafe in %-Gesamtumsatz von Meta geahndet wird. Jede Einnahme die mit solchen illegalen Daten erfolg ist damit in ihrer Gesamtheit illegal und muss eingezogen werden.

    Unternehmen mit so großem Einfluss und Nutzermengen kann man nicht vertrauen sich selbst zu regulieren und es ist gut zu lesen, dass der Staat endlich in die Richtung aktiv wird.

  • Conservatives Weave Anti-Abortion Fantasyland To Allow Emergency Room Abortion Bans
  • The only moral abortion is my abortion

    Never forget that conservatives think when push comes to shove, they will be exempt from following the rules of suffering they created. As long as it is not themselves or a loved one suffering, they will never care.

    Also important: A lot of conservatives see women like pets, whose reproductive freedom is something they decide for them. You would never consult your dog if you bring them to vet for a sterilisation after all, and why would you? Objections of your pet would just get in the way of your decision. For republicans, the only difference between a dog and a women is that one cant, the other shouldnt allowed to vote.

    In the end, like always, conservatism is antithetical to happiness and progression of the human race.

  • Supporting local businesses by paying more is incredibly stupid
  • There is a pretty good reasons why shopping local is better in the long run:

    The money you put in stays local in large parts or entirely and keeps the comminuty alive, paying peoples jobs, who in turn pay other people once they buy local.

    Large companies siphon the communities wealth away until there is nothing left, before closing shop and running of to the next victim, leaving empoverisht people behind.

    The effect is compounding. The more local shops close, the more other jobs dissappear and the less people have. Then they are forced to move away or buy less in general. Other firms cant hold their workers and have to cut down wages, or let people go due to reduced business operstion because no one can afford their services, continuing the spiral.

    At the end of that process, all you will find are dollar-stores and junkfood-chains in your area. It happened a few times already and the effect is well understood.

    TLDR: Shopping local is good for the community, buying everything online is siphoning money away from it instead.

  • China decries fresh US military aid for Taiwan
  • The only risk of war is coming from China, like all things Taiwan

    For a lesson in what happens when you trust dictators or authoritarian countries in regards to security:

    Maybe take a look at Ukraine to get a clear picture of what is in store for you, if you lack defensive capability...

  • Germany legalises possession of cannabis for personal use

    Law allows growth of up to three plants for private consumption, holding 50g of cannabis at home, or 25g in public

    Germany legalises possession of cannabis for personal use

    After long discussion and frequent delays, the legalisation is finally here to stay.

    24 Germany legalises possession of cannabis for personal use

    Law allows growth of up to three plants for private consumption, holding 50g of cannabis at home, or 25g in public

    Germany legalises possession of cannabis for personal use


    Took a long ass time, but at the 01.04.2024 weed will be legal in Germany!

    (I hope posting of news is permitted in this case. If not, please remove)

    Political Memes Ekybio
    Something something Biden bad

    Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top:

    "Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?" [Y/N]

    How it feels to come out


    Im currently in the process of coming out! (At least to the people I trust. One step at a time ...)

    So I would really like to know how it feelt for you when you embarked on that journey.

    Im particularly interested in the emotional aspects of that and also how it affected your sense of self.

    Especially in what happened the moment you accepted yourself.

    Happy to hear your stories!

    "Keep the legs closed!" "Keep her legs closed!": Republicans are mad one of them said the quiet part out loud

    Republicans definitely want to punish women for having sex — but they don't want voters to figure that out

    "Keep her legs closed!": Republicans are mad one of them said the quiet part out loud

    An insightfull article on what pro-forced birth is actually about.

    A reminder that voting GOP and wanting to reduce human suffering are mutually exclusive. The choice is yours.

    Spoiler: Like always, it was never about the babies.

    Old fashioned The Young Conservatives Trying to Make Eugenics Respectable Again

    The pseudoscience of race provides both a justification of hierarchies and an enemy to rail against.

    The Young Conservatives Trying to Make Eugenics Respectable Again

    Unpaywalled Version:

    With increasing dogmatism on the far right, ideology that should have become extinct rears its ugly head. If we don't stop this, a lot of innocent people will get hurt in the end.

    Making way for something new Mitt Romney: It's time for baby boomer politicians to move on

    In an exclusive interview after announcing he will not seek re-election, the senator predicts the GOP's 'Trump fever will ultimately break'

    Mitt Romney: It's time for baby boomer politicians to move on

    One of the most influetial conservative polititians speakes up about the state of affairs.

    Reaping what you sow Neo-Nazis Gloat as Florida Becomes a Magnet for Hate

    As white supremacists from as far as Canada revel in intimidating Sunshine State residents, critics blast DeSantis for his silence

    Neo-Nazis Gloat as Florida Becomes a Magnet for Hate

    Neo-Nazis are increasingly gathering in Florida, while DeSantis fails again to denounce the open fascists in his state.

    His complaicency and disregard will sooner or later be a detrement to every aspect of society and regular people will suffer the consequences, when jobs get moved out of state, investments dry up and qualified people flee for greener pastures.

    War Machine Meatball DeSantis doesn’t rule out using missiles against Mexico

    "That would be dependent on the situation," he said.

    DeSantis doesn’t rule out using missiles against Mexico

    Just a reminder that this guy is a presidential candidate, while not ruling out literal acts of war.

    Not the trading partner I would like dealing with ...

    Actual alternatives to Trump?

    Assuming Trump is legally removed from running for president under the 14th Ammendment, who even can fill his shoes?

    All other potential candidates from the GOP Primary Debate are terrible at economics, optics or both. No one seems really electable, so what now? Switching to blue? Not voting at all? Vote third party? Retry Jan6?

    From what I see, voting red is just not a solid choice if Trump is gone.

    Will you vote for Trump in the next election?

    Upvote: Yes

    Downvote: No

    Edit* Assuming he can legally run

    Usefull Graphic

    *Edit: I checked some of the stuff more out in detail. While some concepts on this are valid and backed up by sience, others like RSD are not. Use this as a springboard for learning, not as a valid source in itself. Yes it says so in the corner already. But spelling it out might help.

    People are more complicated then a diagram from the internet. Never forget that.

    Ekybio Ekybio
    Posts 14
    Comments 271